Tuesday, March 12, 2019

TECO Revolt in Riverview

The Judge 

Commissioner Pat Kemp

Commissioner Mariella Smith

Topher Morrison

TECO Lawyers

Riverview, Florida

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Ybor Paparazzi

Fellow Photographers  Frank and Debi

Lenny For Tampa Mayor Endorsements 2

The Citrus Taliban in Ybor

Honey Pot - 7th Ave

Tampa What Democracy Doesn't Look Like


Smell the flowers
Feel the wind dance on your skin
Taste the pureness of an approaching rain
And always, always
Stop to listen to the music

Ybor History

W. T. Grant or Grants was a United States-based chain of mass-merchandise stores founded by William Thomas Grant that operated from 1906 until 1976. The stores were generally of the variety store format located in downtowns. more

Saturday, March 9, 2019

Breaking: Shooting in Ybor

"Police are continuing to search for a shooting suspect after a shooting early this morning in Centro Ybor near the Muvico theatre in Tampa. 
Tampa Police say a person attempted to shoplift cigarettes from the 7-11 on 7th Avenue when one of the two clerks working chased down the suspect for over a block when the two got into a confrontation in front of the Muvico.
Police say the clerk was shot in the lower body area and was transported with non-life threatening injuries to an area hospital. 
Tampa Police need your help locating the suspect he is described as a black male, 40-50 years of age, 5'10 - 6 ft, wearing a black red and yellow styled cap, black jacket, and black pants. The suspect was last seen riding a bike."
Story HERE

Remember, Woman

Lenny For Tampa Mayor Endorsements

The Merchants Of Ybor

New York New York Pizza
1512 E 7th Ave, Ybor City

Visit them HERE

Tampa's Reluctance to Change

Tampa Hoods

Ybor City

Thursday, March 7, 2019

Ybor Paparazzi

The Fearsome Foursome

Lenny For Tampa Mayor TV #1

The Merchants Of Ybor: Cigar City Barbershop

Nicole Rosario

Visit them here

City Elections Reflect Tampa’s Apathy, Resistance to Change

Tampa voters are satisfied residing in a large city with no national identity, an out-migration of tech-savvy, well-educated Millennials, a below-average public education system, and an eight-year stream of negative 
national headlines. 
The City Council races also reflected the city’s reluctance to change. Longtime City Councilman Charlie Miranda, who has served without distinction for decades, received 57 percent of the vote against two challengers.  One of them, John Godwin,  enumerated innovative programs for transit, the environment, housing, and a culture of inclusiveness 
to no avail.

TECO Fracking Tampa Bay

Hillsborough County Bureaucratic Bull Shit

Today many of us in Hillsborough County Florida attended the County Commissioners meeting. Going into this meeting I had some high hopes of receptive commissioners that had a little bit of heart and compassion. Leaving the meeting I now feel that we have real issues with a totally disconnected board of county commissioners that have not only a double standard but also suffer from a "holier than thou" syndrome. The main purpose of our visit to this meeting was to get some type of action or assistance with the abuse of power shown and flexed by HCSO in regards to the undercover deputy, Philip J. Montesi, that hit and killed Josiah Pinner on
 January 11th of 2019.
Today we witnessed County commissioners laughing at people that were standing up to address their concerns. Today we witnessed Commissioners ignoring speakers during their 3 minute allotted talk time. After seeing and hearing the excuses we were given it has become clear that this coverup of lies is blanketed with the corrupt political bureaucratic bull dung. It is this journalist opinion that the county commissioners are in full criminal collusion with the HCSO. I say this because the funding for the HCSO is provided by the county commissioners and yet they say they have no control or influence over the HCSO. When unlawful actions are covered up or ignored by higher up officials it dose mean that all parties are active participants in criminal collusion.

As a "people" of Hillsborough County we should not be laughed at by those that we elect into offices or positions. We should all be given the same respect and dignity that these elected officials demand. After witnessing the things I saw today at this public meeting it has become clear to me that we have major corruption and collusion problems in Hillsborough County Florida. You can bet that we will not give up in our stance to expose this corruption to the fullest extent of our ability. We will continue to hold protest and to peacefully assemble 
to voice our concerns.

Our peaceful protest deprive this criminal collusion enterprise of three things: Capitol, Control, and Credibility. 
Anonymous Watchman

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Lenny For Tampa Mayor

 April 23, 2019

Congratulations Bill Carlson & Orlando Gudes!

A round of congratulations to City Councilor elect Bill Carlson, and to Orlando Gudes, who made it to the runoff election! We will need to vote for Orlando next month and support Bill on the Council. Also, congratulations to Guido Maniscalco and Luis Viera on their re-election!

As for the Mayor’s race, it seems as though Tampa has lost outright with the two worst choices being our options in the runoff election.

Do you want a reason NOT to vote for Jane Castor? Here are some.

She oversaw “Biking While Black” which profiled and persecuted people of color while being an ineffective, racist police policy, proven by the DOJ. It was not fully investigated... interesting how as I stood before City Council asking that the investigation be reopened to look at Jane’s emails and who was responsible for oversight, I sat down and checked Facebook (after delivering my remarks) to find that she had just announced her run for Mayor.

Jane first stood by the policy, & later changed to Democrat right before running for Mayor, and finally “apologized,” also right before running for Mayor. Her apologists are quick to gloss over and dismiss “Biking While Black” an issue — which is astounding to me. Jane said, of a friend, who was harassed at a “black” park, that he shouldn’t have been there, asking something like “why was he there?” Questionable words.

She is in Buckhorn’s circle and should not be trusted to be any better than his disaster of a mayoralty. How about her oodles of financial backing from GOP firms and so on? I hope that people are aware of this stuff.

I cannot fathom how any true progressive would consider her campaign, voting for her knowing the facts, or make the call that she ought to be Mayor. It is astounding to me. And horrible, considering how my friends and family will live in Tampa for years to come, and some folk would go so far as to use identity politics to justify such an awful candidate. It’s disgusting, identity politics gone wrong, and should not be okay with true progressives. That being said, there is another option.

Straz is too much of a wild card. Straz is a billionaire who voted for Trump, and certainly has a litany of past actions hidden from the general public—I presume many (not all, per say) people in his wealth margin are similar, especially those who dip into politics as Straz and others have done. How can we trust Straz to be anything, at all, more than the lesser of two evils in this situation?

I know he has taken some progressive policy positions, including the minimum wage being raised. How can we hold him to that; what has he done to politically indicate that he would be good and leftist for Tampa, aside from dumping two million dollars into a local election while essentially forging a nice looking platform? Voting for Trump wasn’t a progressive political move; and while it isn’t an immediate disqualification for me, it’s a serious question of character and political allegiance.

I hope that we will have the write in option. I wrote in my own name rather than vote for Buckhorn in the 2015 mayoral election. This time I will be more creative should the WI option be present. If there is not a WI option, this mayoral runoff could end up being the FIRST election I do not vote for at all, and I have voted each and every opportunity since the 2012 general election, my first time eligible to vote at age 18. That says something about the state of Tampa politics and the quality of choices our municipal voters have made—the few of them that voted at all. I wish Harry Cohen had received more votes.

Ybor Life

7th Ave

CIW in Tampa

4 for Fair Food Tour: UF March

Norman Field - Gainesville INFO