Sunday, March 9, 2014

Protest Bar On Free Speech: Florida Rabbi, Bruce Warshal

Open Hillel movement banned all liberal Jews who love Israel but disagree with the current
Netanyahu government....more

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Ybor Paparazzi

Tazz visiting Ybor from Michigan with Gaby from Mace Multimedia.

Crackercide In Boca Raton

Florida KKK: Mr. Hayes
Is upsetting neighbors by flying the usual combination of the Confederate and KKK flags outside his mobile home along with a “Members Wanted” sign......more

Moral Monday Rally At Florida State Capitol

More than 200 people from Jacksonville, Orlando and Miami met at the steps of The Old Capitol in Tallahassee for Florida’s first Moral Monday rally, March 3. The rally was modeled after the giant Moral Monday rallies in North Carolina. Moral Mondays are a response to the North Carolina General Assembly’s extreme right-wing attacks on working people, women, immigrants and African Americans. Facing the Florida legislature's equally extreme right-wing politicians and Republican Governor Rick Scott, protesters demanded a state government committed to justice for working
and oppressed people.......more>

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Moro and Yuca at Pipos in Town n' County
Been eating here since 1980

Friday, March 7, 2014

Will Weatherford: Fuck The Poor

According to his father,
the family accepted more than $100,000 in Medicaid dollars to pay the bills of Weatherford’s cancer-stricken 13-month-old brother,
who died in 1995.
 Weatherford has refused to consider having Florida accept $51.3 billion in Medicaid funds. Weatherford has vowed that no bill for increased Medicaid dollars will pass through the Florida House of Representatives. There are currently 3.3 million uninsured in Florida.

  Floridians are still getting taxed for Medicaid.
Regardless of whether or not they receive the benefits.
 once again making the poor suffer for GOP policies.
Wake Up Pasco County!

Ybor Surveillance

Peds Rule In Ybor City

Farid Khavari: Independent Candidate For Florida Governor

Sick of the GOP and the Dems? Check out this guy.
He supports Medical Marijuana, and thinks Legalization should follow.

Welcome To Florida

Two new billboards in Florida call out Governor Scott for not fighting to expand Medicaid and keeping more than 763,000 Floridians from accessing health

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Ybor Paparazzi: Tampa Legend Joe Redner

Still Fighting,
Awake The State Rally, Centennial Park,Ybor City

Hillsborough County Corporate Welfare

To ensure that two major film productions make their movies in the county.
The vote was unanimous, but the ringleaders were GOP
Ken Hagan who is backing "The Infiltrator"
and Al Higginbotham who is backing "Seven Hindustani"

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Meat Lovers Skillet
At Mama's Kitchen on Florida Ave. in Tampa.

Rick Scott 2012 Plan To Sell Out The Poor

Thanks to Scott’s reckless choices,
the federal government intends to penalize the state
by withholding a portion of its Medicaid funding,
once again making the poor suffer for GOP policies.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Spread the Word to End the Word

Our annual day of awareness is upon us!
Make sure you have all the resources you need to end the R-word on 03.05.14! Get the resources

Awake The State Rally In Ybor City

Tallahassee Police Hide Use of Cell Phone Tracker From Courts

It appears that at least one police department in Florida has failed to tell judges about its use of a cell phone tracking device because the department got the device on loan and promised the manufacturer to keep it all under wraps. So the ACLU and ACLU of Florida have teamed up to break through the veil of secrecy surrounding stingray use by law enforcement in the Sunshine State......more>

Patrick Coulton Of Mirama, Florida

 Was busted 6 years ago with smuggling cocaine and marijuana into the United States.
His family hired the two attorneys
Peter Mayas and Emmanuel Roy
They ripped him off and left him to rot in jail. Now he lives in their house.
here, We love happy endings.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Ready For Florida's Blue Revolution?

Angela Corey Seeks 60-Year Sentence for Marissa Alexander

Florida State Attorney Angela Corey
announced on March 1, 2014, that her office is seeking a maximum 60-year sentence in the retrial of Marissa Alexander, beginning in late July.....more>

Academic Huckster: MaryEllen Elia

Hillsborough County School Board Meetings
The most entertaining show in town

Florida's Culture Of Corruption

Scott is running Florida like a business, doing business with his friends
 "Before the Legislature convenes in Tallahassee next Tuesday, Coral Gables healthcare tycoon Miguel B. 'Mike' Fernandez will host a Sunday afternoon BBQ with Gov. Rick Scott, his wife Ann, and key members of the governor’s campaign finance team."
Fernandez, chairman of MBF Healthcare Partners, is more than Scott’s friend. He’s also a huge contributor to his re-election campaign and the owner or co-owner of fast-growing healthcare companies that under Scott’s administration have been awarded multiple, multi-year state contracts potentially worth hundreds of millions of dollars........more

