Showing posts with label Miami Cuban Mafia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Miami Cuban Mafia. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Yoani Sanchez: Rude Welcome In Brazil

Small groups of protesters met Sanchez when she arrived earlier Monday at two airports in Brazil's northeast. They called her a "mercenary" who was being financed by the CIA and tossed photocopied U.S. dollar bills her way. One protester got close enough to pull her hair.
At Cuba Journal
At Babalu
 "Send out mobs of thugs to yell insults and physically threaten your opponents."
Wait isn't that what the anti-Castro folks in South Florida do to pro-Castro people all the time?

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Local Views: The Cuban Advantage

Let me get this straight. Marco Rubio, current darling of the Republican Party, is going to be an authority on immigration? Isn't it a little ironic? As a son of Cuban immigrants, Cubans only need get to our shores and are granted full "amnesty." No evidence of moral character (whatever that means); no English as first language.We should start by addressing this arcane and unfair favoritism.
Leslie Sisto, St. Petersburg

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Wasserman Schultz Is Wrong

Florida Congresswoman, and Democratic National Committee chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz told a South Florida crowd the economic embargo on Cuba should remain in place.
It's Time For The U.S. To End Its Senseless Embargo Of Cuba.
The nominee for U.S. Secretary of State, Sen. John Kerry, once held up millions of dollars in funding for secretive U.S. democracy-building programs in Cuba. Defense Secretary hopeful Chuck Hagel has called the U.S. embargo against the communist-run island "nonsensical" and anachronistic. Both men are now poised to occupy two of the most important positions in President Barack Obama's Cabinet, leading observers on both sides of the Florida Straits to say the time could be ripe for a reboot in relations between the longtime Cold War enemies.
Help, end the war on the Cuban people, they are being held hostage by a small group of Right-Wing Extremist in South Florida.
Stop The MCM.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Welcome to

I am VoteForEddie.Com an Independent candidate for U.S. House of Representatives District 25 in South Florida. I am running on a platform of "New Energy, New Ideas". My main issue is securing energy independence through a renewable energy only initiative.

Vote For Eddie
He is running against Right Winger and enemy of the Cuban people Mario Diaz Balart.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

MCM: Mario Diaz-Balart

"I applaud President Obama for doing two things: for keeping the policies of the Bush administration."....Mario Diaz-Balart

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Cuba and Herman Cain

Herman Cain criticizes the nation's "foggy foreign policy," but he's not so clear when it comes to talking about Cuba while he stumped in Little Havana.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Expanded Cuba Travel Begins From Tampa

“Today is an historic, eagerly awaited and much-worked-for day for Cuban-American families and the entire Tampa Bay community. The next step is to market Tampa as a ‘gateway to Cuba’ and create jobs for our small-business owners in the tourism sector.”.....Congresswoman Kathy Castor

Good Work Ms. Castor!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Godiva Chocolates, Nintendo GameBoys and Cashmere Sweaters

What Was Alan Gross Doing in Havana?
Since 1996, a small effort to stick our thumb in the island's eye developed with the formation of a "Cuba democracy program" within USAID to deliver "humanitarian aid" and "information" to "human rights and political activists" and families of dissidents. For years the democracy program's budget, about $2 million to start with, was funneled into grants to Cuban American groups in Miami that ostensibly used the money to somehow promote freedoms for Cubans still on the island.

Unfortunately, program funds were misused. A 2006 audit and investigation by the GAO highlighted taxpayer monies used to purchase Godiva chocolates, Nintendo GameBoys and cashmere sweaters. An alleged embezzlement scheme by another grantee was discovered in 2008, leading a member of the House to challenge USAID's annual program allocation, which had by then grown to $45 million per year. The agency agreed to more closely monitor its contractors, and soon after Alan Gross was hired via DAI to travel to Cuba.

Help, end the war on the Cuban people, they are being held hostage by a small group of
Right-Wing Extremist in South Florida.

