Showing posts with label I Am Rick Scott. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I Am Rick Scott. Show all posts

Monday, September 14, 2020

Florida GOP Propaganda

“I feel sorry for the people who lost their jobs. The small businesses struggling. The Democrats are just sitting here, and these poor people getting hurt are just pawns for the election that’s happening November 3.” Rick Scott
“And the biggest reason why is Speaker Pelosi & Senator Schumer believe Trump & the GOP will be blamed for the pain doing nothing will cause & that will help them win the White House & Senate in November.” Marco Rubio HERE

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

High Speed Rail Coming To Florida Despite Rick Scott

Travel from Miami to Orlando in just 3 hours with new Brightline express train. here

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Florida Class Warfare

 Rick Scott, and the state’s economic development arm, Enterprise Florida, recently teamed up to promote Florida’s business climate to Kentucky businesses. In a radio ad, they asked Kentuckians if they were tired of unions and high taxes, and touted Florida as a place that has neither “as a right-to-work state,
with no income tax.” 
While Scott and his 
corporate functionaries 
tout these as state assets,  they are actually liabilities for the majority of Floridians. here

Friday, April 4, 2014

Florida Governor Rick Scott and his Secretary of State Kenneth Detzner

 Federal Appeals Court
Florida officials'
attempts to remove noncitizens from voter rolls
clearly violated federal law!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Welcome To Florida

Two new billboards in Florida call out Governor Scott for not fighting to expand Medicaid and keeping more than 763,000 Floridians from accessing health

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Florida Near The Bottom Of The Barrel

A new report released by the LeRoy Collins Institute
concludes that Florida is falling behind not only the rest of the country but also in the South in key areas from teacher salaries to high-wage jobs to adequate roads.".......more

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Rick Scott Blasted For Deaths Of 40 Children

South Florida Democrats fired a stinging rebuke at Gov. Rick Scott (R) Thursday, holding him responsible for the deaths of 40 children who were known to state child welfare workers when they died during the first half of 2013.......more>
"Clearly, your idealogical agenda of smaller government and less regulation doesn't always neatly fit with the priority of child protection, which has resulted in heartbreaking outcomes for too many Florida children"  wrote Rep. Perry Thurston of Fort Lauderdale

Saturday, December 7, 2013

international Embarrassment For Florida

Bring Voting Rights in Florida Up to International Standards
The United Nations is set to review U.S. voting rights, and Florida's disenfranchisement of people with past felony convictions is certain to stick out like a sore thumb, unless something changes next week. Those restrictions are now under international scrutiny and could lead to international embarrassment for Florida.
But the state has one last chance to get it right. 
tell Gov. Scott and the Clemency Board to restore voting rights in Florida and avoid international embarrassment for our state. Here

Monday, October 7, 2013

I am Rick Scott And I Plan To Win In 2014

This week, Florida Secretary of State Ken Detzner visited five Florida cities to discuss Gov. Rick Scott's plan to disenfranchise voters and steal future elections in Florida. As a Floridian, I know that elections in Florida have national consequences, and I believe all of my fellow citizens should be free to exercise their right to vote.......more