Showing posts with label Alex Sink. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alex Sink. Show all posts

Monday, January 14, 2019

Alex Sink Gaslighting

The perennial loser and Florida DINO said Democrats would have won the governorship had they nominated former Representative Gwen Graham, who narrowly lost to Mr. Gillum in the primary. “What would they have pinned on her?” asked Ms. Sink, alluding to Mr. Gillum’s left-wing politics and to an F.B.I. investigation into potential corruption in public real estate development in Tallahassee under Mr. Gillum. HERE
My post on October 6, 2018

Friday, August 17, 2018

Florida DINO Nikki Fried

 Endorsed by Alex Sink
Nikki Fried has long chosen to keep company with the rich and powerful over workers,” said Fred Frost, Florida campaign lead for the Communications Workers of America. 
Fried has donated more than $6,800 to Republican candidates in the last 14 years, the majority coming in the past 
three years.
At various points from 2012 to 2016, Fried was registered to lobby for HCA, the hospital chain formerly run by GOP Gov. Rick Scott that paid a $1.7 billion fine to settle Medicaid fraud allegations under his watch. more

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Dana Young Going Full Throttle While Janet Cruz Uses Cloak of Invisibility

Cruz’ late entry into the race infuriated the progressive wing of the party as she essentially forced attorney Bob Buesing to quit the race. 
Self-styled kingmaker Alex Sink, corporatist and the state’s former Chief Financial Officer in what seems a lifetime ago, threatened Buesing with the denial of crucial endorsements and financial support if he contested Cruz in a primary. Sink’s power within the Democratic party is incomprehensible. 
On balance, the candidates she has supported have lost. Sink has shown an uncanny ability 
to fail.
By Jim Bleyer more

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Corporate Dem Alex Sink Endorses Gwen Graham

The Kiss of Death!
"Running for governor is no easy feat 
I ought to know!" 
Alex Sink

Friday, May 4, 2018

Corporate Democrats Force Progressive Bob Buesing Out Of State Senate Race

Alex Sink, the corporatist Democrat who set a modern record for political futility, was a key figure in marginalizing progressive Florida Senate candidate Bob Buesing, forcing him out of a very winnable race. 
 Sink, Bank of America’s former president for operations in Florida, favored fellow corporatist Cruz, a late entrant, over Buesing as did Florida Democratic Party chairman Terrie Rizzo, and Hillsborough State Committeewoman Alma Gonzalez, all supremely divisive figures within the Democratic party.
Buesing was threatened with the denial of crucial endorsements and financial support if he contested late entrant Cruz in a primary.
 Like Rizzo and Gonzalez, Sink is out of step with modern Democratic thinking.
Sink. Rizzo. Gonzalez.  Those are the influential leaders with archaic thinking that are torpedoing Democratic hopes in the country’s most populous swing state.
Progressives are furious at Sink and her cronies, with many promising to withhold their votes from Janet Cruz.
For Alex Sink, pleasing Republicans takes priority over promoting Democrats as a party of inclusion.  One month ago she proudly served on the honorary host committee for the election of Republican Sheriff Chad Chronister.

By Jim Bleyer

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Florida DINOS Back Hillary over Bernie

Alex Sink and Other Conservative Florida Democrats Who Have Been Losing Statewide Races for Years Back Hillary over Bernie. here

Their leader had this to say:
"It's okay to be right, but it's more important to win. And if you don't win, you can't govern. When all is said and done — certainly in Florida — Hillary has a much, much better chance of prevailing than Sen. Sanders." Bob Buckhorn

Friday, November 6, 2015

New Dem Picnic In Thonotosassa

A Sunday fundraiser for Charlie Crist's congressional campaign. It's being held at the Thonotosassa home of Alex Sink. Chaired by Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn. Why is 
Kathy Castor going? here
"Why isn't Debbie Wasserman Schultz on the list? That would be the icing on the craptacular cake." Sandy Lusk

Monday, September 14, 2015

Some Of Patrick Murphy's Credentials

One of the biggest recipients in the country of Super PAC help in 2012. here

Undermines Hillary Clinton here

The lone Florida Democrat to join with Republicans in approving the Keystone pipeline. here
Working To Undermine and Take Over The Democratic Party. here

Joined the GOP to Vote for Government-by-Crisis. here

Who Is Responsible For Drowning South Florida? here
Mayor Bob Buckhorn, Jim Davis and Alex Sink back him, 
that should tell you something!

