Showing posts with label Stacy White. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Stacy White. Show all posts

Friday, May 1, 2020

Local Bad Ass Dayna Lazarus

Who was escorted from a public hearing after raising questions of racial bias in a toll road project has filed suit against the man who ordered her removed: Hillsborough County Commissioner Stacy White. HERE

Friday, January 10, 2020

Hillsborough County Needle Exchange Program

Hillsborough County Commissioners are establishing the first ever needle exchange program in its history. 
The vote was 5 to 1,  Stacy White was 
the lone dissenter. HERE

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Hillsborough County, Florida Corruption

Even here women get less

Amount is for yes vote on rezoning only, 
other projects are negotiable. 

Hillsborough GOP Attack Wimauma

We are getting a huge new subdivision in Wimauma. 
1,188 houses will add 10,920 more car trips per day on South County roads through Sun City Center, Wimauma, Balm, Riverview, Ruskin, and Apollo Beach. Thousands of cars will pour out of this development every day onto Hwy 301, Big Bend Rd., 19th Av., 674, US 41, I-75 and other roads; clogging them with more congestion.

Commissioners Les Miller, Stacy White, Sandy Murman, and Ken Hagan voted FOR approval of this project while Commissioners Pat Kemp, Kimberly Overman and Mariella Smith fought hard against it and voted NO. HERE
Remember he is running for Clerk of Circuit Court

Monday, August 19, 2019

Hillsborough County GOP Pulls A Fast One

At a Workshop where the public was not allowed to comment, the County rammed through a growth plan that includes "Sector Planning," which can result in tens of thousands of homes paving over our rural lands.
This "Sector Plan" was not on the agenda, and was not included in the backup materials for the meeting, so neither the Commissioners nor the public had a chance to review it, and the public had no opportunity for input prior to the vote. The County Administrator, Mike Merrill, handed it out to the Commissioners when we were seated at the meeting. Soon after, Commissioner Stacy White made a motion for us to adopt the document.
Voting YES: Stacy White, Sandy Murman,
Les Miller & Ken Hagan.
Voter Registration in Hillsborough County;
 Democrats334,070; Republicans269,899; Others255,409

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Florida GOP Stacy White

Joe Henderson:

Stacy White’s latest lawsuit shows his

 disdain for voter mandate

He doesn’t like Hillsborough’s All For Transportation tax, but 57 percent of voters approved it anyway. HERE
WE warned you about him!
His nonsense has already cost us $158.000. 

Monday, May 20, 2019

Tampa's Fabulous 4

Voted to move the 
Ferry project forward. 
A remarkable point to be included in the agreement is the extraordinary commitment by HMS Ferry to pay for all the operating, maintenance and repair costs — a $100 million commitment — making the Cross-Bay Ferry the only transit service in Florida not requiring ongoing operating subsidies. HERE
The power shift is starting to show.

The GOP voted no

Monday, May 6, 2019

Deflecting Tampa's Attention

A Hillsborough transit tax activist and noted conspiracy theorist has filed an ethics complaint against Hillsborough County Commissioner Stacy White in a transparent attempt to deflect public attention from just how misguided the special interest levy is and how it was sold to a misinformed public. 

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Stacy White Faces State Ethics Complaint

Alleging 27 violations 
The complaint stems from 
White’s All For Transportation lawsuit.

He deserves it for not respecting our wishes. Karma at it's best! HERE

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Florida GOP Stacy White has costed us $158,000 and counting

Public agencies are spending thousands on lawyers to defend a lawsuit by County Commissioner Stacy White that challenges the voter-approved measure.

Hillsborough Circuit Judge Rex Barbas ruled last week that White could not challenge the tax in his official capacity as a county commissioner. HERE 

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

We warned You About this guy in 2014

Hillsborough County Commissioner Stacy White plans to sue the county and ask a judge to decide whether a citizens committee that will oversee the spending of the new sales transportation sales tax violates state law by usurping the authority of elected officials. The tax was approved by 57 percent of Hillsborough voters on Nov. 6. here
More on Mr. White here

Monday, October 15, 2018

The Approved Balm Development

 A large housing development soon will encroach onto rural lands in the Balm area of eastern Hillsborough County despite the protests of area residents and the sympathy of several county commissioners.
Three commissioners — Pat Kemp, Lesley Miller and Stacy White — initially supported sending the Balm project back to the county’s hearing master for a rehearing on density issues raised by area residents, but were outvoted.
Efforts to delay the project were defeated and the project was approved with White joining those in favor. here
“I have very many concerns. I agree with the Balm community that this does not seem consistent with the rest of the area. We have turned this into a typical sprawled development. We should stop moving forward with things that don’t work for the betterment of the community,” said Kemp to loud applause from the audience.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Hillsborough County Culture Of Corruption

Those 4 people in that video 
are corrupt. here
How did they get elected? 
In Hillsborough County there are.....
320,571 Democrats
242,649 Other
And only 261,822 Republicans
What Happened?

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Hillsborough County GOP Assault Weapons Ban

and Sandy Murman - Victor Crist
Al Higginbotham - Stacy White
Not on our watch!
Remember This In November!

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

High Speed Ferry Project Threatened!

After 5 years, $150,000 and 2 exhaustive site selection studies only one site was ever found to be either environmentally acceptable or economically feasible. But now the future of the Schultz Ferry Park is very much in doubt. And as a key component of south Hillsborough transit plans, losing the ferry project jeopardizes the future of public transportation plans.

County Commission Chair Stacy White has expressed doubt about public support for the ferry project. He told us that he would like to hear from environmentalists about the Tampa Bay Ferry Project and the proposed Schultz Ferry Park. 

Commissioner White's phone number: 813-272-5740 His email:

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Right Wing Hillsborough County Commissioners

Raise $140,000 in private donations in 30 days or the monument stays where it is!
It Is currently being guarded.
 "G4S?? Who the fuck is paying for that?" Marc Rodrigues

Their Ring Leader! here
They got a GoFund Me page and want your help. :) For real. 

Stacy White's Hillsborough County War Veterans' Memorial Protection Ordinance

Our right wing Commissioner Stacy White plans to introduce a bill that would ban the relocation of any public memorial or monument. The "Hillsborough County War Veterans' Memorial Protection Ordinance"  would also prohibit the renaming of  streets, bridges, buildings or public property named or dedicated in honor of military figures or U.S. Presidents. here
We warned you about this guy years ago.