Showing posts with label Heat Stroke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heat Stroke. Show all posts

Friday, December 27, 2024

Florida workers died in the heat. Their deaths were kept from authorities

Florida banned local governments from providing increased oversight for workers exposed to high temperatures earlier this year, saying businesses and federal regulators alone could keep laborers safe.....MORE

Monday, August 14, 2023

Heat exhaustion vs heat stroke: Know the difference

With this dangerous heat wave forecasted to keep smothering the southern U.S. and Florida the next several weeks, it is important to know the key differences between heat-related illnesses.

The combination of heat and humidity will result in dangerously high “feels like” temperatures to continue hitting the triple digits. These conditions could prompt significant health risks if precautions are not taken.


Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Heat stroke warning signs, symptoms

During hot weather, your body struggles to keep itself cool, and if you become dehydrated, you can get sick. Heat-related illnesses include heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.

Infants, young children, people 65 and older, people who are overweight, people who overexert during work or exercise, and people who are physically ill, including those with heart disease or high blood pressure, are most at risk for heat-related illnesses, according to the CDC.