Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Maxwell Frost: They’re going to hear us loud and clear

Throughout my entire campaign, Ron DeSantis and GOP leaders in Florida and across the country discounted me and our youth-powered movement.

When Ron DeSantis told me “nobody wants to hear from you,” it only strengthened my resolve to prove them wrong on Election day. And that’s exactly what we did.

Last month, we delivered a HISTORIC win – for Floridians, for Gen Z, and for everyone who believes we deserve a better, more livable future and that we’ll no longer be silenced. They’re going to hear us loud and clear from here on out.

But this win didn’t come easily, and the next win won’t either. There is no shortage of people who want to see us fail. Who are desperate to keep young voters from casting their votes. Who are so determined to maintain their chokehold on our futures that they will spend MILLIONS attacking a young Afro-Cuban organizer’s campaign to make history and make change.

Together we defied the odds and proved everyone wrong. But the GOP, gun lobby, and countless other special interests won’t underestimate me or our movement again. Even though we just wrapped up this election, there are people already plotting to replace me in the next election.

I know this team is ready to fight back. But being elected as the first Gen Z member of Congress took every single dollar we raised, and if I’m going to keep our fight in Congress, we can’t take a single day off.


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