Showing posts with label LGBT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label LGBT. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Gays, Confederates and Jesus

Anti-LGBT Policies Prompt
Guinness, Sam Adams, Heineken
to Boycott St. Patrick’s Day Parades in NYC and Boston
In our city we do things right.
We also welcome
and Jesus
St. Patrick's Day parade, Ybor City

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Gay Rights in Florida: Progress Is Here

Three Florida legislators --
Democratic Sen. Joseph Abruzzo of West Palm Beach,  
Rep. Joe Saunders of Orlando and
Republican Rep. Holly Raschein of Key Largo
have filed antidiscrimination bills for the upcoming session........more

Monday, October 14, 2013

Tampa Students Protest Homophobic Speaker

Members of Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) protested against Rosaria Butterfield, a self-described former “radical lesbian feminist turned pastor’s wife.” Butterfield now writes and gives lectures opposing homosexuality and advocating for evangelical Christianity. She believes that homosexuality is a sin and that her pride in being a lesbian was an even greater sin. Under the watchful guard of Tampa Police, private security and USF administrators, the protesters stood for the entirety of her speech as onlookers took pictures and gave approval to the protest act.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Legalize Gay Marriage In Florida

Florida Legislators: Bring marriage equality to the ballot. Petition by Matthew Feck of Apollo Beach
Sign Here

Friday, July 5, 2013

Tim Hardaway Use To Hate Gay People

Former Miami Heat player Tim Hardaway use to hate gay people. He responded to John Amaechi's coming out in 2007 by declaring "I hate gay people," But he has changed his views. He was the first petition-signer on the Equal Marriage Florida effort to put a proposed constitutional amendment legalizing same-sex marriage in the state on the November 2014 ballot and has become an advocate for LGBT youth.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Local Right-Wing Reacts

 "I believe the Supreme Court made a serious mistake today when it overstepped its important, but limited role." U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla
"It impacted federal law, not state law. In 2008, Florida voters amended our constitution and said that we are a traditional marriage state — marriage is between a man and a woman. As the governor of this state, I'll uphold the law of the land, and that's the law of our state." Florida Gov. Rick Scott
"Today's Defense of Marriage Act ruling flies in the face of common sense, tradition, reason and morality." Bishop Aubrey Shines of Glory to Glory Ministries in Tampa
"America, and Florida specifically, will continue the debate and advance the truths about why marriage is between a man and a woman and why it matters for children, civil society, and the common good of society." John Stemberger, Florida Family Policy Council
"Courts at every level are definning the social fabric of America" Terry Kemple, Local Bigot

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sit-In At Marco Rubio's 0ffice In Tampa

The LGBT rights group GetEQUAL--best known for its sometimes confrontational protests of Don't Ask, Don't Tell--today staged a sit-in at Florida Senator Marco Rubio's office in Tampa.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

"The 'Storms' Behind Us Celebration

Andrea and Ronda!
Equality Florida and other rights groups are inviting people to the event getting called "Join Commissioner Beckner -- Pride is Back in Hillsborough"  a congratulatory party for local hero Commissioner Kevin Beckner, who helped make it happen. The event is from 4-6 p.m. Sunday at Hamburger Mary's Bar & Grille, 1600 E 7th Ave in Ybor City.

Monday, June 3, 2013

The Citrus Taliban Protest 'Gay Day

Several Religious Right groups are protesting Disney's annual 'Gay Day' at their theme parks. The Florida Family Association has two airplanes flying banners in English and Spanish over Central Florida, warning people to avoid Disney World because there will be people “promoting their various alternative lifestyles.” The Christian-advocate group One Million Moms claims Gay Day “is planned with the intent to expose and desensitize children to this lifestyle by
same-sex couples holding hands, hugging and kissing.”
In their e-newsletter, One Million Moms states: "How would you feel if you entered the Magic Kingdom anticipating a normal day of fun with your family only to witness thousands of same-sex couples holding hands, hugging, kissing and wearing tee-shirts that promoted their lifestyle?"
“Gay Day” at Disney World is EVIL!
Cash is good no matter where it comes from. Walt Disney World merchandise shops are preparing for the upcoming annual Gay Days event at the Magic Kingdom. Shops within the theme park are featuring red shirts with rainbow-colored Mickey Mouse heads, as well as rainbow mugs, wallets and more.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Hillsborough County To Revisit LGBT Pride Ban

Cmmissioners will consider a motion to lift the county’s ban on recognizing gay pride events on Wednesday, June 5. at 8:15 a.m. at the County Center at 601 E. Kennedy Blvd., in downtown Tampa. Kevin Beckner, the county’s only gay commissioner, introduced a motion at the last commission meeting that would lift the ban which has been in place since notorious anti-gay, former commissioner Rhonda Storms pushed the bill through.
“We hope the Commissioners will end this national embarrassment and daily insult to gay people in Tampa Bay.”...Ed Lally Equality Florida’s Tampa development coordinator

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Republican Stacy White

Beware of this man in 2014
He is a Right-Wing extremist  who is a strong supporter of local bigots Terry Kemple, David Caton and former Republican state Sen. Ronda Storms, He is planning to run for the Hillsborough County Board of Commissioners District 4 seat.  Commissioner Al Higginbotham cannot seek re-election in that district due to term limits. We cannot replace one right-winger with another. We need folks who will epresent all the people of Hillsborough County not just the ones they like.
Please Consider April Griffin who is also running.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Higginbotham, Hagan, Murman, and Crist

The goal, is for Hillsborough County to “stop embarrassing us, and embarrassing itself.
“To stop a bully is really easy. But silence to a bully is encouragement. And right now there are too many people who feel the way we do, who are very silently shaking their head at the County Commission.
And we need them to be vocal and visible.”
Those were the words of Nadine Smith, executive director of Equality Florida, speaking at a town hall meeting in Ybor on Tuesday night. The meeting was a response to the controversial 4-3 vote last month by the Hillsborough County Commission, rejecting creation of a domestic partner registry.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

President Obama and the Fight for LGBT Rights

Glee star Jane Lynch narrates this documentary about LGBT rights in America. The video features a candid interview with President Obama, who speaks about the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, why he supports marriage equality, and what's at stake for the LGBT community in this election.