Showing posts with label LGBT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LGBT. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

St. Pete Beats Tampa

St. Pete was one of three cities in Florida to earn a 100 on the Human Rights Campaign’s Municipal Equality Index. Tampa also came out above the state average with a score of 86. That’s down, however, from its score of 97 last year. All scores are based on a 100-point scale. here

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Gov. Scott and Pam Bondi have promoted LGBT discrimination

Join Commissioner Kevin Beckner and ask Governor Scott to show solidarity for LGBT victims by raising the Pride flag at the Capitol June 15 - 30, 2015. here

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

BOCC Votes To Raise LGBT Flag At County Center

Hillsborough County Commissioners

Our awesome Kevin Beckner

Hillsborough County Center - Tampa
Congratulations to our hero Kevin Beckner
btw, Ken Hagan voted NO!

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Local Treasure Kevin Beckner

This coming Wednesday, June 15th, Hillsborough County Commissioner Kevin Beckner will ask his colleagues to stand in solidarity with our Tampa Bay and Orlando communities by doing three things:
- Raise the Pride Flag at the County Center
- Officially recognize June as LGBT Pride Month in Hillsborough County
- Set aside June 12th each year as a day of remembrance for the victims of the Orlando shootings info

Monday, May 9, 2016

Transgender Floridian Catherine Merchant

Catherine Merchant, a transgender woman from the Panhandle, was denied a name change by a state judge. Three years later, with the help of the ACLU of Florida, she won in her fight to have her legal name reflect who she is. This is her story in her own words: here

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Pat And Kate At The EQFL Tampa Gala

"At the awesome Equality Florida gala tonight. Ed Lally with husband Phil Dinkins being honored for decades of work on behalf of LGBT Equality. We've come a long, long way Time to celebrate but still work to do." Pat Kemp

Monday, May 25, 2015

Jeb Bush On LGBT Citizens

Did you know Jeb Bush once compared LGBT citizens to "polluters, pedophiles, pornographers, drunk drivers, and developers without proper permits." here

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Enchanting Creations in Miami Shores

Has been harassed by anti-gay activists for the past couple of months trying to get them to bake cakes with anti-gay messages on them. They have decided to make those cakes should they receive a real and valid order for one (they haven't actually received an order - just harassment to see if they'll "discriminate"). However, the owners say they don't want to profit from discrimination (against LGBT folks), so they will donate whatever profits they make from making these anti-gay cakes to the Human Rights Campaign. hereVisit them here

Monday, March 9, 2015

Show Your Papers Before You Pee In Florida

Using the restroom is not a crime. Need to use the restroom in Florida? Be sure to bring your birth certificate.Florida state Rep. Frank Artiles just proposed a bill that would jail people for using the “wrong” restroom. here

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Fight LGBT Discrimination: Pass the Competitive Workforce Act in Florida!

Right now in Florida, someone can be fired from their job or kicked out of their house simply because they are gay or transgender. here

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Congratulate LGBT Floridians!

LGBT Floridians are now free to marry whomever they love!
Will you join us in saying congratulations?

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Coral Springs Lawyer Nancy K. Brodzki

Says that she is willing to sue any county clerk in Florida who does not issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples beginning January 6, 2015. That is when Judge Hinkle's stay in the federal marriage equality case expires. And, on Friday, the SCOTUS declined to extend the stay. here 

Thursday, July 31, 2014

January 6, 2015 - First Day of Fairness

At a press conference today in St. Petersburg, Crist announced that if elected Governor, he will make January 6, 2015 a “First Day of Fairness” by signing five Executive Orders, including an Executive Order to “prohibit any form of discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity within the state agencies or its contractors — because all Floridians should be equal in the eyes of the law.” here

Friday, June 27, 2014

Florida GOP Danita Kilcullen: Whores Chasing Whores

Tea party activists sent out fliers and emails strongly criticizing 
Broward County Commissioner 
Chip LaMarca and School Board member 
Heather Brinkworth, both Republicans, 
for participating in a gay pride parade. Among other things, the fliers — which nobody in particular will take credit for 
asked if it is "worth
selling your soul to the devil" 
to get votes from gays.
Danita Kilcullen, a Republican committeewoman and co-founder of Tea Party 
Fort Lauderdale, made things infinitely worse by sending out an email version, which began with the statement "whores chasing whores, if you will." Kilcullen said she wasn't responsible for the fliers, 
but her email leaves little doubt she 
embraces the sentiment. here