Showing posts with label ken Hagan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ken Hagan. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Ken Hagan's Sports Complex

Cost: $15 million
County commissioners will consider the recommended site 
at their Nov. 4 meeting. here

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Tampa's Pay To Play Culture

Beth Leytham is the owner of a successful public relations firm in Tampa but provides much more than just public relations advice. Local and national companies alike have retained her services to influence 
Tampa Bay-area politicians.
Here is how it works:

The "Go Hillsborough” project
 The Leytham Group, whose only full-time employee is Leytham, secured a $187,500 share of the deal. It was approved by the county commission, including several members to whom Leytham provides free advice or services. What this blog has been posting about this scam. here

Another example,
Records show Buckhorn and his staff kept Leytham close to his political dealings as well as his official city business. In July Buckhorn passed on an opportunity to strike a better deal on the city’s red light camera contract. The camera vendor, American Traffic Solutions, is a client of Leytham. Soon thereafter, the company poured $10,000 into the mayor’s campaign coffer.

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Hillsborough County Commissioner's Lack Of Vision

To their great credit, Commissioners Stacy White and Les Miller did their best to persuade fellow commissioners last week to spend much of the $23 million the county will receive in oil spill damages from BP on the Jan K. Platt Environmental Lands Acquisition and Protection Program, which is virtually out of money. But their colleagues refused. 

Ken Hagan said there should be no urgency in spending the money — despite renewed development now taking place.
Sandra Murman suggested spending the nonrecurring funds on transportation. That’s clearly a need, but the county has other revenue sources for roads and is considering a half-cent sales tax increase for transportation needs. ELAPP, in contrast, is being neglected.
Kevin Beckner similarly argued that since the settlement was compensation for the loss of tourism and other economic activity, it should go toward the economy, including ecotourism. here
Thank you Mr. White (We might have been wrong about you) and Mr. Miller.

Friday, July 3, 2015

Hillsborough County GOP Corruption

The Fox Guarding the Hen House
"The one essential advantage Dougherty had for the EPC gig was an intensive lobbying campaign on her behalf by influential business and development interests. In the real world, if powerful business and development types were aggressively pushing for their choice to lead an agency charged with protecting the environment from business and development concerns, one might well conclude such naked special interest arm-twisting would be a disqualifying factor. In Hillsborough County, such wheeling and dealing leads to a coronation."

Daniel Ruth on Janet Dougherty's new Hillsborough County Environmental Protection Commission gig. here

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Ken Hagan, Hillsborough County Corporate Welfare King

Between 2010-2016 the Florida Legislature gave Hollywood $296 million in Corporate Welfare, In February, Hillsborough County gave Tim Burton $100,000 to film “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children.” They also gave the film "The nfiltrator" $250,000, that money got the Tampa Bay area eight days of shooting. Ken Hagan said he would push for more welfare if the right project 
came along. here

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Hillsborough County Right Wing News

  • The shady deal between Ken Hagan and Victor Crist can be put to rest.
  • Legendary Right-Winger Jim Norman wants to fill Kevin Beckner's seat on the county board. Will any big-name Right-Wingers file to challenge him.  Our old friend Ronda Storms didn't return calls to the Times, but she tends to lie low until she's ready to pounce. Also beware of local Tea Party extraordinaire Sharon Calvert. Others (Ray Young, E.J. Otero and Tim Schock) also want in. 
  • Corporate Welfare king Ken Hagan wants to run for mayor in 2019. here 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

GO Hillsborough Meeting Today In Temple Terrace

One of our last chances

"Good luck with that," That’s what one Tribune columnist said about Commissioner Hagan talking about a balanced transportation referendum for more options.

It’s a dare. Some think we won’t stand up to make sure we have options. 

We need to make it loud an clear to every doubter, naysayer, and tea party insider that it’s time to work together to create new transportation options for everyone. This is one of our last chances to be heard. Come out tonight for just 15 minutes:
Don't let these corporatist Republicans ruin our future.
If you Dems would of voted Pat Kemp would be in office and we would not be dealing with Higginbotham. No one even ran against Hagan.