Monday, March 3, 2014

Awake The State in Ybor City 3.4.14

Why Joe Newman Is Running For U.S. Congress

Tallahassee Pay-To-Play Culture: MacDill Air Force Base

Jonathan Hage sat on Gov. Rick Scott's education transition team.
He and his company, Charter Schools USA,
Have given more than $100,000
to Scott's Let's Get To Work fund and the state Republican Party.
Now it appears it was Scott — or someone very close to him — who suggested
Charter Schools USA run a school at MacDill Air Force Base.
Meeting minutes obtained by the Hillsborough County School District, which opposes the school, describe the origin of a plan that is at the heart of a
battle before the Florida Board of Education.....more>

Meals on Wheels of Tampa

Sunday, March 2, 2014

why Tampa Is Amazing

History Bike Tampa celebrates one-year anniversary
Founder Eric Turner talks cemeteries, discovering your city,
and why Tampa is amazing......more>

Florida Led World In Shark Attacks In 2013

Top-Ten Most Mmiserable States Are Red

10. Louisiana
9. Oklahoma
8. Missouri

7. Tennessee
6. Arkansas
5. Ohio

4. Alabama
3. Mississippi

2. Kentucky
1. West Virginia, here

Rescued Florida Panther Kitten

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Hillsborough County's 2014 Homeless Count

Volunteers had a tough time Thursday as they fanned out in an attempt to tally every homeless person in Hillsborough County......more

Tegu Lizards Invade Riverview

The Tampa Bay area seems to be a fertile breeding ground for an exotic lizard that wildlife officials want to keep from becoming the state's next invasive species problem.
More than 100 black-and-white tegu lizards have been spotted in Hillsborough County, mostly in an area south of Riverview......more

The lizards are native to Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina,
and they are an invasive species in Florida.

Modern-Day Lepers" Living in a Remote Florida Town

Life Without Parole For Marijuana

Clemency to Jeff Mizanskey
My father Jeff Mizanskey has been in prison for 20 years and has no possibility of parole.
For non-violent, marijuana-only offenses, my father has been sentenced to die in prison because of a "three strikes" mandatory sentencing policy in the State of Missouri.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Fake or Florida - Late Night with Seth Meyers

Gator’s Dockside In Central Florida

Patriotic’ Owners Adding Obamacare Surcharge to Bills

What Pigs And Pot Have In Common In Florida

Judge John Galluzo Of Seminole County

Was forced to return a Glock pistol and a rifle to a blind man who won immunity for killing another man under the state's "stand your ground" law.....more
"I have to return property that was taken under the circumstance," the judge said. "I have researched and haven't found case law to say otherwise."

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Shitty Cape Coral, Florida

The fight of Cape Coral resident Robin Speronis to live “off the grid”
has escalated,
the city has capped her access to the sewer so she can no longer use it.
 It’s a move she calls, “pure evil.”......more
A Porta-Potty place down there should help her out.

They Profit - David Jolly

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Bandeja paisaat Brisas Del Valle  7532 N.Armenia Ave. Tampa 

Rep. Alan Grayson: Ted Cruz Is Trying to 'Hasten the Apocalypse'

He was in Sarasota to receive the 'Statesman of the Year' award from
The Republican Party of
Sarasota County 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Awake The State - Ybor City

Centennnial Park Ybor City
Tuesday, March 4, 4:00 PM

Deland Florida's Vehicular Homicide Petition to the Chief of Police

2013 Conservative All-Stars of the Florida State Legislature

 Ahern Albritton Baxley Bileca Boyd Broxson Coley Combee Crisafulli Cummings Davis J. Diaz M. Diaz Eagle Fitzenhagen Fresen Gaetz Grant Holder Hudson Ingram La Rosa Magar Mc Burney Metz Moraitis, Jr. Nelson Passidomo Patronis Perry Pigman Pilon Porter Precourt Raburn Raulerson Renuart Roberson Rodrigues Rooney Schenck Smith Spano Steube Stone Weatherford Wood Workman Young more


Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Florida Cop Attacks Woman For Recording Traffic Stop

Florida: The Two State Solution

The folks over at The League of the South have started a Petition Calling for Independence for the State of Florida. They have even put a Billboard up in Tallahassee. We here at the Stogie have a better idea, lets draw a line across the state and they can have the northern half. You know what they say,
"The further north you go in Florida the further south you are."

Rick Scott's Corporate Welfare

Rick Scott once turned down billions in federal money to bring high speed rail to Florida. Now he wants to give "Florida East Coast Railway" hundreds of millions of our dollars to do the same thing.

Lopsided Income Growth In Florida

The nonpartisan Economic Policy Institute released
 “The Increasingly Unequal States of America”,
with a dedicated section called “Lopsided income Growth in Florida“.
The wide-ranging 120-page report paints a very different picture of the state of the state of Florida than the one that Gov. Rick Scott and other Republican legislators are painting as they seek reelection this year.


Sunday, February 23, 2014

Tampa Bay Inequality For All Watch Parties

Join us as we watch Robert Reich's award-winning film, "Inequality for All" at Watch Parties happening in communities across Tampa Bay and America. Secretary Reich will also join us for a special conference call to change the conversation on income inequality. info