Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

We Are Under Attack On Facebook

For telling the truth!
The Corporate Democrats time is over. They know it. Millennials want nothing to do with their brand of politicsThey are in desperate mode right now. Trying to grasp at any thing they can to hold on to power.
I would not put to much stock in what happened in Alabama. If you guys couldn't beat that disgusting human being you would really be in trouble. You can't be the anti Trump party forever.
Eyes Wide Shut 
Open your eyes. The Democratic party. as is, is only a token opposition to the GOP. An illusion. to make you think you actually have a choice.
Look at the facts:
You have 3 local Dems Yvonne Yolie Capin, Guido Maniscalco, and Frank Reddick in a movement to make a Trump supporter Mayor of Tampa. Ms. Capin attended his fundraiser, Victor DiMaio, former chairman of the county's Democratic Hispanic Caucus was also there.   Their future with the grassroots is surely over.
Also, one way to tell where a candidate stands on the working class is to look at the venue they choose to hold their events. If you can't afford to buy a beer, beware!

Ybor Paparazzi

Walter Smith
Of WMNF Sunday Forum

Free Beer For Teachers In Seminole Heights

Brew Bus

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet Downtown Bob
He is from Jersey 

Tampa Anarchist Black Cross

Monday, December 18, 2017

Dreamers Supporters In Downtown Tampa

Speakers: Russell L. Meyer

Jim Shirk

Jodi Tripp Perlman Cohen

Supporters: Wayne





Sam M. Gibbons U.S. Courthouse - Tampa

David Straz Denies He Is Part Of Right Wing Cabal

In response to a question from Tampa Bay Beat, Straz denied he is a member of the cabal of $1.5 million investors recruited by the Poynter Institute/Tampa Bay Times to bail out the failing daily and benefit from its influence peddling.
Those multi-millionaires identified as investors have enjoyed Times support for their government subsidized projects, personal businesses, and right-wing political objectives.
The seven investors thus far identified are all wealthy men who have given heavily to Republican causes and candidates including Donald Trump and Rick Scott. 

Jim Bleyer - Tampa Bay Beat

Florida INC. Strikes Down Miami Beach Minimum Wage

An appeals court has blocked a Miami Beach ordinance establishing a citywide mandatory minimum wage. 
A measure that sparked a legal challenge from statewide business groups. here

Daniel Ruth And Asher Edelson On Bob Buckhorn

“Bob Buckhorn has been a good mayor of the city. And he is a good man. But...” Daniel Ruth
"I completely disagree — he has not been a good mayor, and if he is a good man, why include the “but” ...unless the two preceding sentences were meant as sarcasm, considering how corrupt and misogynistic the man has proven to be. I have heard stories of this dude yelling at female peers, and seen how little he’s done for Tampa outside the beautification of downtown. I will not be in the city come 2019, but I am excited to see an actual good mayor in the office." 

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Our Case For Andrew Gillum

Tallahassee mayor and Gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum has all the ingredients of a winner: a visionary platform, name recognition, a new savvy finance chairman, and charisma. Oh, and he is African-American.
Gillum electrifies the demographic that is vital to Democrats, especially in off-year elections.
None of Gillum’s opponents in the Democratic primary would be able to come within light years of what he is capable of achieving in a general election.
Gwen Graham and Phillip Levine are old guard and come nowhere near the definition of progressive. Graham, for example, voted for fracking as a Congresswoman; Levine, as mayor of Miami Beach, praised Donald Trump. Both are attempting to reinvent themselves as left leaning to score in the Democratic primary. more

Eustis, Florida Police Arrest 93-Year-Old Woman For Not Paying Rent

 Eustis police arrested a 93-year-old woman accused of trespassing after the independent living facility in which she lived reported that she has refused to pay rent for the past three months. here

Trump Fights Fight For 15

Trump's appointees on the labor board just made it harder for workers to fight big chains like McDonald’s. here 
Want to FIGHT BACK? 
STOP eating fast food! Eat Local