Showing posts with label Progressive Florida. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Progressive Florida. Show all posts

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Florida's Next Governor Visits Tampa

With Local Icon Asher Edelson

Packed house at 7venth Sun Brewery

Progressive  force in Central Florida

Jessica and Denise

Susan and Asher

Scott and Denise


Suport Andrew Gillum for Florida Governor

Friday, September 1, 2017

Progressives Party In Seminole Heights





Seminole Heights  Library


Friday, July 1, 2016

Statement From Our Leader Susan Smith

Today the Democratic Progressive Caucus is joining the Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence in calling for a special legislative session to consider an assault weapons ban as well as expanded background checks for gun purchases. It's time to end the NRA's stranglehold on gun policy and to make these sensible changes to our laws.
Last month's mass shooting in Orlando should have been a wake up call for Governor Scott, Attorney General Bondi, Speaker of the House Crisafulli and Senate President Gardner. A special session is needed immediately to address the proliferation of military assault weapons and the ease with which they're purchased. Our safety is in the hands of these leaders, and they are ignoring the obvious dangers of today's gun culture while serving the interests of the National Rifle Association and weapons manufacturers.
Since the founding of our caucus, gun safety has been one of our top legislative priorities. Three years ago, we called on the Florida Legislature to revisit the Stand Your Ground law in a special session. Our calls were ignored. It is our hope that the slaughter in Orlando will finally force our leaders to put safety ahead of the interests of the gun lobby by calling a special session now.
We also urge voters to look at the records of candidates before casting their ballots this fall. Check campaign donations and NRA ratings to see which candidates care about you and your community, then please vote accordingly. here

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Speak Up Florida

The mission of Speak Up Florida is to advocate and empower communities to contribute in constructing comprehensive and holistic solutions to the challenges faced by the collateral damages affected directly by the War on Drugs. 
Visit them here, like them on Facebook

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Liberals Fortress Of Democracy In Miami

Headquarters of the Florida Alliance, a secretive Democratic group comprised of big-money individual donors and labor unions who grew weary of the Florida Democratic Party.
The group has used its considerable resources to push for causes favored by liberals within the Democratic Party. While the Florida Democratic Party fights to elect any candidate with a "D" next to their name, including moderate candidates in swing seats, Alliance donors want to focus their efforts on helping elect candidates focused on causes championed by progressives, including climate change, voting rights and immigration reform. here

There is hope people!
Join the Susan Smith Wing Of The Florida Democratic Party

Friday, March 25, 2016

Florida Progressive Leader Mayor Rick Kriseman

St Pete 100% clean energy

"This is what progressive leadership looks like. Thank you, Mayor Rick Kriseman!" Susan Smith
This is the mayor by the bay that we need to run for governor. Great job St. Pete!

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Florida's New Superhero Jim Lange

Polk and Lake
counties your chance to rid yourselves of your Right Wing Infestation.

Check out this guy:
* He established and runs the Haiti Recovery & Development Co., a nonprofit he created shortly after learning about the devastating earthquake there that killed nearly 300,000 people more than six years ago.
* His stance on immigration, he refers to his American Indian heritage to guide his path (his mother was of Choctaw descent). “Immigration without restrictions didn’t work out very well for us, but as an American at this moment in time in 2016, I am not going to take any stance that says I’m running 12 million people out of the country,” he said. “If we can put a probe on Mars, we can figure out a way to path you to citizenship.”
* He expressed disappointment about Washington lawmakers’ hesitancy to allow Syrian refugees to enter the U.S. PresidentBarack Obama has said he would like to bring in at least 10,000 over the next year, saying he’s confident in the vetting process.
* And,  he supports “common sense reforms” such as removing cannabis from the Controlled Substance act. here
Sound minds in Polk and Lake you gotta vote!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Susan Smith To Talk Policy With Alan Grayson

"I'm very excited that Congressman Alan Grayson invited me, Nancy Carola Jacobson and Brook Hines to attend the Progressive Congress Strategy Summit in Baltimore next month. It's a great opportunity to network with other progressives and talk policy. Thank you, Congressman!" Susan Smith

Saturday, January 9, 2016

Florida We Have The Power

"Republicans must win Florida and woo more Latino voters to gain the presidency 
in November."
"We lose Florida and it's virtually impossible for us to win the presidency."
"We have to have a candidate who can get the Latino vote."

Monday, December 14, 2015

St. Pete Civil Citation Program For Marijuana Offenders

A St. Pete City Council committee unanimously approved taking a closer look at implementing a civil citation program for adult marijuana offenders. here

Friday, November 20, 2015

Words From Our Leader Susan Smith

Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida President Susan Smith has released the following statement:
The Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida applauds the courage of U.S. House members who opposed the American Security Against Foreign Enemies (SAFE) Act of 2015. This legislation would effectively halt the acceptance of Syrian refugees into the United States.
In these troubled times when Republicans and some Democrats are stoking fear for political gain, we as Florida Democrats are proud to be represented by Corrine Brown, Kathy Castor, Ted Deutch, Lois Frankel, Alan Grayson, Alcee Hastings, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Frederica Wilson. We thank them for demonstrating a commitment to American values by voting against the SAFE Act.
The Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida is a chartered caucus of the Florida Democratic Party.
For more information, contact Susan Smith, 813-390-3616. here

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

St. Petersburg, Florida's Progressive City

St. Pete is home to the largest Pride Festival 
in all of Florida.
All but one City Council member are Democrats. 
So too is the Mayor.
The city is taking steps to soon launch a bike share program to eliminate vehicular congestion in downtown.
Residents can drive two blocks in and around downtown seeing public art displayed on any one of dozens of wall murals.
Mayor Rick Kriseman wants to put $1 million into an arts endowment. We’re the No. 2 midsize destination for the arts.
A wage theft ordinance, increased parental leave policies including paid paternal leave and “ban the box,” a program geared to giving ex-felons a better shot at getting a job with the city.
Kriseman even performed the first same-sex marriage ceremony when it became legal this year. here
"We are what we value as a city. This is what makes St. Pete great."

Friday, October 23, 2015

Words From Our Leader Susan Smith

"I'm very proud to be a Democratic woman tonight. (I say this as a Bernie supporter.) Hillary did US proud. I'm only sorry that the tragic deaths of four Americans were used for partisan gamesmanship." 
Susan Smith

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

New Dems puting their thumb on the scale for a chosen candidate

 Today, the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida (DPCF), a chartered caucus of the Florida Democratic Party, called on DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz to expand the presidential primary debate schedule.
"Chair Wasserman Schultz not only made the decision to limit debate among our candidates, she scheduled the debates during weekends and holidays when television viewership is known to be low," said DPCF President Susan Smith. "What was she thinking?"
"By refusing to give Democratic candidates an equitable debate stage with Republicans, she is allowing the normalization of extreme rhetoric that is filled with hatred and lies. Positive and inspiring Democratic voices are not being heard," Smith said. "Much like we saw in 2009 when Democrats failed to answer right-wing falsehoods about the President's healthcare plan, the vacuum is being filled with the Republican narrative."
"We fear that establishment forces within the party are once again trying to put their thumb on the scale for a chosen candidate," said Smith. "In doing so, they are showing a lack of respect for Democratic voters and a lack of faith in our Democratic candidates." 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Do The Math Florida

4,137,890 of them
 11,446,540 of us
Why do they get to rule?