Saturday, July 27, 2019

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Ybor Paparazzi

Candy Lowe

Painting Bricks In West Tampa

Please tell me that the City of Tampa is not letting this Developer deface this piece of West Tampa history at the corner of Spruce Street and Armenia Avenue. Painting over these bricks
 should be criminal!
Write and call this developer and tell him then we will do everything possible to make sure that anybody wanted to rent in that building is aware of what he’s doing. 
Let your city Council know how you feel 
Guido Maniscalco has always been receptive to hearing our complaints!

Ybor City Homeless


Florida GOP Stacy White

Joe Henderson:

Stacy White’s latest lawsuit shows his

 disdain for voter mandate

He doesn’t like Hillsborough’s All For Transportation tax, but 57 percent of voters approved it anyway. HERE
WE warned you about him!
His nonsense has already cost us $158.000. 

St. Cloud, Florida No Mas

St. Cloud leaders halt collection of water runoff from controversial Puerto Rican coal ash. HERE

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Ybor City Homeless


Florida GOP: El CHAPO Act

Build the wall, wrote GOP Rep. Vern Buchanan of Florida’s 16th district in an opinion piece for the Bradenton Herald.

 “We’re making a big push in Congress to pass the El CHAPO Act, which I’ve co-sponsored. This legislation would direct billions of dollars’ worth of the drug lord’s confiscated assets to help secure the southern border.” HERE

Hillsborough County’s Original Snowbirds

Around 1880, our very first snowbirds migrated to the town of Limona, a once thriving community supported by a booming farm and lumber-based economy. Few remnants of Limona remain as the village was completely absorbed within Brandon beginning
 in the 1950s. HERE

Democratic cities in Florida figured out how to beat GOP voter suppression

State attorneys in at least three Florida counties, covering major cities like Miami and Tampa, are looking into the possibility of modifying the sentences of some indigent people with felony records, potentially by allowing them to do community service rather than pay off often cumbersome court costs. HERE


Pprominent Orlando attorney, John Morgan, announced the formal launch of Florida for a Fair Wage, the campaign to raise the minimum wage in Florida via a 2020 citizen-initiated ballot initiative. The Fair Wage Amendment backed by Morgan would increase the minimum wage by slightly over $1 an hour to $10 per hour in 2021, then increases the hourly pay by $1 per hour each year until it gradually reaches $15 per hour in 2026. After 2026, Florida’s minimum wage would increase with the rate of inflation, just as the state’s constitution currently requires. Florida’s current minimum wage 
is $8.46 per hour.

In an email to supporters, John Morgan said, “There is no doubt in my mind that is an uphill battle. But just like there were hundreds of thousands of families with sick children or parents that needed medical marijuana, there are hundreds of thousands of Floridians earning the minimum wage that cannot afford to live in Florida. We must fight so that all Floridians can have the dignity of earning a fair wage for a hard day's work.”

Service Employees International Union Local 32BJ has endorsed the Fair Wage Amendment.
“SEIU 32BJ is committed to working with our members to pass the Fair Wage Amendment so we can ensure all Floridians can have the dignity of earning a living wage," said Helene O'Brien, SEIU 32BJ’s Florida Director. “There are over 200,000 Floridians earning minimum wage. Many of them - like Monique Ford - simply cannot sustain a family on those wages,” added O'Brien.
“I’m homeless and I have a job. How is that possible?” said Monique Ford, a cleaner for Coastal Building Maintenance and mother-to-be. “I’m just one of many Floridians who are struggling to raise a family on the minimum wage. We all deserve fair wages 
for our hard work.”

In order to appear on the 2020 ballot, Florida for a Fair Wage needs to collect and verify 766,200 petitions from registered Florida voters. According to the Division of Elections, 363,157 petitions have been verified so far. In the email, John Morgan said, “We still need to collect another 200,000 petitions.”

Florida for a Fair Wage’s mission is to guarantee a living wage for all Floridians. Attorney John Morgan is Chairman of the organization.


Florida Cop Caught Planting Evidence

Monday, July 22, 2019

Ybor Paparazzi

Incredible Tampa Women

Ellen DeGeneres Meet Eric Piburn

Small acts of kindness can make the biggest difference. One local boy who is known for his kindness helped organize a toy drive today at American Social in Tampa. Eric Piburn was named 2018 kindness warrior of the year. He has a dream of getting on the Ellen Show to share his kindness mission
and dance.

