Showing posts with label Susan Smith Wing Of The Florida Democratic Party. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Susan Smith Wing Of The Florida Democratic Party. Show all posts

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Friday, February 24, 2023

WTF is going on in the Fascist dictatorship of Flor-i-DUH

"If this doesn't make you throw up, then there is something wrong with either your hearing or your understanding of WTF is going on in the Fascist dictatorship of Flor-i-DUH.

Actually, DUH would be MUCH better than the dictatorship. And this is how tyranny and dictatorships DO take over: step by step with citizens letting them happen, because they just can't believe it.
That goes for you, too, FL Supreme Court. YOU'll be in the camps, too, because he'll be done with you after you shred the last of the constitution he needs, so he'll toss you to the aligators. Talk about DUH!!!!"

Susan Smith

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Anti Berner At The Florida DNC

"I notice that at least one Florida DNC member is hinting that he'll use his super delegate status to prevent Bernie from getting the nomination. I guess #BlueNoMatterWho is meaningless to the party establishment if their power is threatened." 
Susan Smith
"Let's be clear who that person who posted and then deleted his post about the DNC's plan to use Super Delegates to stop Bernie Sanders.
It was Tampa Resident and Democratic National Committee Executive Board member Alan Clendenin."

Beth Eriksen Shoup

Rigged Democratic primary
Must Read

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Florida Corporate Democrats Running Scared

It seems the left has the corporate overlords of the Florida Democratic Party running scared. With progressives winning a special state senate election, an important mayor's race, passing progressive resolutions and rewriting policies on consultant contracts. 
They have pushed Stephen Bittel
(Which the FDP should of taken care of a long time ago)
and Sally Boynton Brown out.
They are already on the move. This from 
Ty Javellana, Statewide Organizer at 
Gwen Graham for FL

"(Corporate Dem) Alma Gonzalez Dnc Florida is whispered to be a prospective candidate for the Florida Democratic Party Chairmanship. If she chooses to toss her hat in the ring, we wish her good luck. Alma would be a great Chair of the FDP. She would have my support." 
Her cover photo on Facebook was one of her and Ms. Graham (Not the one above)which she has changed and apparently deleted.
Update 11.21

Hillsborough’s Alma Gonzalez to run for FDP Chair

"We have been given a voice within the party for the first time in my nearly 12 years of involvement. If that voice is again marginalized, and if Sally leaves, I'm not sure I will continue in my role with the caucus." Susan Smith

Join the conversation here
Cheer up comrades, change is in the air. Let them and their followers (Locally you know who you are) continue their losing ways, In the end, we will prevail. 
Update: One so called progressive and two corporate Hillsbough County Dems are working for a Trump supporter for mayor of Tampa.

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Nina Turner Hangs With Tampa Liberals

Asher was there

And our next governor





Ahmad and Elvis

Russell,  Asher and Mike




Tampa, Florida 

A majority of Democrats want the party 
to move to the left. Join them

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

The Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida in Orlando

Pulling the party leftward
"This took an insane amount of negotiation" Jessica Vaughn

Supporting Economic Justice & Prosperity for all Floridians
Supporting the Right to Free, Accessible, Equitable, and Quality Public Education, Investment in Trade and Technical Schools, and the end of the For-Profit Education Industry that takes funds away from Public Education
Safeguarding the Equal Rights, Inclusion and Protection of All People
Supporting Equity & Reform in the Criminal Justice System
 Environmental Justice for All Floridians
 Ending Felon Disenfranchisement in Florida
Supporting Voting Rights for all Citizens and Expanding Voter Participation
 Supporting Home Rule & Opposing Big Money in Politics
  Supporting Immigration and Immigrant Rights
Supporting Health Care as a Human Right
Keep Florida's Public Land and Beaches Publicly Owned
Promoting Responsible Gun Ownership and Common Sense Gun Safety
 Identify and Advocate for Florida Veterans and Military Families
Supporting Greater Youth Engagement in the Florida Democratic Party
 Supporting Patient Centered Treatment for Drug Addiction Recovery
Honoring Diane Glasser and  Bernie “Bunny” Steinman

Our Leaders

Beth Eriksen Shoup, Marcus Klebe, Marina Welch,
 Kent Bailey, Andrew Davis and Scott Shoup

Images by Jessica Vaughn

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

The Susan Smith Wing Of The Florida Democratic Party

January 5, 1999
Was the last time a Democrat sat in the governors office. The great Buddy McKay. Since then:

January 5, 1999
Florida GOP Jeb Bush
DEM OPPORTENT? -  Buddy MacKay
 November 7, 2006
Florida GOP Charlie Crist
We could of had Rod Smith
January 4, 2011
Florida GOP Rick Scott
January 8, 2014
Florida GOP Rick Scott
ExGOP OPPORTENT? - Charlie Crist
We could of had Nan Rich. Please note:  As of early June 2014, Scott had spent almost $13m since March on television adverts attacking Charlie Crist,  Although the ads resulted in a tightening of the race, this came about by decreasing Crist's favorability ratings. By contrast, Scott's favorability ratings did not increase. Scott should of been beaten. The Dems had a inferior candidate, with Nan Rich they probably would of won.

