Thursday, November 3, 2011

Joe Redner's Voice of Freedom Park

Joe Redner, a Tampa businessman and local hero, will allow Occupy Tampa to set up camp in his private park, Voice of Freedom. The park is located in economically depressed west Tampa, about a block from old downtown. Kelly Benjamin said he “got it straight from the horse’s mouth,” as the mayor and city council members have already given him “a firm no” on giving OT a downtown park.

Welcome To Tampa

Expect Delays

Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn on Occupy Tampa

Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn discusses Occupy Tampa, defends arrests,
says city will not allow overnight Occupation in a City Park.

Tampa Epoch

The Streets Have a Voice in Tampa!
It’s a noteworthy time for the Tampa Community. We are excited to announce the publication of Tampa Epoch, an all new monthly street newspaper. A street newspaper is a publication that focuses on homelessness and poverty and is distributed by homeless and formerly homeless vendors who keep the profit from the papers they sell. Tampa Epoch aims to provide the homeless people of Tampa with a legal way to earn an income as well as the opportunity to have a voice.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Awake Miami Bank Of America Protest

March to Bank Of America branch with Occupy Miami and many coalition partners.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Palomilla Steak
With Yellow Rice, Red Beans and Yuca.
$4.95 At
El Paraiso Cafe, 4112 East 7th Ave Tampa
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

Florida SWAT Shoots Homeless Man In The Face

Dennis Gaydos, a homeless man from Palm Springs, was making his home outside of a church in the sunny Florida community without incident until a police intervention changed his life. Gaydos says he was keeping to himself in his temporary home on the church grounds when the Palm Springs Police department SWAT team, dressed in full military garb, shot him multiple times with rubber bullets.

Scott Barrish Anti-Islam

Scott Barrish of Florida, a Republican candidate for Hillsborough Clerk of Circuit Court, has stirred up a major firestorm with an email to CAIR, saying “Islam is not a religion.”
Barrish sent his email to Hassan Shibly, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. He was responding to a Tampa Tribune opinion piece by Shibly that criticized the Hernando County Republican Party for hosting U.S. Rep. Allen West and Senate candidate Adam Hasner,
who have voiced anti-Islamic opinions.

This Right Wing blogger has a new hero.
More at SOG City Oracle
Are all Republicans bigots? All over a manufactured bogeyman.

A bogeyman is an amorphous imaginary being used by adults to

frighten children into behaving....Wikipedia

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Saturday In Tampa

After bailouts and free passes from the government, big Wall Street banks are suddenly being held accountable by the American people.

Tens of thousands of bank customers have pledged to move their money out of the big banks and into the small banks and credit unions that are actually investing in our communities. This Saturday in Tampa we tell the big banks—and our government—no more free passes for damaging our economy.

Curtis Hixon Park
Saturday, Nov. 5, 2011, at 11:00 AM


In Largo

Journey to the Edge of the Universe

Great Stuff!

Brian Blair Endorses Margaret Iuculano

Over the past months I have given serious thought to a Hillsborough County Commission Race.After careful consideration and in consultation with my family, I have decided not to run for the County Commission, but intend to support Margaret Iuculano in this District 6 countywide race.
Kevin Beckner
Democrat, for Hillsborough County Commissioner

Monday, October 31, 2011

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Meat Loaf
With Yellow Rice, Black Beans, Corn and Salad
$6.95 At Airport Variety Store, 4600 Roosevelt Blvd, Clearwater
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!
If you are anywhere near the St.Pete/Clearwater Airport you have to stop here.
Best pork sandwich in Tampa Bay!

I Am Funkier Than You

I Get My News From
WMNF 88.5

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Republicans Shake Down Tampa Hotels

"A crowd of hotel managers gathered in the ballroom of the Wyndam Tampa Westshore on Wednesday expecting a routine update on plans for the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa." Instead, a new convention contractor delivered a shock: Hotels are expected to throw out year-old room contracts with the convention's Republican organizers and sign new agreements with lower room rates.

Bryan David Sullivan And Sean Everett Davidson Of Lake City

Two managers at a local Domino’s Pizza have been charged with arson in the Oct. 20 fire that charred the interior of one of their competitors, Papa John’s pizzeria of Lake City.
Their intent was to increase business at their restaurant.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless Living In Tampa
Tampa Bay Homeless

2011 Florida Netroots Awards Local Winners

Best Local Blog: The Ybor City Stogie
Thank You Everyone.
Best National Blog and Best State Blog: Saint Petersblog
Best Media Blog: The Buzz
Best Use of Twitter: Progress Florida
Best Post: Peter Schorsch
The Rest

Granny On Scooter

US 19 Clearwater


On Fletcher Ave in Tampa

Howard Dean

I'm going to get straight to the point. If the so-called Super Committee votes to increase the age of Medicare eligibility from 65 to 67, it will completely erase all the gains we made in providing healthcare to every American under President Obama.

Medicare is the only universal healthcare program that exists in the United States of America. No one who supports moving back the age of eligibility can possibly be considered an advocate for universal health insurance.

In fact, if that happens, the legacy of the Democrats for the past four years will have been to do far more harm to the healthcare system than good.

By raising the age of eligibility from 65 to 67, hard working Americans who are in their 50's or 60's, and cannot afford insurance under the current system will have to wait two additional years before Medicare kicks in. They would be forced to stay in the private healthcare system - if they can afford it.

I personally know people who are on crutches this year because they cannot afford the hip replacement they need until they turn 65 a year from now.