(Wearing Cashmere Sweaters, Eating Chocolate and playing Video Games.)
Stop The MCM.

Monday, August 1, 2011

My Recent Journey Into The Abyss

Exposing The Right-Wing Extremist
Alberto De La Cruz At Babalu

On July 28, Babalu Blog posted this.
Strangely enough, Tampa airport is actually proud and boasting about becoming a business partner of the vile, murderous, criminal, and repressive Castro dictatorship. Go figure.

After having to register and waiting for moderation i left this comment,
Isn't it wonderful Mr. de la Cruz?
You make Castro sound just like our Republicans. Go figure.

It was out of joy for getting something so many people worked so hard to get and

my daily poke at Republicans.

Mr. de la Cruz came back with this:
"Actually, Stogie, Castro sounds just like a liberal because... well, you know why."
Wait, i never said Castro sounds like a liberal, and the "well, you know why" contrary to what his little mind thinks, all liberals are not Communist.

Then he comes back with this:
Because you know that the millions of tourists who visit Cuba every year from Canada, Italy, Spain, the UK, France, South America, and various other free countries have done such a great job of exposing the Castro regime for the sham and repressive tyranny that it is.

These are tourists, they have no ties to Cuba but the great deal they got from their travel agents back home. We are family, we go there to help.

Then he ends it with this:
I am not surprised that you are not ashamed. If you were an intellectually honest person with a modicum of shame, te daria pena offering a stale and bankrupt argument. But it is obvious that you do not think that highly of yourself.

Stale and bankrupt argument? Sir, your argument is over 50 years old, it should be pretty stale by now.

Help, end the war on the Cuban people, they are being held hostage by a small group of

Right-Wing Extremist in South Florida.
Stop The MCM.

As the great late George Carlin once said, "Never argue with an idiot. They bring you down to their level and beat you with experience."

Best Of Babalu

On "Odor diverts Mexico-bound U.S. flight to Cuba."
The source of the odor has not yet been determined, but well placed and knowledgeable sources in the commercial aviation industry have told Babalú that the most likely source of the stench came from Raul Castro's "reforms." The expert sources suggested that since the flight's route placed the aircraft close to Cuba, the airliner's ventilation system must have ingested some of the plumes of malodorous stench emanating from crap Havana has been producing the past few months. The Cuban dictatorship and "Cuba Experts"

commonly refer to the mountains of high-powered feces accumulating
in Cuba as "Raul Castro's Momentous Reforms.".......Alberto de la Cruz

Help, end the war on the Cuban people, they are being held hostage by a small minority in South Florida.
Stop The MCM.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Should The American Embargo Of Cuba Be Rescinded?

This is what Americans want.
Yes 67.73%
No 32.27%
Take The Poll

This is what Republicans do.
There is a move afoot to again tighten restrictions on travel to Cuba,

the tiny Communist nation 90 miles south of Florida.

"Considering the pervasiveness of ignorance and bad information on the topic of the Cuba embargo, it may be an exercise in futility to vote your opinion on this online survey, but what the heck.
It will not hurt to at a minimum let the ignorant and uninformed know that we know they are ignorant and uninformed."......Alberto de la Cruz At Babalu.

Help, end the war on the Cuban people, they are being held hostage by a small minority in South Florida.
Stop The MCM.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Right-Wing Babalu On Tampa International Airport

"Strangely enough, Tampa airport is actually proud and boasting about becoming a business partner of the vile, murderous, criminal, and repressive Castro dictatorship. Go figure.".....Alberto de la Cruz

Castro sounds just like our Republicans. Go figure.
TIA - America's Favorite Airport

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

TIA To La Habana

The first nonstop flights between Tampa and Cuba in a half-century.
Round-trip: $399 to $459
More than 80,000 Cuban Americans live in the Tampa Bay area, the third-largest population in the United States after South Florida and metro New York. They will primarily benefit from the new flights.
Thank you so much U.S. Rep Kathy Castor and President Obama.
We did it, despite, the MCM and two of it's top lieutenants Mario Diaz-Balart and David Rivera.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

