Monday, August 17, 2020

Chronicles of Reddick: Tampa DINOS

Frank Reddick, a Democrat, endorsed Tampa Republican state Rep. Shawn Harrison in his re-election bid against Democrat Fentrice Driskell. HERE
He also supported him against 
Lisa Montelione in 2016

He backed a Trump supporter
 for Tampa mayor

Hitchhiking St. Petersburg to Tampa airport

Café con Tampa Online: Florida Museum of Photograpic Art

Zora Carrier, the executive director of The Florida Museum of Photographic Arts, will talk about FMoPA's upcoming exhibition, Reframed. Staged in celebration of 100 years of women’s right to vote, Reframed will exhibit four internationally renowned photographers who analyze the representation of women and female stereotypes in media, culture,
and science. INFO

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Progress Village Sign Bandit

These video stills were taken by one of my supporters who continues to have my signs taken from their front yard in the Progress Village area. This time, it was recorded. This is the state of our community during election season. A few months ago we confronted an individual who admitted to being PAID to take up my signs. It's disappointing to know that my opponents, whom are all considered respectable elders in our community, tout their "experience" and "maturity" that qualifies them to run again.
Does this behavior exemplify a "mature" leader? Does this behavior bring our community closer?


Local Leaks: The Florida Files

Ybor City Homeless


Self Isolate Blues

Tampa Tea Party Recommends Thomas Scott

Black activist robbed in Ybor City

Florida Wear Red for Ed

Educators and their unions across the country are calling for a national day of solidarity with Florida teachers on Wednesday, August 19. We are calling on educators, parents, allies and unions to wear Red for Ed, take selfies and post them with messages of solidarity to show that we stand with educators and staff across our state. We are only as safe as
the school next door!
Endorse the Day of Solidarity and commit to wear red: HERE

Ybor Life


Saturday, August 15, 2020

Tampa Tea Party Recommends Cindy Stuart

Sky U. White Fan



Aramis Ayala Endorses Melba Pearson

"I endorse Melba Pearson for Miami-Dade State Attorney. I have known Melba for years and have always admired her consistent fight for truth and justice. She is a woman of action. Melba has stood with me as State Attorney in difficult times because she understands that compromising truth for the sake of comfort does nothing but protect the status quo, and it will not yield the progress that is so desperately needed. With Miami-Dade being the largest judicial circuit in Florida and the 4th largest trial circuit in the country, this is not just a race for Miami. This is a race 
for Florida.
 We need State Attorneys who are in love with justice and bold enough to stand against injustice with new ideas and a fresh vision. We need State Attorneys who understand their job is much more than simply processing cases under the law. It is about an honest pursuit of justice under the law. Finally, we need State Attorneys who have both experience in the system and a proven track record of working to protect communities most directly impacted by the system. There is only one candidate who fits that description. Her name is Melba Pearson." - Aramis Ayala, State Attorney, Osceola-Orange County
#Melba2020 #TeamMelba #MelbaForMiami #27YearsIsEnough 

TOURista Mode at the Columbia in Ybor

Tampa Councilman Luis Viera on Voter Suppression

Like everyone I am frustrated over what I read in the news on voting access and the post office. I say it again: voting rights are a holy cause, paid for with blood. Don’t just vote - get ten people to vote, be a poll watcher, volunteer for Biden-Harris and make calls. Today I volunteered with Hillsborough County Democratic Party to be a poll watcher. Do all you can so that we can have a unified “hell no” to what is happening in our country. We are better than this - so let’s prove it.
I will be damned if a nation that just mourned the loss of John Lewis lets 
this happen.
Call Your Senators - #SaveThePostOffice


Florida President's Men

Friday, August 14, 2020

Tampa Police Protest in Tampa

Jae Passmore

 Gaslight Park

What Stogie Had For Lunch

At Gaspars in Temple Terrace

Ybor Rob Downtown

Florida GOP Threatens Hillsborough County

Hillsborough County
 schools could lose 
$23 million a month 

It’s a hefty price to pay, but that's how much money the district could lose from Florida if it chooses to move forward with its current online reopening plan. HERE

Florida Governor BEGGING Trump for Help

Pinellas Sheriff New Covid Plan


Check out James McLynas for Sheriff of Pinellas County HERE

Melba Pearson for Miami/Dade

Support Melba's Campaign HERE