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

New Dem Love Fest In Tampa

A bunch of Tampa Bay New Dems will be joining Gwen Graham for a major fundraiser at Pat Frank's house.

The list includes
Mayor Bob Buckhorn,
St. Petersburg Mayor Rick Kriseman,
Janet Cruz, Dwight Dudley,
Ed Narain, Amanda Murphy,
Hillsborough County Property Appraiser
Bob Henriquez
Sen. Arthenia Joyner,
former Gov. Charlie Crist, 
Tampa City Council members
Harry Cohen and Mike Suarez, 
Alex Sink and Jim Davis. here

Why are Progressives Rick Kriseman, Dwight Dudley,
 Ed Narain, and Amanda Murphy attending? 
And Pat Frank just helped us make up our minds on her race with Kevin Beckner.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Monday, April 7, 2014

The Florida Democratic Party Is Insane

doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Republicans will vote for anybody with an R at the end of their name 
We want someone fresh,
to get us off our ass and make  us want to go out and vote.
Let's try Jessica Ehrlich

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Howard Dean Called It Right Years Ago

Right after the 2010 elections Democrats had absolutely nothing to lose at all by taking the liberal stances on issues that mattered to people and affected their lives.
Instead...all we got was preaching about more "bipartisanship", getting along with the other side, bite the other side, without the involvement and commitment of people at the ground level, you don't really have a party. Look what happen to Sink. Be proud to be a liberal You have no pool from which to draw future congresspeople, senators, and presidents.
And you have no genuine excitement...."He says "the truth is when you trade your values for the hope of winning, you end up losing and having no values--so you keep losing.
We have to reconnect to the base.......more>
 We have tried cautious, centrist, moderate, bipartisan. We have tried being careful not to take strong stands. We have gone along with right wing policies trying to please.
It hasn't worked very well. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Sad State Of Florida Dems

They had a great candidate
 Michael Hussey at Pushing Rope
created a Facebook group
looking to stop former state CFO Alex Sink from running
for statewide office in the future......more
Right now that sounds like a great idea and someone please do something about
Allison Tant and Debbie Wasserman Schultz
They are lost in the wilderness. If you want to win in November and the future
you need better tools.
Jessica Ehrlich for Congress

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Congratulations Pinellas County

You have just hired yourself a lobbyist.
We hope you get what you voted for.
Dems this is what you get for throwing Jessica Ehrlich to the curve.

Monday, March 10, 2014

David Jolly: Incompetent Cradle Robber

Washington Republicans
Have described Jolly’s campaign as a Keystone Cops operation,
marked by inept fundraising,
top advisers stationed hundreds of miles away from the district in
The state capital
and the poor optics of a just-divorced, 41-year-old candidate
accompanied on the campaign trail by a girlfriend 14 years his junior.
 The sources would speak only on condition of anonymity.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Right Wing Pouring Money Into Florida

Right-Wing groups from outside Florida
 are desperately pouring money into the race for the late Bill Young's seat,
and all that money is to boost
Republican lobbyist David Jolly
 who is running against Democrat Alex Sink......more>

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Sink Favored to Win Special Election

More than a dozen operatives and officials from both parties interviewed by
were almost unanimous that Democrat Alex Sink, has emerged
as the unambiguous favorite in the race. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Stop Alex Sink Campaign

Michael Hussey - Pushing Rope
has created a Facebook group
looking to stop former state CFO Alex Sink from running
for statewide office in the future......more
Yea we are with that, lets bring Jessica Ehrlich back!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Alex Sink Party In St. Pete

Hosting the party are local Progressive leaders, St. Petersburg City Council members Steve Kornell and Darden Rice, Hillsborough County Commissioner Kevin Beckner and his partner Gil Sainz. Tonight at 6:30 p.m. in the Birchwood Grand Ballroom, 340 Beach Drive NE in St. Petersburg.