Wednesday, March 11, 2020

We cannot let our revolution die

"Michigan was a tough one, however, delegates are awarded proportionally and there are 2/3rds of states left to vote. The delegate spread is less than 150 and delegates are still to be assigned in states Bernie has won.
Keep dialing, keep knocking, keep donating. We cannot let our revolution die. Did you really think the ruling class and the democratic establishment that is beholden to them would cede power without a fight?" Chris Cano

Tampa Paparazzi


Ybor City I-4 Exit Toll Taker

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Italian Omelet
At First Watch in Downtown Tampa


Early Voting In Hillsborough County

Monday, March 9, 2020

Community Cafe in St. Pete

The big Berner had a wrap

I had a chicken salad sandwich with a delicious ice tea


Sunday, March 8, 2020

Bernie 2020 Progressive Solidarity Summit St. Petersburg

Feeling the Bern in Apollo Beach

Ybor Paparazzi

Shake Washington

Florida Go Green

Bernie will...
Legalize marijuana in the first 100 days 
with executive action
Vacate and expunge all past 
marijuana-related convictions.
The other guy thinks it's a gateway drug. 

Florida Gop Cheryl Hall of Clermont voter fraud

Tampa Paparazzi

Ventriloquist at Gaspar in Temple Terrace

Matt Gaetz Accused Of Mocking Coronavirus Concerns With Gas Mask

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Florida GOP Cheryl Hall Busted

 She changed voters registered as Democrats to Republican. HERE
She is charged with 10 felony counts of submitting false voter registration information.

Dr. Cornel West's powerful case for Bernie Sanders

Words of Donna Davis

Please stop conflating
moral rectitude with a plan.

Please stop thinking your righteous indignation is an automatic path to victory. We have to do real work in the RW.

Like that Hamilton song, we’re outgunned, out manned, out numbered (polls v. pop.)and certainly out planned. When I watch you berate the folks who fought for the rights you now enjoy, I consider that an intervention is wholly in order. The media you say you hate is misguiding you. You’ve allowed MSM to chart your course and frame your limited thinking.
It’s time to stfu and listen.
It’s time for some good ol’ fashioned organizing.
Intellectual hierarchies are not working -not on political campaigns, not in community activism, and not in community organizing.
It’s time for thoughtful investigation and examination of our current tactics.
When you get your message right, you’ll win.
That’s it. That’s all.

I met Joe Biden once

Summer of 2013 at the White House. Nice guy! Firm Handshake! Did not try to kiss me! He's a lot like he's portrayed on Saturday Night Live. Maybe a little handsy-er but if he were in my family, he'd still be my favorite uncle. Mostly because all my other uncles are total dicks!
(Not you Uncle Richey!)
With that said, *IF* Biden could beat Trump, he'd be a really boring President. Certainly not anything nearly as dangerous or horribly corrupt as this greedy, lecherous, amoral white nationalist fascist asshole we have now, but he'd still likely just meander through his Presidency affecting very little real change, occasionally invading people's personal space, as shit continues to get worse and worse all around him. While this may seem like a vast improvement on the face of it, that's more a reflection of how low we have sunk.
Biden doesn't have a clear understanding of the all encompassing urgency of the climate crisis. To Bernie, it's a National Emergency. To Uncle Joe, it's another talking point to butcher. Just having a warm body that believes in science in the White House may sound really refreshing but at the unprecedented rate the world is heating up, with all the dire warning signs the planet is giving us almost daily, we don't need a guy that thinks "clean coal" is still on the table and better mileage on your new Chevy is something to cheer about. Biden's climate plan scored at or near the bottom of the field by the Sunrise Movement, Greenpeace, 350, Data for Progress and the Center for Biological Diversity. I have no doubt that he'd put together a strong climate team to push far better energy policy than the total disaster we have going but how far do you think he'll go while still collecting tons of money from fossil fuel industry donors? He is not going to put a dent in the climate crisis and this is my single biggest issue with him. But there are several.
It's not a coincidence that healthcare and insurance stocks soared after Super Tuesday. Biden's approach to healthcare costs more than Bernie's and still leaves millions without real health care. Joe will make sure that there is still plenty of enormous profit to be made from people getting sick. Execs are breathing easy. With Biden, they have nothing to fear.

What about income inequality and the death of the middle class? Forget about it! Wall Street loves Joe Biden. They're breaking out their checkbooks faster than a toupee in a Florida hurricane.

But he's best pals with Obama! Yes, yes he is.

But did you know his middle name is "Robinette?"
Think about that for a minute.
Kelly Benjamin


Democratic Socialism 101 in Ybor

Wednesday, March 11, 2020 at 7 PM
1406 N 19th St, Ybor City

Florida Clown Matt Gaetz

Showed up at the budget vote for the coronavirus wearing a gas mask.
Well, thats one way to prevent people from smelling the liquor on your breath." 
Stephen Colbert

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Young Florida Berners Check This Out

Many young voters sat out Super Tuesday, contributing to Bernie Sanders' losses.
 Young voters cheer Bernie Sanders' anti-establishment message. They turn out in throngs at his rallies. And they form the core of his grassroots efforts to win the Democratic presidential nomination.
But their fiery passion did not translate into the robust turnout he needed on Super Tuesday to win a number of key states. HERE
Without you Bernie can't win. Early voting is happening right now everywhere. 


Bernie 2020 Barnstorm in Port Richey!

Join Bernie 2020 in connecting, learning and celebrating with all of your our Berners, beach side, in Port Richey! Together we will define and propel this movement in Florida as we approach the Florida primary on March 17th.

 Mon, Mar 9 at 7:00pm 
Whiskey Joe's Port Richey
7835 Bayview St
Port Richey

Dixie Chicks - Gaslighter


Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Florida Berners pull yourselves together

Dear fellow progressives: pull yourselves together. I know last night was disappointing. However, no one said this was going to be easy or fair. When moderates were losing, they didn’t throw in the towel. They claimed victory, even as they lost. Then they collated. A seventy delegate lead after Super Tuesday (especially with a majority of southern states that will vote red in the general election anyway) isn’t the end of the world, or even close to it.
Pull yourselves out of your depression and get to work. As progressives, we will always have to work ten times harder than the establishment.
There are still over 1,000 pledged delegates on the table, especially in states that Democrats are more likely to win and who lean progressive.

But it will take more work and more organizing. Get yourself to a Bernie event, start knocking doors, get on that Bernie dialer, talk to your friends and family to make sure they are prepared to vote and STOP attacking other candidates. It isn’t effective and it hurts us. Channel that frustration into action. Posting articles about why other candidates suck doesn’t win votes. It just turns off possible allies and it only excites your echo chamber.

Ask yourself: how much work have I done to get my candidate elected? If your not willing to help with the heavy lifting, you’re not really ready for a political revolution. If your not willing to push yourself out of your comfort zone and leave it all on the field, your candidate is never going to win.
I know it’s discouraging, trust me. However, I’m actually pretty impressed and pretty hopeful that Bernie walked out of Super Tuesday only behind 70 delegates. Especially after three ex-candidates endorsed Biden a Monday night. I thought we’d be behind a couple of hundred delegates.
When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
Do boo, organize!
We can still do this! PM me for details on how to get involved! ❤️❤️❤️
Sending you all love! Jessica Vaughn 

Stay Focused Berners

"Let's get our A game going, team!! Bernie and surrogates have more time for the next few states - Florida delegates are big! Let's stay positive, be kind to the voters whose candidates are not viable, and let's push the vote for BERNIE!"
 Kristin Hoffmann 
Our Revolution Tampa Bay