Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Local Artist : Dante Hadley

Portraits of the Artist 

or how I've seen myself over the years.

Rick Scott Is A Fraud

Completing a weekend that 
kicked off the Governor’s 
Race in the crucial 
Tampa Bay area,
former Gov. Charlie Crist roused a crowd of Democrats on his home turf in 
Pinellas County 
Saturday by telling them Gov. Rick Scott 
is “a fraud.”

Tampa Bay Under Surveillance

The Stogie Party

Save the Internet Rally In Tampa

Tampa FCC Office
 4010 W. Boy Scout Blvd.  Tampa
  Friday, May 15th, 12:00 PM
Let's keep the momentum going!
Please sign up for this gathering right away!      

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Rick Scott Promised Jobs. He Broke His Promise.

The Gulf Belongs To All Of Us

 It always has and it always should.
Fresh, local seafood is important to our economy,
 our heritage and our way of life along the Gulf.
Let’s keep it that way.

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Wings At Hooters, John's Pass
Our Awesome Server Sabrina With Fan.

Scumbag Of The Month: Allen West

Usually, the Scumbag award 
is for a single day but this is simply a 
new low in scumbagginess for
Allen West. 
And that’s really saying something:
Are we witnessing an Obama “Wag the Dog” moment with Boko Haram in Nigeria? I say yes.

Monday, May 12, 2014

heartless Daytona Beach

Today, when we were feeding 100 plus people in Manatee Park, Daytona Beach. FL, we had quite an experience. We had 5 Daytona Beach Police Officers on the scene, their excuse??? and I quote, "WE ARE LOOKING FOR A WHITE GUY"....yep, that was there excuse to come and shut us down for "FEEDING THE HOMELESS"!!!
Check us out on Facebook

Florida Allows Rapists to Sue Their Victims for Custody or Visitation Rights

Grayson on Benghazi: The Scandal That Never Was

Great Job Mr. Grayson not getting involved in this sham.
"Unemployment is down to 6.3 percent. We now have access to health care.
 Our economy is slowly rising. The stock market is at an all-time high.
Do we continue to build on these issues, or do we go back to Benghazi."
Richard Gentile, Tampa

Caution Tampa Bay

The Hazards Of Living Here!

Could GOP soon be the minority party in Florida?

The “Californication” of
Florida politics?
The Republican Party is increasingly becoming the white party, and that poses a political dilemma in a state and nation where the white percentage is on decline and the minorities are rapidly growing.

Pirates Invade John's Pass

John LeVique Pirate Days

Science-Denying Idiot Marco Rubio

Become A Marijuana Freedom Fighter

Vote 11.4.14
Join Kush Liberty
High And Proud

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Allison Tant Must Go

With only six months left until the general election, 
Allison Tant 
is having a hard time recruiting candidates, 
calling into question her ability to lead 
Florida Democrats.
The Florida Democratic Party chairwoman assumed that position in January 2013, promising to “out-raise, out-organize, and outwork the GOP” across Florida. But it simply hasn’t happened.

Florida GOP John Mica Waves A 'Fake' Joint At Hearing

Colonel Ed Jany For Congress

GOP BS: 12 Attacks On U.S. Embassies Happened On George W. Bush’s Watch

  1. Calcutta, India; January 22, 2002 – Five killed at the U.S. Consulate.
  2. Karachi, Pakistan; June 14, 2002 – 12 killed, 51 injured at U.S. Consulate.
  3. Islamabad, Pakistan; February 28, 2003 – Two killed at the U.S. Embassy.
  4. Riyadh, Saudi Arabia; May 12, 2003 – 36 killed, nine of them Americans, at the U.S. diplomatic compound.
  5. Tashkent, Uzbekistan; July 30, 2004 – Two killed at the U.S. Embassy.
  6. Jeddah, Saudi Arabia; December 6, 2004 – Nine killed at the U.S. Consulate.
  7. Karachi, Pakistan; March 2, 2006 – Four killed, including U.S. diplomat David Foy, at the U.S. Consulate. (Note that this is the second fatal attack on the Consulate in 4 years. Where was the extra security? Oh, right. There was none. Mr. Foy was directly targeted in this attack but we never heard a peep from anyone on the right about it.)
  8. Damascus, Syria; September 12, 2006 – Four killed, 13 wounded at U.S. Embassy.
  9. Athens, Greece; January 12, 2007 – Thankfully empty U.S. Embassy targeted with an anti-tank grenade (which landed in the Ambassador’s office).
  10. Sana’a, Yemen; March 18, 2008 – 13 schoolchildren are injured when a mortar misses the U.S. Embassy and hits a nearby school. (Brown children are just collateral damage to the right).
  11. Istanbul, Turkey; July 9, 2008 – Six killed at the U.S. Consulate.
  12. Sana’a, Yemen; September 17, 2008 – Sixteen killed (including a newlywed couple) at the U.S. Embassy. The second attack in 7 months. No cries for extra security here, either.
  13. more