The Miami Cuban Mafia

An effort by Florida Republican Mario Diaz-Balart to overturn Obama administration rules easing restrictions on travel to Cuba may win congressional approval despite a threatened presidential veto.
End The War On The Cuban People!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

End The War On Cuba

Today i enter a new item in Stogie's bucket list. Ending the embargo on the Cuban people. We owe it to the two generations who stayed and have endured. It has been almost 50 years now, and nothing has changed. The old ways of The Miami Cuban Mafia do not work. This generation is old and passing away. It's time for
Cuban-Americans everywhere to say enough is enough. Also consider this:

"It's time to stop talking solely in terms of what's best for the Cuban people. How about the wishes of the American people, who are consistently in favor of diplomacy with Cuba? Let's stop the hysterics about the freedom of Cubans – which is not our government's responsibility –

and consider freedom of the American people, which is.".....Ron Paul

Fidel Castro had great plans for Cuba, and then he became a tyrant. Just imagine, being able to visit and teach them about Democracy and Freedom. Imagine the Possibilities.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Terrorist Orlando Bosch Is Dead

“As many critics have pointed, out, terrorism is not an enemy. It is a tactic. Because the United States itself has a long record of supporting terrorists and using terrorist tactics, the slogans of today’s war on terrorism merely makes the United States look hypocritical to the rest of the world.”.....Professor William Odom, formerly President Reagan’s NSA Director

Cuban Seals for Florida?

The debate continues: Was the killing of Osama bin Laden justified? Perhaps a rather useless debate since he is now most certainly dead. But despite their distance in time and space some flashbacks insist on recurring. I for example still think about that Cuban plane which exploded on October 6th 1976 in the Caribbean, killing the 5 crew members and all 73 passengers, including the entire champion fencing team of Cuba. All four men directly responsible for this horror had ties to the CIA which, it was later revealed, knew of the bombing in advance.

So wouldn’t the arguments being trotted out to justify the US raid in Abbottabad mean Cuba would have been justified (or would still be justified today) in “taking out” the organizers of the plane bombing, Luis Posada Carriles and Orlando Bosch Avila, by sending in a Cuban equivalent of SEAL Team 6? The two were never holed up in some cave or secret mansion but have been enjoying care-free lives in Florida, with court decisions preventing their extradition to Venezuela, where they were once sentenced, or to Cuba where, it was claimed, they “might be tortured.”

Posada Carriles, after being acquitted of minor pass violations, is completely free. Bosch, referred to years ago by a US expert as “one of the deadliest terrorists in the hemisphere,” was officially amnestied years ago by – guess who – President George H.W. Bush, who just happened to be CIA-Director at the time of the plane bombing.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Ron Paul's take on Cuba

"If we wouldn't have had this embargo for 40 years, Castro would have been gone a long time ago, history shows you're more likely to get rid of a dictator if you undermine his support by trading with him."
......U.S. Rep. Ron Paul

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Obama Picks Blue Dog Debbie Wasserman Schultz

To Head The DNC
When Democratic National Committee Chairman Tim Kaine resigned on Tuesday to run for a U.S. Senate seat in Virginia, President Barack Obama chose Florida Blue Dog
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, as the new DNC chairwoman.

Ask Ms. Schultz about her tenure as head of the Red to Blue program and her lack of support for candidates like Joe Garcia, Annette Taddeo and Doug Tudor. Ms. Schultz has repeatedly said that she cannot publicly support the three Democratic candidates who ran to unseat some of the worst Bush Republicans in the US House of Representatives: Mario Diaz-Balart, Lincoln Diaz-Balart, and Ileana Ros-Lehtinen. Progressives Are Doomed! Obama Can Count Me Out.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Marco Rubio And State Sponsors Of Terrorism

So Senator Rubio is taking on the President's attempts to increase travel to Cuba by placing language in pending legislation that would negate it.

Stop The War On The Cuban People!