Tuesday, February 26, 2019



For those wanting to stay informed or be heard concerning issues pertaining to the transportation initiative which has levied a 1% increase in our sales tax, the City Council has just published the AGENDA for a council workshop to be held at the City Hall Council Chambers at 9:00am, Thursday 2/28/2019

The Tampa City Council

Tampa City Council Chambers
City Hall
315 E. Kennedy Blvd, Third Floor
Tampa, FL

This workshop is scheduled to address the following item:

3. 9:00 a.m. File No. E2018-8 CH 25 - (Workshop)

Jean Duncan, Director of Transportation & Stormwater Services, and Real Estate Department, to appear and provide a list of potential City sites for Transit Orientated Development. - (Original motion initiated by Suarez-Maniscalco on November 29, 2019.)

This workshop will include public comments of up to 3 minutes per person.

Protesters march outside Jane Castor campaign office

Who I like for Tampa mayor

I am going to handle this by 
process of elimination and expose the obvious.
Ed Turanchik 
History of good deeds, but he sold out the progressive community, supported Sandy Murman, was against the transportation tax (which he could still be correct on). Opens his campaign with Jack Harris and Ted Webb, 
2 guys who built their careers on bashing Dems.
David Straz
Trump Supporter
Jane Castor, Harry Cohen, Mike Suarez 
 and Greco
Status Quo, SOS, Buckhorn 2.
Topher Morrison
Not a politician, fresh ideas, pro cannabisinclusiveness.  
has reached out to the progressive comunity. 
People whose opinion i respect like him.

DISCLAIMER: I am a blogger. I do not work for any candidate or management company. 
I was not paid for this endorsement.

Marco Rubio Tweets Out Death Threat To Venezuelan Leader

Tampa’s good ‘ol boy network

Six of the seven candidates haven’t offered anything new or inspirational -- only Topher Morrison, owner of a small business and political neophyte, touts unique innovation and total inclusiveness.  Sadly, he is a long shot to make the anticipated two-person runoff despite energizing the youth vote.
The remaining aspirants are intent on perpetuating Tampa’s good ‘ol boy network that chains Tampa to third-rate status among the country’s big cities. 
 These candidates include a legacy candidate, two city council members with notably unremarkable records, an out-of-touch billionaire who hasn’t grasped the issues but is convinced he can buy the office, a former county commissioner with a checkered record whose rhetoric exceeds his accomplishments, and a former police chief who was castigated by the Department of Justice for racial profiling. MORE

Reclaiming My Mind: Vibha Shevade

Monday, February 25, 2019

22% of Tampeños Rule Tampa

Only about 22% of the elections voters vote in our city elections, and even less on the runoff.  Literally only a few thousand people decide our leadership. 
Early voting starts today. 
Election day is March 5.

Ybor City Homeless

7th Ave

Tampa Berner Skull Session in Ybor Tonight

6:30 PM
Robert W. Saunders Sr. Library

Ybor Paparazzi

Asher Edelson
At New York, New York

From Wardsville to St. Petersburg

Sunday, February 24, 2019

Our Revolution in Ybor City

Robert W. Saunders Sr. Library

Letter From Rob Lorei

Hi Everyone! 

As some of you know I was fired from my WMNF Radio job last Monday and given 15 minutes to leave the place I’ve worked at since June 1978. There are no words to describe the feeling of being suddenly let go from the place I’ve dedicated my life to.

In the last five days I’ve been busy meeting and talking with hundreds of people who think the firing was wrong. Thanks to those friends, journalists, mayors, PBS CEOs, activists, politicians and listeners who have helped me get through this!

Yesterday I filed the first step in my appeal to get my job back. The ultimate decision about whether this termination was justified is up to the radio station’s board of directors. The fifteen member board will soon decide my fate by simple majority vote. I hope that if you are concerned about the firing that you will write our board president and ask him to share your message with all 15 board members.

We all want the station to survive this crisis and eventually become stronger. We are all better off with WMNF than without it. So please be civil in your interactions. My heroes include MLK and Ghandi who were peaceful, non-violent and persistent. That’s the way I hope we’ll all behave as we work to resolve this awful situation.

Rob Lorei

Ybor Paparazzi


Drunk History: Marjory Stoneman Douglas Fought for the Everglades

John Godwin's Plan to Make Tampa More Affordable

We will solidify the growth we’ve experienced and make sure it continues, while also making sure that growth benefits current Tampa residents, rather than 
displaces them. HERE

Ybor Rob: First Amendment Audit (Port Authority)

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Ybor City Homeless


Florida GOP Matt Gaetz lusting after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz has been slammed by a Florida reporter for his weird lusting after Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. While Gaetz has offered his fair share of baseless criticism like other Republicans, what sets Gaetz apart are his creepy innuendos and constant comments about how attractive she is. Ring of Fire’s Farron Cousins discusses this.

