Saturday, September 24, 2022

WPB - Food Not Bombs

Delicious beans and rice, snacks & donations of clothes shared today. Thanks to volunteers who make it happen every week

AOC's Republican Challenger's Family Busted for Trafficking Drug & Guns


Free Sandbags for Tampeños

DeSantis said no one questioned slavery before Americans. See Van Jones react

Ready to Vote Florida?

Matt Gaetz Sex-Trafficking Investigation

Tampa Photographer Guido Maniscalco

Early morning on Water Street

Ybor City’s rolling legacy pushes forward with new blood in the business

Friday, September 23, 2022

OUTSIDE with Friends in Ybor City

SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 AT 8 PM
Crowbar - Ybor City

Why The DeSantis Migrant Stunt Could Be The New Bridgegate

Help Mariella & Angela

DeSantis Keeps Migrant Plane Stunt Funding Opaque; Charter Company's GOP Ties Scrutinized

The People's Climate-Labor Handbook: A political roadmap through 2025 for every American

Written by locals. Order a copy

MAGA Republicans MOCK Marco Rubio in new MEGAVIRAL Supercut by MeidasTouch

Fish Fry Weekend in Seminole Heights

OCTOBER 21, 2022 AT 5 PM
7venth Sun Brewery - Seminole Heights

Karla Hernández-Mats for Lt Governor is in the Rotation

David Hogg: What Rubio doesn't want you to know

It's David Hogg, Parkland survivor and gun safety advocate – and I want to tell you something Marco Rubio probably doesn't want you to know. Over his entire political career, Marco Rubio has taken $3,303,355 from the gun lobby. In exchange, he's voted against commonsense gun safety reform every step of the way – even after one of the deadliest mass shootings in America took the lives of 17 of my peers and teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School. I've dedicated my life to gun violence prevention, because I've seen enough senseless violence followed by inaction – and Marco Rubio has continued to do nothing but block progress at every turn. That's why I promised to help Val Demings raise another $100,000 to defeat Marco Rubio this November. And a generous group of donors has offered to TRIPLE-MATCH every dollar you give! Before this offer expires, I'm counting on 
you to contribute. 

Image: David with The Stogie's Glen Eich at Curtis Hixon Park - Tampa

Florida Migrant Moving Company Has Ties To Republican Officials

Justice for Andrew Joseph III

Jurors awarded $15 million in damages Thursday to the family of Andrew Joseph III in the federal wrongful death lawsuit over the 14 year old’s death. here

WMNF Sixties Show

Matt Gaetz Calls Out Cori Bush By Name On The House Floor

Banana Republican Ken Hagan



13 Moons Alchemy - Tampa Bay


UCF TV in Tampa

Sam Williams @ New World Biergarten

New World Brewery - Seminole Heights

History behind man coming to Tampa to open the Columbia Restaurant in 1903