Tuesday, January 21, 2020

2020 MLK Parade - Tampa

Tim & Charlie Heberlein

Candy Lowe

Florida Dems

Moms Demand Action

The Mayor with fans

 Rep. Kathy Castor

Sky U. White

Commissioner Kim Overman

Orlando Gudes with fans

Donald L Dowridge Jr

Luis Viera

Joe Citro

Tampa, Florida

Florida Senators Showtime

Rubio and Scott, it's your time. Think hard on what you are about to do. Both of you are also on trial. The world is watching. Your alternate reality is collapsing. The Grand Old Party is done. Your career and legacy is on the line.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Rally Against Mike Pence

Thursday, January 16, 2020 at 12:30 PM
The Venetian Event Center - Tampa INFO

Important Message for Team Bernie!

Hello friends!

Bernie Sanders continues to lead the charge on foreign policy, trade, environmental protection, healthcare, and other issues. His candidacy could be a game changer for our country and the future of our world, for the better. He will need to progress through the primaries with enough support to become the Democratic nominee.

I aim to host a phone bank for Bernie when I am able to; considering my demanding work schedule as a union worker at one of Vermont’s most prestigious liberal arts colleges (Bennington College). I also want to run for delegate again. Friends in Tampa & Bennington, what are your plans to help Bernie win?

Perhaps my strongest advice for fellow Bernie supporters is to follow Bernie’s lead, and drop the “Bust” out of our electoral activism. He was the first candidate to sign the pledge to support the Democratic nominee. We need to set examples for how the Democratic Party and the left ought to conduct itself once we have the reigns. I implore my fellow leftists to engage others — especially other Democrats — with tactical criticisms and “Mr. Rogers” level decency. Regarding the former, we need to be assertive with issues like the Green New Deal and changing our defense policies. Regarding the latter, we need to cool it down in our heated discussions with supporters of different primary candidates, especially when we are the subject of callous (maybe online) attacks. The media infused feud between Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren breaks my heart.

It is the birthday of an American hero: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. We should do our best to emulate his lessons of leftist advocacy & turning the other cheek — he preached Mohandas Gandhi’s satyagraha, non violence, as a means to confront oppression. In our situation, we should bring a similar approach to confronting belligerence within our volatile political atmosphere, and utilize love to win the day. We can and should be assertive with Bernie’s platform while treating those who disagree with kindness.

Stay groovy,

Ybor Paparazzi

Danial at Chillum

Florida Right Winger Karyn Turk Social Security Fraud

She gets a one-month prison sentence after pleading guilty to stealing $219,000 in Social Security checks from her recently deceased mother. HERE

Legal weed in Florida goes up in smoke

Sleazy Florida GOP Matt Gaetz

Republican State Rep. Chris Latvala is accusing Gaetz of inventing a sleazy game for Florida legislators that included a sexual scoring system. In 2013, Politico’s Marc Caputo reported that according to the rules of the alleged game, legislators received one point for sleeping with a lobbyist, two points for sleeping with legislative staff, three points for sleeping with another legislator and six points for sleeping with a married legislator. HERE