Tampa City Ballet: YBOR 7th Ave

Our Revolution - Tampa Bay

Reorganizing and Re-invigorating the Our Revolution chapter 
for Tampa Bay. 
Join us with your ideas, interests and focus areas for 2019 
and beyond!
2.25.2019 6:30 PM
Robert W. Saunders, Sr. Library - Ybor City

Pat Kemp on Ed Turanchik

Long-standing commitment to the environment and transportation. Pat Kemp emphatically supports Ed. They have worked side-by-side on our cities most important projects. From establishing the high-speed ferry to preserving environmental lands.

Friday, February 22, 2019

The Merchants Of Ybor

Reservoir Bar 

Tampa Bay Indymedia

Publishes independent news and analyses.
No advertising revenue.

(Bay Post Internet On-Line) 
Published by Dr. Gene Webb, a retired 28-year employee of the City of St. Petersburg.

Published by Tampa Tea Party leader 
Sharon Calvert and others.

Published by indepedent left-leaning 
journalist Jim Bleyer.

Topher Morrison Connecting with Younger Tampa Voters

In a Tampa mayoral campaign noted for its bland, good ‘ol boy gentility, political neophyte Topher Morrison has injected vitality into the race—directly challenging opponents, attracting a cadré of dedicated workers, and most importantly, energizing a key electoral demographic. MORE

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Ybor Rob: First Amendment Audit (SCIENTOLOGY) Ybor City

Ybor Paparazzi

Kim O'Connor

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Bring Rob Lorei back to WMNF

 Fire Craig Kopp!

Rob Lorei has been a pillar of WMNF since its founding. His shows and interviews are loved by thousands of people in the Tampa Bay area.

This decision to fire him is not supported by the community. 

We ask the Board of Directors and Craig to reinstate Rob as the news director or bring him back in some capacity to continue his show.

The show of support for Rob has been great. In about a day we already have almost a thousand signatures.
Support this petition

Ybor Bartenders

Lulu at Tequilas

Congress members tour migrant facility in Florida

Ybor City Homeless

Melissa and her adopted friend 

Florida Berners It's Showtime, Again!

'Not Here, Not Now, Not Everglades

Environmentalist supporters held signs in Everglades Holiday Park, to join with local lawmakers in opposing the Kanter Real Estate LLC oil drilling permit in the wetlands. HERE

US media passes over in silence Trump’s fascistic diatribe in Miami

The US corporate media has passed over in near silence the fascistic content of a speech delivered to a chanting audience of right-wing Venezuelan and Cuban exiles along with right-wing Republican operatives at Florida International University in Miami Monday night.

Monday, February 18, 2019

Dems Aim Knives at Each Other in ‘Non-Partisan’ Tampa Races

Candidates for Tampa mayor have been so excruciatingly bland during the runup to the Mar. 5 primary that the campaign has been dubbed “The Big Yawn” by locals.
Not to worry.  The fervor expected to be epitomized by the seven mayoral hopefuls has shifted to their supporters.  The sniping, which touched on what constitutes “progressive,” gender preference, and defamation, all emanates from the Democrat playpen.
The latest dustup pits Jessica Vaughn, President of the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay, against Bryan  Farris, a  veteran political operative with a nebulous political philosophy.  The war played out 
on social media. MORE

NRA Sues Florida For Raising The Age Limit To Buy A Gun

Tampa Hoods


Children Confined In Inhumane Detention Center in Homestead

Tampa Paparazzi

Glen Eich

Teachers with guns: What could possibly go wrong?

Just 37 percent of Florida voters want teachers to carry guns and 51 percent oppose the idea. HERE

Sunday, February 17, 2019

Macie, Director of Pet Friendly People

The Donald Trump of Tampa's Democratic Party

"The Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay released their endorsements.
Immediately the trolls came out.
However, there is one person who defies the 
normal troll behavior. 
Everyone knows about Bryan's abusive and bullying behavior, yet they make excuses for it. WHY???"
Jessica Vaughn
Mr. Farris is right about one thing,
 Harry Cohen has held power for 8 years, 
when did he become a progressive? 

Ed Turanchik Live 2011

Tampa Politics Flashback: Tampa Candidate Forum At USF 2011

Seth Nelson and Jason Wilson
What happened to these guys?

YBOR ROB First Amendment Audit: Border Patrol - Ybor City

HART Riders


Saturday, February 16, 2019

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Topher Morrison and the homeless

Jeff Zampitella said Topher knows, by name, every homeless person in all of 
downtown Tampa.

Florida GOP Allen West Trashes Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

“Nancy Pelosi may be the new speaker of the House, but socialist Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 
is the voice of their party,” 
“Young, liberal, completely disconnected from reality – she represents the growing number of progressive socialists who have seized control in the House and care little for individual freedom or fiscal responsibility. Ocasio-Cortez liberals demand ideological domination and collectivism even if it means undermining the American Republic.” HERE