The Citrus Taliban in Ybor City

7th Ave

Tampa Badass Jefferey Nietupski

Amazing what one voice can start. 
If you don't use it they can't listen. 
They are now.

Ybor City Homeless


Friday, July 19, 2019

Bernie Supporters for Civility!

Hello friends!

In order to best impress upon the people that Bernie’s campaign is the way to go, we need to collectively chill, to a degree. Be bold and assertive in policy positions. Do not attack other surrogates, and when others attack us, we need to find a middle ground between holding our own and refraining from returning the negativity. It can be tough. Too much vitriol can ruin our message. I do not want that, and neither does my Senator, Bernie Sanders. To help him win, let’s take a careful, genuine approach to dealing with angry anti-Bernie people. Maybe ask them to mellow their hello, and in return, do the same. We cannot get through to people by returning the rage with more rage. It’ll cement bad feelings and hurt the Sanders campaign. If people won’t return kindness, do not bother to push it too far; just leave the conversation and state your “agreement to disagree.”

Defending other candidates from unnecessary negativity can and should be an objective for us to pursue. This should occur even if we do not agree with that candidate, or the surrogate feeling heat. It will help in the long run to promote civility among Democrats. Shouting matches will not get us far.

Would you share a time when you were politically triggered to respond negatively, and powered through for the greater good to respond with kindness? Perhaps as an example to exemplify the message in this article?

Stay groovy,

— Asher

TECO Protest Tonight

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Cost-free' Tampa grocery store is open to all, no questions asked

Justice For Josiah Pinner

Dear Community and the world. 

Many of us have taken notice of the abuse of power in Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office in Tampa Florida U.S.A. While we have reached out to some lamestream media outlets asking for assistance to expose the corruption and cover-ups at HCSO we get little to no responses. This weighs on my heart as the people of this community are not being told the truth by the media or the shamefully corrupt sheriff's office. We will be reaching out to all copwatch,1st A.A.,and activist groups asking for assistance in spreading the truth as far and wide as we can.

It has also become clear that Tampa FL. has no true investigative journalist that will print with integrity and truth. We are hoping that any who can lend us a bit of assistance for this issue will reach out to us as the friends that we know we have. To see that the local Tampa community is mostly complacent to the propaganda and lies fed to them by the local news media and the corrupt Sheriff of Hillsborough county as well as the district attorney of 
Hillsborough county Florida.

TECO Coal Plan Would Add to Tampa Health Woes

The Tampa Electric Company is playing a high-stakes shell game with the health and lives of the three million people who reside in the 
Tampa metropolitan area. HERE

Monday, July 15, 2019

Ybor Paparazzi

Friends at Chillum

Tampa Schools Getting Better?

The number of “A” and “B” graded schools operated by Hillsborough County Public Schools has climbed to 99 in the newest School Accountability Report data from the Florida Department of Education. HERE

 FYI Among our district’s “A” schools are Plant High School in South Tampa, Steinbrenner High School in Lutz, Newsome High School in Lithia and Sickles High School in Citrus Park—which were ranked as the top 4 high schools in the Tampa Bay area last month by U.S. News & World Report. What happened to King, Hillsborough, Blake, Jefferson, Middleton,
 TBT and Leto? Do the math!

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Kent Bailey: Sound of Silence

"I hear nothing about rounding up the employers of undocumented workers. I hear nothing about our responsibility for the lawlessness, guns and money that we export south. I hear nothing about stupid drug laws that have failed to solve the drug problem in spite of our massive, extremely expensive incarceration rates. Our drug policies have decimated two generations of urban youth, destroyed millions of families and shaken the very foundations of democracy thru-out the western hemisphere. 
At home, these policies have institutionalized powerful vested interests in the legal system, law enforcement and a self-perpetuating prison industrial system; who have grown wealthy and strong by exploiting the poor and weak. The origins and solution of the "border problem" are to be found in Washington DC, 
not Nogales, Mexico."
 Kent Bailey

If there was no money to be made from dealing illegal drugs to the United States, how long do you think the drug gangs that are terrorizing the people of South and Central America would last? If you lived in constant fear of murder, rape or mutilation by a local drug gang, what would you risk to escape? (to say nothing of those who have already experienced these horrific events) How can one condemn people who are fleeing these conditions, other than because it is politically expedient?

Ybor Bartenders

Jamie at The Bad Monkey

Tampa Bay groups gathering ahead of expected raids