Showing posts with label Scott Shoup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scott Shoup. Show all posts

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Local Bad Ass Beth Eriksen-Shoup

Thanks to The Ybor City Stogie for providing me a platform to share a secret about "Team Shoup." That secret is my incredible and beautiful wife Beth Eriksen-Shoup. If you know Beth, you'll understand what I'm talking about.She is my political confidante who tells me honestly if my reaction to a  political and cultural issue is sound or not.  She is truly the intellectual spark behind Team Shoup. 
We've been married 19 years and I was truly a lost soul before we met. In addition to being my best friend and lover, she is an amazing mother, too. Just ask our daughter Shelby. So, the next time you see us at a political rally, you'll know the secret of Team Shoup.
Scott Shoup

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Tampa Solidarity With Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School

The Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay



Adnan and Jae



Scott and Beth

Nicole and Kara

The ever-present Pastor Meyer and Sean

Sean, Debbie and Beau 



Kelly and Elvis


Michael and Gonzalo

Jodi, Graham, Joe and Gonzo


Blake High School to Curtis Hixon Park
Tampa, Florida

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

The State Of Tampa Politics: Scott Shoup

2018 has the potential to be a breakthrough year for Progressive Democrats. In the aftermath of the 2016 election, we are witnessing increased grassroots organizing by a number of organizations committed to economic and social justice. To name a few : Organize Florida, NextGen, Democratic Socialist of America, Restorative Justice Coalition, Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay, The Green Party, and Our Revolution.  Unfortunately, many activists have exited the Democratic Party, believing that the Democrats no longer care about the poor and most vulnerable citizens 
in our country. 

As a Progressive trying to push the Democrats to Left and it's Great Society/New Deal roots, I completely understand their reasoning. However, if all these groups can find some threads of commonality and help elect candidates to the B.O.C.C, Tampa City Council, Federal and State offices, we could maybe start to develop some momentum of having government by the people and for the people. Because the moral imperative of a Liberal Democracy is to help all its citizens, especially its  most vulnerable. 

Scott Shoup

Wednesday, December 20, 2017

GOP Tax Scam Protest In Tampa

Pastor Meyer




Beth and Scott


David and his dad John




Curtis Hixon Park - Tampa