Showing posts with label Progressive Florida. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Progressive Florida. Show all posts

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Florida's Awesome City, St. Petersburg

They have a cool Mayor, Rick Kriseman who hangs out with

Cheech and Chong

He joined the Florida Mayors 
"Freedom To Marry" campaign!
He was endorsed by DFA!
He can sing
(See video)

 A vibrant downtown with thousands of residents. 
A well know Right Wing propagandist (In this case he is right) mention it with cool cities like Portland,
 San Francisco, Seattle and Denver.

Learn more about this great Progressive oasis
in purple Florida here and here

And what do we get? A Right Wing mayor who thinks he is a  Progressive. and a deserted Downtown on a Sunday afternoon! 

Monday, August 3, 2015

USA Is A Center Right Nation? Not!

Don't believe the hype. The American people are actually quite progressive.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Alan Grayson raised $110,000 in 24 hours

Off an email asking people if he should run for Senate.
“You are a supporter. That’s why I send you these notes. Now, I need to ask you an important question,” 
he wrote in a message on Wednesday.
“Should I run for the U.S. Senate?" here

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Send Dr. Alina Valdes Money

 She is a Florida Grassroots Liberal Democrat running for Florida Congressional District # 25 against 
T-Party darling and notorious
 top lieutenant in the 
Miami Cuban Mafia. 

Mario (Fredo) Diaz Balart
(Sorry Frederico Corleone)

Visit her website here
Like her on Facebook here

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Our Leader: Susan Smith

"We can't afford to lose more seats to Republicans by running former Republicans, or Democrats who otherwise can't be distinguished from Republicans." 
Susan Smith, president of the 
Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida. here

“We cannot afford to replace Marco Rubio with another senator who will stand with the Republican caucus more than the [Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth] Warren wing of the party,” Smith said. “Patrick Murphy is wrong more often than he is right. Wall Street Democrats may have settled on him, but
progressive Democrats certainly have 

Last month, 63 percent of the state's progressive caucus picked Grayson to run as the Democratic nominee and hinted that Murphy is too moderate. A poll at The Florida Squeeze has Grayson at 77% and Murphy at 17%. here

Grayson said he's considering running for the seat if another liberal Democrat doesn't jump into the race.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Monday is the deadline to register to vote

Getting registered to vote is easy! You can register to vote at your nearest public library. Click here to find the library closest to you.
  • What you should bring to register to vote is a valid Florida driver’s license number or a Florida ID number or the last four digits of your social security number. 

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Vote By Mail Florida

Hundreds of progressive voters signed up to Vote By Mail on Progressive Florida's new website in less than 48 hours. here

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Florida: A Younger Population Is Pushing The State Left

Florida is getting younger
and thus a bit more politically liberal.
If a stroll down the Miami Beach’s famed boardwalk doesn’t persuade you, perhaps
In the 1970s, about 30 percent of Florida’s population was 45 or older. Today, those mid-lifers represent less than 5 percent of the Sunshine State’s population.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

NOW Endorsement Of Nan Rich

I believe Florida women deserve a governor who will protect their reproductive healthcare options, and do more to fund education, childcare
and vital social services......more
Primary election August 26, 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014

Joe Newman for Congress

A Sarasota man says he has the experience necessary to earn a seat in Congress. At 101-years old, Joe Newman certainly knows a thing or two,
so the centenarian is launching a bid for the U.S. House of Representatives.
Newman is competing for Florida's 16th Congressional District;
 He is fighting for Vern Buchanan's (CREWS Most Corrupt)  seat.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Florida LegiCamp 2014

LegiCamp is designed to be a place for progressive groups to pool resources and work co-cooperatively around specific Florida issues. It was started in 2011 in response to the agenda of Governor Rick Scott and the Republican-controlled Florida legislature.
Saturday, February 8, 2014 at 9:00 AM 
 Sunday, February 9, 2014 at 5:00 PM
University Of Florida Physics Complex Gainesville

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

The Panhandle Has Had Enough

Gwen Graham
Has outraised Tea Party Congressman Steve Southerland for the second quarter in a row, by more than $200,000 and now sit with a $200,000 cash on hand advantage over his campaign.

Help her out here, visit his countdown clock here

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Liberal New High In 2013

A recent Gallup poll now showing the numbers of Americans who self-identify as “liberal” are both growing and at higher rates than they’ve been in twenty years, the party of “no” and philosophies of greed may be facing an impending curtain call, in the face of the growing inequality which is shaping up to be the defining legacy of America’s long and costly experiment with conservative pro-corporate policies.......more>

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Three Amazing Florida Women

Progressive Florida
Three new amazing Democratic women 
threw their hat into the ring for countywide office around the state.
They are:
Pat Gerard for Pinellas County Commission
Daniella Levine Cava for Miami-Dade County Commission
Val Demings for Orange County Mayor