Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barack Obama. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

If Only Congress Had Listened To Alan Grayson

The Obama administration is barring the transfer of some types of military equipment to police departments. here

Last year Alan Grayson introduced a bill to stop the militarization of local police,  The conservative New Dem, Patrick Murphy, whom Grayson is opposing in the race for the Florida Senate seat voted against the amendment. here

Patrick Murphy has called himself a Democrat 
for around 4 years now.

Learn more about this weasel Corporate Dems 
and the GOP is trying to shove down our throats.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Liberals Win: Don't Mess With Elizabeth Warren

Leading the fight against fast track
Senate Democrats dealt President Barack Obama a stinging setback on trade blocking efforts to begin a full-blown debate on his initiatives. Several Democrats said Obama erred by pointedly criticizing a leading Democratic foe on trade, Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, in an interview with Yahoo News. These Democrats said they bristled when Obama suggested Warren was poorly informed and politically motivated. Democratic senators said they also are tired of seeing the Democratic president cozy up to Republicans on trade. here

 Great job Democrats!

Obama attacks Warren

The #1 agenda item of corporate America is passing bad trade deals that hurt workers and were written by big corporations in secret.
It's sad that President Obama is their biggest ally and is now attacking Elizabeth Warren:

The trade proposal under consideration was written by giant corporations in secret. Warren pointed out that provisions (that were leaked) would allow corporations to overturn our nation's Wall Street reforms and other regulations. Obama has tried to belittle Warren with insults -- saying she's just wrong without actually disputing her core points. President Obama has never attacked Republican Leader Mitch McConnell the way he's attacking Elizabeth Warren. Will you stand up to big corporations and defend Warren?

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Must See: Alan Grayson On Obama's Fake Trade

Americans are creating tens of millions of jobs in other countries with our purchasing power, and we are losing tens of millions of jobs in our country, because foreigners are not buying as much of our goods and services. What are they doing? They’re buying our assets. So we lose twice. We lose the jobs, and we are moving further toward national bankruptcy. That is the end game. here

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Happy Earth Day Florida

Monday, April 13, 2015

in Cuba: Obama more popular than Fidel, Raúl Castro

Barack Obama 
Is more popular among Cubans than either of the Castro brothers who have ruled the island for the past five and a half decades, according to a new poll secretly conducted there last month. here

Saturday, December 20, 2014

We celebrate the release of the Cuban 5

political prisoners held by the U.S. government for 16 years. Their freedom also marks a positive change in relations between the U.S. government and Cuba. 

The Cuban Five are heroes who came to the U.S. 
to stop terrorist attacks against their country. 
By secretly joining the most reactionary groups in Florida, 
the Cuban Five put their lives at risk in order to stop attacks on Cuba and its socialist system. Freedom for the Cuban Five and the plans to normalize relations with Cuba announced by President Obama are to be applauded. 
Thank you again President Obama here 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Obama signs bill that will drawdown the federal government's war on medical marijuana

    HUGE VICTORY! President Obama signed the bill that for the first time ever will drawdown the federal government's war on medical marijuana. here

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

US And Cuba: Thank You, President Obama

President Barack Obama says 
the U.S. will end its outdated approach to Cuba.

It's about time!

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Florida, Stand with President Obama!

President Obama recently announced historic measures to fix our immigration system, because our GOP-led Congress refuses to take action. Add your name: Tell President Obama that you have his back and are 
standing with him! here

The President's Clean Power Plan has been called "the strongest action ever taken by an American president to tackle climate change.” That's worth fighting for. The opposition from polluters will be intense—add your name to support the President's action on carbon pollution standards today. here

Monday, December 1, 2014

Obama’s Latest Power Grab

Acording to the American Energy Alliance
 "He will stop at nothing to use federal agencies like the EPA to continue his green energy crusade."
They sent us an e-mail asking for our help stoping 
Obama and his Big Green allies.
Hail to the chief!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving Tampa Bay

Use when your Right Wing friends and relatives start talking shit at the dinner table.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Hail to our Great Esteem Leader! Barack Obama

In a broad test of his executive powers, President Barack Obama declared Wednesday he will sidestep Congress and order his own federal action on immigration here 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Americans vote for the party that got them into the mess that Obama just dug them out of?

Consider, right now in America, corporate profits are at record highs, the country’s adding 200,000 jobs per month, unemployment is below 6%, U.S. gross national product growth is the best of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries The stock market is near record highs, gasoline prices are falling, there’s no inflation, interest rates are the lowest in 30 years, U.S. oil imports are declining, U.S. oil production is rapidly increasing, the deficit is rapidly declining, and the wealthy are still making astonishing amounts of money. here

GOP Voters we know you guys like to take it deep so we are still offering a free tube of Warming Jelly to make THE Experience More Memorable.