Showing posts with label Everglades. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Everglades. Show all posts

Sunday, July 20, 2014

STOP The Everglades Walmart


Saturday, July 19, 2014

Welcome To The New Everglades Walmart

One of the world’s rarest forests, a section of Miami-Dade County’s last intact tracts of endangered pine rockland, is getting a new resident: a Walmart. About 88 acres of rockland, a globally imperiled habitat containing a menagerie of plants, animals and insects found no place else, was sold this month by the University of Miami to a
Palm Beach County developer. here
Environmental protection is next to nonexistent under the Rick Scott administration. The oil industry wants to drill in the Everglades. Even the environmentally unfriendly Jeb Bush was never that bold. Michael Hussey

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Jeb's legacy is taking a huge hit

One of Bush's finest moments came in 2002, when he and President George W. Bush pledged a 50-50 state-federal partnership to clean up the Everglades. Gov. Bush did secure state funding. Federal funding, however, lagged. Republican deficit hawks played a part in that. And Gov. Bush significantly undermined his own work when he agreed to delay clean-water standards for a decade. here

The Sun Sentinel reported last week, oil companies are taking advantage of Florida's chronically lax environmental laws to begin a form of fracking — fracturing of underground rock to release oil — in sensitive areas close to the Everglades. Republicans who dominated the Legislature since Jeb's tenure have failed to approve rules to protect the Everglades from fracking 

Monday, July 14, 2014

Ban Fracking In Florida

Recently, the Dan A. Hughes Co. of Texas was given a minor slap on the wrist by Gov. Scott's Department of Environmental Protection for secretly and illegally fracking on endangered Florida panther habitat in the heart of the western Everglades.
Now more than ever we must act to protect the Florida we love. 
Add your voice to the voices of Floridians saying it's time to end fracking by signing the petition. here

Friday, July 11, 2014

The Awesome Collier County Commissioners

Collier County Commissioners 
decided Tuesday, June 10th, 
to stay the course and uphold their decision to file a petition against the consent order between the 
 Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the 
Dan A. Hughes Company.
Dan A. Hughes is the applicant for exploratory drilling in Golden Gate Estates - 1,000 feet from residences and less than one mile from the
  Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge
They are also the company involved in using
illegal fracking techniques
at the Collier-Hogan well
within the
Big Cypress Swamp Watershed. here
There's only one Everglades   

Check out Florida Fracker Ray Rodrigues

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

A Cuban Oil Disaster And The Florida Keys

The scenario is fiction, but the high-level attention it is drawing to a looming Florida threat is real. “The Florida keys awash in Cuban crude. here 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Florida Needs a Plan to Fight Climate Change

The climate crisis 
has already reached Florida
and we must meet it with a bold response. 
Demand a plan from Scott 
that lays out how he will make 
The Sunshine State 
 A leader in the fight against climate change.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Protect Florida Panthers from Big Oil

Florida panthers number barely over 100 
In the wild and can't afford unnecessary, new threats. 
Yet, the state of Florida 
has issued a permit for the construction of a new oil 
and gas waste disposal well in prime habitat for the 
endangered Florida panther. This well would be place 
less than a mile from the 
Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Sen. Nelson asks feds to investigate fracking near Everglades

U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson 
is calling on the nation’s environmental chief to scrutinize oil drilling activities by a Texas-based company caught in what has been described as fracking at a well site in the shadow of the Everglades.......more

In just the past year and a half, Gov. Rick Scott’s administration has granted about a dozen permits.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Florida Pass A Clean Springs Bill!

Please call your Senator and urge them to support SB 1576, and then call your Representative to urge them to take up the Springs bill (which will be amended onto a bill that is moving in the House) and pass it without any amendments.  This link will give you the contact information for your 

  Remember, phone calls are more effective than emails which can easily be deleted.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Florida Is At The Center Of The Climate Crisis

Stand with Bill Nelson
who pulled an all-nighter to demand action on climate change.

Ask Senator Rubio to speak up about sea level rise issues that threaten Florida and urge him to protect Florida communities from the impacts
of climate change.
Take Action Today!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Stop Fracking In The Everglades

A Texas oil company, Hughes Co.
was caught secretly and illegally fracking on endangered Florida panther habitat in the western Everglades. Their punishment?
A $25,000 slap on the wrist from Gov. Rick Scott

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Everglades Victory

Last week the Sierra Club
and its allies scored a major victory when state water managers decided to move forward on a plan to restore water flow across
Florida’s state-owned Everglades.......more>

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

2nd Annual Everglades Action Day in Tallahassee

Marjory Stoneman Douglas
In honor of Everglades activist
Marjory Stoneman Douglas’ birthday.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Fracking In The Everglades

Florida Republican Ray Rodrigues 
of Ft. Myers has introduced two bills this session that would make it easier for this controversial oil and gas extraction process to take place in Florida.
While there are no planned fracking projects in Florida as of yet,
the details of what would be pumped into the ground during the fracking process.
Give Fracking Same Scrutiny As Medical Marijuana