It also means that you'll have more people putting off care for an extended period of time and entering the system as more expensive Medicare recipients. This could actually increase overall spending on Medicare -- eliminating much or all of the "savings" the Super Committee may imagine they can achieve with these cuts.

This is bad policy and we have to stop it. I will personally not support any candidate for any office that attempts to cut back Medicare in this way. Democracy for America is preparing right now to run aggressive campaigns, including hard-hitting TV ads, against anyone -- Republican or Democrat -- who supports increasing the age of Medicare eligibility.

We've succeed in bringing Washington politicians to their senses before and we can do it again. Because when we work together, we win.

Thank you for everything you do.


Governor Howard Dean, MD
Founder, Democracy for America

Welcome To Tampa

Expect Delays

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Oakland Mayor Jean Quan

Oakland police use chemical weapons on peaceful protesters.
Mayor commends police for Occupy raid.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless Living In Tampa
Tampa Bay Homeless

The Cowards On The Oakland Police Department

Footage from the Occupy Oakland protest, October 25th, 2011. After protesters ran to the aid of a badly-injured person, Oakland Police deliberately lobbed a flash grenade into the crowd. Whatever you think of the Occupy movement, police behavior of this kind is criminal and should be prosecuted.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Price Of Sprawl

For the first time, Florida taxpayers have a tool to assess and understandthe price of
residential over-development. You can see just how much housing your local city
or county politicians have approved, together with the costs to taxpayers,
resulting property value declines,vacancy rates and water supply status --all from one place.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Ropa Vieja
With Yellow Rice and Platanos
$4.99 At Huracan, Corner of Sligh and Central in Tampa
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

The Ybor City Stogie For Best Local Blog

2011 Florida Netroots Awards Run-off Voting Now Open

"I vote for the The Ybor City Stogie. The Stogie is not the most complicated, in-depth site, but it is unabashedly progressive and it is wonderfully local. The Stogie’s ongoing series’ ‘Tampa Bay Homeless‘ has, with its haunting minimalism, developed into the most thought-provoking ongoing series published on Florida’s blogosphere.".......Peter Schorsch

"I nominated the Ybor City Stogie for the Progressive Courage Award. Look at that description again:
Florida politician or political activist who has been a leader on a particular progressive issue in the last year, making a difference in the lives of Floridians.
I nominated him for the amazing work he continues to do highlighting the issue of homelessness in the Tampa Bay area. He does this by keeping what amounts to a running photo journal of homeless people, up close and personal, right there on his blog. When you see these folks face to face, it's really breathtaking. And it is exactly the kind of work progressives should be doing.
And in a number of ways, it is courageous. Thus my nomination. I hope you'll look at the work from the Ybor City Stogie, and I urge you to vote for him."......
Benjamin Kirby

"Run-offs are taking place this week. Go vote for Stogie for Best Local Blog."...... Re/Creating Tampa

Thanks to everyone who got me this far.


1. Proper name for Florida Republicans wrought with greed and corruption who are hell-bent on selling out to the corporations and special interests while leaving Florida’s middle class families out-to-dry.

It’s time to end the one-party rule in Florida.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

American Hero Sgt. Shamar Thomas

United States Marine Corps. Sgt. Shamar Thomas from Roosevelt, NY went toe to toe with the New York Police Department. An activist in the Occupy Wall Street movement, Thomas voiced his opinions of the NYPD police brutality that had and has been plaguing the #OWS movement.

Sarasota Blues Fest


Roosevelt Utah Police

At the Union High School football game in Roosevelt Utah. The Tongan boys were performing the Haka for the team and while performing police officers started macing the crowd and hitting the boys with their clubs!

Occupy The Boardroom

Life gets awfully lonely for those at the top. What can we do to let them know someone's thinking of them? Maybe they need some new friends! We've thought of two ways we can help them with that.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Rice and Platanos
$7.95 At Plato Latino, 205 E Bearss Ave, Tampa
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

Friends Of Stogie

In Tampa
More At
Streets Of Tampa Bay

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Ten Letters The President Reads Every Day

On more than one occasion, the president has cut personal checks
to struggling Americans who've written to the White House.

Tampa Bay Homeless

Homeless Living In Tampa

Please Vote For The Stogie

2011 Florida Netroots Awards Run-off Voting Now Open
The Stogie is in a Run-off with West Palm Beach Liberal Examiner
for Best Local Blog.
Vote Here

Thanks to everyone who got me this far.

Occupy Curtis Hixon Waterfront Park

In Tampa

Friday, October 21, 2011

Tampa Bay Homeless

Meet April
She is a local. She has been homeless 8 months.
Tampa Bay Homeless

A Man And His Dogs

In Auburndale


In Tampa

What Stogie Had For Lunch

BBQ Beef Sandwich
With Tater Tots and Hush Puppies
$4.95 At The Rib House, 2918 S Florida Ave, Lakeland
How Much Was Your Last Value Meal?
Eat Local!

Meeting With Kevin Beckner

Kevin Beckner
Hillsborough County Commissioner

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Voices of Occupy Tampa

On October 15, 2011, citizens of Tampa, FL attending "Occupy Tampa" were asked what their reasons were for supporting the protest. Here is what they said...

Florida Netroots Awards Nominee

Re/Creating Tampa
Best Ongoing Series: Across the Tampa Blogosphere
Visit here. Vote here.

Local Beauty

In Tarpon Springs