Showing posts with label Everglades. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Everglades. Show all posts

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Stop Oil Drilling In The Big Cypress National Preserve

A newly proposed project from a Texas oil company, threatens to irreversibly alter the character of the protected area and turn essential habitat into just another oil field crisscrossed with roads and dotted with drill pads. The company has asked for permission to begin seismic surveying -- which itself will require the removal of trees and destruction of habitat on 70,000 acres. Limited drilling is already permitted in the preserve, but this project is unprecedented in its scale and must be stopped. If oil and gas is found, all risks will mushroom. here

Friday, April 3, 2015

Big Sugar supporters hire actors to protest

Screen grab of a Broward Acting Group’s Facebook post offering to pay for pretend protesters to back Big Sugar’s attempt to get out of the land deal they made with the State of Florida. 
The Facebook post has since been taken down.
Who exactly is paying the fake protesters? Inquiring Floridians want to know.

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Big Sugar to privatize Florida's water supply

For Big Sugar, the exploitation of Florida taxpayers is a ceaseless enterprise. Its success is measured in hundreds of millions of dollars. However much money Big Sugar earns for shareholders -- dominating Florida -- it is never enough.With profits virtually guaranteed by federal farm bill policy, Big Sugar freely seeds Florida with disinformation campaigns through skilled and well-paid message machinery. here, more here

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Take Action To Save The Everglades From Big Sugar

It’s time to protect our water by ending the deadlock on Everglades restoration once and for all. What has been called "the most critical piece of land ever for Everglades restoration" could be bought this year, but Big Sugar, who agreed to sell this land to the public in 2010, is trying to run out the clock, hoping you won’t notice.
Sign the petition to the Florida Legislature today and tell them to buy this critical land south of Lake Okeechobee. We can help save the Everglades from Big Sugar and protect Florida’s drinking water all at the same time. here

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Take Action To Save The Everglades From Big Sugar

It’s time to protect our water by ending the deadlock on Everglades restoration once and for all. What has been called "the most critical piece of land ever for Everglades restoration" could be bought this year, but Big Sugar, who agreed to sell this land to the public in 2010, is trying to run out the clock, hoping you won’t notice.
Sign the petition to the Florida Legislature today and tell them to buy this critical land south of Lake Okeechobee. We can help save the Everglades from Big Sugar and protect Florida’s drinking water all at the same time. here

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Florida's First Family of Corporate Welfare

Most Floridians don't even know who they are.  I wish I didn't.  You probably haven't heard of them. But you are paying them.
TIME magazine has called them the "First Family of Corporate Welfare"
John Ellis Bush (JEB), Rick Scott, and other GOP politicians kowtow to this family like no other.  They were a top donor for W. And they are almost singlehandedly destroying our Everglades. Welcome to Keeping up with the Fanjul family of Palm Beach. here

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Florida Agriculture Secretary Adam Putnam

 is aiming to wrest control of Florida water quality from the (absurdly, horribly) weak Florida Department of Environmental Protection, in which case taxpayers will never, ever have a "fair and balanced" accounting of the costs of pollution and why, exactly, the polluters aren't being held accountable to clean up their pollution. This development is unfolding right now in Tallahassee. It is being portrayed as a conflict between the ambitious Putnam and Gov. Rick Scott. In reality, these two are working 
hand-in-glove. here

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Stop purchases of sugar produced in the State of Florida

Sugar produced in Florida does not meet the corporate standards for sustainable agriculture that are embraced by Whole Foods. You can help make a difference for restoration of America's Everglades through pressure on the region's largest polluting industry. Our campaign begins with Whole Foods.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Stop purchases of sugar produced in the State of Florida.

Sugar produced in Florida does not meet the corporate standards for sustainable agriculture that are embraced by Whole Foods. You can help make a difference...  here

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Alan Farago's Great Idea

If you voted, you get a tax credit. If you register a car, you pay a penalty if you fail to vote. Shut down the stores. Turn off the traffic lights. Declared voting days a national holiday.

I'd favor turning off everyone's electricity on election day UNTIL people vote.  Tie it to the phone number on your electric bill. 
No Vote, No Light.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Save Florida's Briger Forest

Community activists with Everglades Earth First! have halted what they call Kolter Development’s “illegal” construction in Palm Beach Gardens’ Briger Forest. A disabled vehicle is sitting in the road at the construction entrance to the site and two people have locked their bodies to it. here

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Floridians Against "Sugar Hill"

Two coastal communities ravaged by algae from Lake Okeechobee discharges held simultaneous protests last Wednesday to demand Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) reject US Sugar's proposed city in the Everglades and send water south. here

The River Warriors were out in force in Ft. Pierce and the Solidarity Fish “swam” to both coasts to join the effort.  Organizations involved in Ft. Myers and Ft. Pierce included:  Sierra Club, Indian River Keeper, Sanibel Captiva Chamber of Commerce, Rivers Coalition, Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation, Reef Relief, Treasure Coast Progressive Alliance, Martin County Chapter of the Native Plant Society, River Kidz, Responsible Growth Management Coalition, Inc., and Audubon Society of the Everglades.  

Monday, September 15, 2014

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Big Sugar And The Florida GOP

U.S. Sugar and its allies are not just interested in influencing an upcoming water policy debate in Tallahassee. They are quietly pursuing big development plans on land the state has an option to buy to protect the Everglades. here

GOP Voters we know you guys like to take it deep so we are still offering a free tube of Warming Jelly to make THE Experience More Memorable. Dems if you don't get out and vote you will need a tube of your own.
Send your name and address to
1 tube per victim, please.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Florida Dem Alcee Hastings, Joins Republicans

The U.S. House passed Rep. Steve Southerland's bill that would block new federal oversight of waterways and wetlands in lieu of local control The measure passed 262-152, with 35 Democrats, including Florida's Alcee Hastings, joining Republicans. The bill, which face resitence in the Democratic-controlled Senate, lets states decide which wetlands should be protected, a move supported by 
developers, farmers and the sugar industry. here
Go ahead and polute our water. 
In Rick Scott's Florida the tax payer picks up the tab of cleaning it up!

Monday, September 8, 2014

The Sugar Hill Sector Plan In The Everglades

The Sugar Hill Sector Plan envisions turning 43,313 acres -- or more than 67 square miles -- of sugar cane fields (me: historical Everglades), citrus groves and pasture lands into a planned community featuring 18,000 residential units and 25 million square feet of space to accommodate manufacturing, warehousing, transportation services and other kinds of businesses." here

Say goodbye to the Everglades if this goes through. It is just a swamp anyway to most of you, even though it is your source of drinking water.  If we ever needed Charlie Crist we need him now. Charlie, save us from this development plan

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Florida Panther: Yes On 1

Did you know 
that there fewer than 200 panthers left in Florida?
The Everglades
 is key habitat for them, and its existence is also threatened.