What Stogie Had For Lunch

With Black Beans and Yellow Rice

Beverly Ledbetter for the Florida House of Representatives District 38

Our District deserves someone who knows both the people and the issues facing Eastern Pasco County.  
As a Dade City resident since 1973,
 I have raised a family here, 
taught in the Pasco County school system, 
and worked to make our community a better place. I am invested in our community and committed to the citizens of our district.  My motivation is to serve you – not to use this seat as a springboard for another political office.  I really love East Pasco and want to move us forward by serving you in the Florida House of Representatives.
Check her out here

We are sending 
Will Weatherford 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Florida Vote Yes On 1

Florida's Culture Of Corruption Is About To Kill Florida Micro-Breweries

Florida's Culture Of Corruption
The Florida Wholesale Beer Association 
has helped to craft a law that will restrict how micro-brewries sell beer. The Florida State Senate just passed SB 1714, a bill which was crafted and supported by florida wholesale beer association.

City Of Deerfield Beach Has Declared War On Satan

I just want equal billing. 
We allow various religious nutjobs to give a prayer. 
They pray to Jesus who is make-believe, god who is make-believe, 
Why not Satan who is make-believe? 
Why discriminate against one make-believe god over another? Satan and I are being circumvented. The city of Deerfield Beach has once again declared war on religion — 
and this time it’s Satanism.”
Chaz, don't be picking on Jesus! 

Mark Nash for Hillsborough County Commission

My unique connections to Hillsborough County, 
successful business background and passion for our community would be an effective combination for better results in local county government. 
I know our community, 
I know our county and I am prepared to lead.

Florida Ranks 44th In Teachers Pay

 The great work our teachers do, 
But the lack of support they get from our legislature in Tallahassee.
Unfortunately Tallahassee’s got it all wrong.  Florida is ranked 44th in classroom teacher pay; and instead of supporting our teachers, 
Tallahassee politicians 
have gutted education funding.......more>

Friends Of Stogie

My conservative friends
At Florida Lanes in Tampa

Psychopathic Killer Kim Jong-il

Kim Jong-il
Cult of personality
LEADER world's most repressive COUNTRY
 200,000 political prisoners
 No freedom of the press
religion, political opposition 
or equal education
Learn more about this monster
living among us here  

Florida GOP: Glo Smith

Outback Steakhouse One Of The Most Republican company in America

93 Percent Donations To GOP

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Florida Whiz Kid Grace Bush

Just achieved a rare feat by not only graduating from college at 16, but also doing it before 
graduating high school!

Stop the corporate takeover of the Internet

We only have until May 15 
To convince FCC Chair Tom Wheeler to withdraw plans to allow the corporate takeover of the Internet and an end to Net Neutrality. 
Make a call today

Tampa Bay Inaugural Give Day Raises $1 Million In A Single Day

Businesses That Bribed Republicans To Vote Down Minimum Wage Bill!

  • DineEquity (Applebee’s and IHOP)
  • Home Depot
  • Marriot International
  • Dairy Queen
  • Rite Aid
  • National Retail Federation
  • National Association of Truck Stop Operators
  • Employment Policies Institute
  • National Federation of Independent Business
  • more

Ybor Paparazzi

Gaby of Mace Multimedia at Bernini 

Dave Koller For U.S. Congress

The People's Candidate
Socially Progressive
Fiscally Responsible

Protect Florida Panthers from Big Oil

Florida panthers number barely over 100 
In the wild and can't afford unnecessary, new threats. 
Yet, the state of Florida 
has issued a permit for the construction of a new oil 
and gas waste disposal well in prime habitat for the 
endangered Florida panther. This well would be place 
less than a mile from the 
Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

WMNF Tropical Heatwave 2014

Weekend wristbands are only $40, 
and single day tickets are now available: 

Alan Grayson: Republicans Want You To Die

Spark the Vote! Kush Liberty

Be a Freedom Fighter! 
Kush Liberty arms you with the tools and resources you need to become an active member in the 
free the weed movement.