Omar K Lightfoot Community Center
10901 N 56th St
Temple Terrace

Rid Hillsborough County of it's Right Wing infestation

Monday, April 27, 2015

Shifty Florida GOP Ken Hagan exploiting term limits loophole

Commissioner Ken Hagan, a Republican, said he hasn’t ruled out leaving his countywide District 5 seat midterm to run next year in his old north-county District 2.  By switching back to his home-district seat, Hagan could avoid being forced out of office by term limits in 2018 and start a new clock — one that would allow him to stay on the commission 
until as late as 2024. here

“I don’t think anybody ever thought about that when we wrote the law,” said former Commissioner Jan Platt, 
one of the authors of the charter.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Hillsborough County Gives Hollywood $100,000

Director Tim Burton's next movie, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children, will start shooting in various locations around both Pinellas and Hillsborough Counties thanks to $100,000 approved by the Hillsborough County Commission. Florida Inc. approved about $200 million dollars in state tax credits over a 5 year period. here

Monday, January 5, 2015

ken Hagan Corporate Welfare King

Film director Tim Burton, who is seriously considering making his next movie in the Tampa Bay area, may be getting some incentives to make sure he doesn’t look elsewhere. Hillsborough County Commissioner Ken Hagan  wants the county to craft a financial incentive package that will improve the chances Burton will shoot “Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children”
in the Tampa Bay area. here

Thursday, December 11, 2014

MLB Hillsborough County Has No Money For New Stadium

 Read how GW Bush  and The Texas Rangers got their Stadium built.
Financially, the Rangers deal was basically about real estate. By getting the city to build them a new stadium, Bush and his partners increased the team’s book value from $83 million to $138 million. This required convincing the city’s taxpayers that they would lose the team if they did not pay up for the stadium. To raise the $191 million it would cost to build the Ballpark at Arlington, residents were asked to add a half cent to what was already one of the nation’s highest sales tax rates. According to attorney Glenn Sodd, W.’s group helped egg along Arlington by leaking a story that Dallas was competing for the team and had offered to build them a stadium. “We found out that this was untrue. Sound familiar?.... more>

Beware of Ken Hagan and Mayor Bob, they are about to stick it to us.

Friday, December 5, 2014

Hillsborough County Corporate Welfare King Ken Hagan

Local Corporate Welfare King Ken Hagan 
and his colleagues are giving 
Good Films Ltd, 
producers of the film The Infiltrator $250,000 to film a few exterior shots in Tampa.

“If we had more incentives, Hillsborough County would have scored the production of nearly the entire film,” Hagan recalled wistfully today.

Check out more of Mr. Hagan's giveaways here

Sunday, September 28, 2014

NO Rays Stadium In Tampa On Taxpayers Dime

$100 million bond to help pay for a stadium
Hillsborough County officials will begin laying the groundwork next week for discussions with the Tampa Bay Rays about a possible new stadium site on the east side of the Bay. GOP Ken Hagan and Mayor Bob 
are leading the way. here
Remember Bush and The Rangers here 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Ken Hagan is under investigation for ethics violations

The charges stem from Hagan's alleged failure to provide full disclosure regarding his assets, as required annually by the Florida State Constitution. here

Does Hagan own stock in Bass Pro, or any company that Hillsborough County has given tax breaks or relocation incentives to? 
Florida Ethics Commission wants to know.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Candidate Needed To Challenge Republican Ken Hagan In District 5

No candidate has yet filed to challenge 
Republican Ken Hagan 
in District 5, countywide. 
Noon next Friday will be the last chance for candidates to qualify for the fall elections. here

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Florida Democratic Party Sucks

May 2nd was the last day to file for federal office in Florida for 2014. Of the 
16 congressional seats held by Republicans, 
5 have no Democratic candidates at
• FL-04- Ander Crenshaw- R+19
• FL-12- Gus Bilirakis- R+7
• FL-13- David Jolly- R+1
• FL-25- Mario Diaz-Balart- R+5
• FL-27- Ileana Ros-Lehtinen- R+2
In Hillsborough County 
Ken Hagan  Dist. 5

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Hillsborough County Corporate Welfare

To ensure that two major film productions make their movies in the county.
The vote was unanimous, but the ringleaders were GOP
Ken Hagan who is backing "The Infiltrator"
and Al Higginbotham who is backing "Seven Hindustani"

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Candidates Needed For Dist. 5

County Commissioner, Dist. 5
ken Hagan is the only one running.
Where is everybody?

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Lower Green Swamp Preserve

Citizens rallied four years ago to ensure one of Hillsborough County's largest land holdings stayed free of developers' clutches forever. This month the county will finally open a small portion of what is now dubbed the Lower Green Swamp Preserve to public exploration for the first time in decades. County officials are planning a
grand opening for the preserve at 10 a.m. Jan. 28......more>
BTW, Republican Ken Hagan had alot to do with making this happen. Great work everyone.