2018 DEM OPPORTENT  Gwen Graham?
Check out our choice for governor
in Seminole Heights Andrew Gillum here

Also note: On list, 3 corporate Dems and 1 ex GOP. You have tried it their way for a very long time, and look where you are. If you are tired of loosing then you have to reclaim the party. Bernie started it, you must finish it.

There are alot of groups out there that say they are progressive. But if you want to take the party back from corporate power The Susan Smith wing of the party is the place to start. With Susan Smith leading the way and talented committed progressives surrounding her.

Florida Pro-Dems, this is your time! 
The Democratic Progressive Caucus of Tampa Bay 


Monday, July 17, 2017

The Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida Endorse Mayor Rick Kriseman

Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida President Susan Smith and Pinellas County Democratic Progressive Caucus President Amos Miers have released the following statement:

Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida President Susan Smith and Pinellas County Democratic Progressive Caucus President Amos Miers have released the following statement:
The Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida (DPCF) and the Pinellas County Democratic Progressive Caucus (PCDPC) are pleased to endorse Mayor Rick Kriseman for re-election as mayor of St. Petersburg.
Mayor Kriseman has supported and worked for increased wages for city employees, better policing practices, and common-sense gun safety regulations. He has also agreed to sign the Defend Our Democracy ordinance to lessen the influence of big money in politics if it is passed by City Council.
"When we re-elect Mayor Kriseman, our city will continue to be an inclusive and welcoming place that attracts a diverse population and socially-responsible businesses," said President Miers.
Smith recalled, "Since his days as a state representative when he was named a Middle Class Champion, Mayor Kriseman has fought for the rights of working families, women, and minorities."
The DPCF and PCDPC proudly endorse Rick Kriseman for Mayor of St. Petersburg.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Susan Smith Wing Of The Florida Democratic Party

"Some argue that we must figure out a way to appeal to the Democrats who voted for Trump. I would rather figure out how to reach the 40% of eligible voters who didn't vote in November." Susan Smith

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Our Leader Susan Smith Speaks Out

Susan Smith, President of the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida, released the following statement on President-Elect Donald Trump's appointment of Breitbart Chairman Steve Bannon as Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor:
"Do leaders and members of the Republican Party condone white nationalism, white supremacy, and anti-Semitism? Unless they speak out strongly against the appointment of Steve Bannon as Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor to the President, that is exactly what they are doing. Their party will forever be shamed by its ties to the extreme right wing agenda of the Alt-Right movement.
"As Chairman at Breitbart, Bannon has supported and encouraged deception, defamation, bigotry, and hatred. He is unfit to serve in a top position in the White House.
"We strongly urge Republicans to condemn this appointment and call for Donald Trump to withdraw it." Susan Smith

Friday, May 13, 2016

Susan Smith Rant

"Democratic powers-that-be support Blue Dogs/DLC/New Dems (many of whom are former Republicans). When these weak Democrats win, party leaders spend all of their time complaining that these DINOs won't work together with the caucus. The DINOs vote with Republicans giving them "bi-partisan" cover for shitty legislation. Voters then stay home at election time because they are disappointed in Democrats and don't know what we stand for." Susan Smith

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Is Susan Smith And Deborah Mary Newell Leaving The Democratic Party?

"Count me in that (one-third of voters). I'm going to vote for Alan Grayson in Florida's August primary for Senate, then I'm out of the Democratic Party for good. Same thing with the husband and both voting-age sons. Well-done, Democratic Party! I'm hard-pressed to think of a more disappointing, corrupt establishment purporting to represent "progress". Deborah Mary Newell

"I came close to leaving the Democratic Party in 2010 over its ineptitude. If what I heard this afternoon is true--that someone in the Miami Dade Democratic Party is trying to push Senator Dwight Bullard out of his Senate run--then that could be it for me. Senator Bullard is a champion for women, minorities, low-income communities and the public schools. He is a progressive hero. If the party tries to push him out to make room for (yet another) former Republican, I will be done." Susan Smith

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Liberals Fortress Of Democracy In Miami

Headquarters of the Florida Alliance, a secretive Democratic group comprised of big-money individual donors and labor unions who grew weary of the Florida Democratic Party.
The group has used its considerable resources to push for causes favored by liberals within the Democratic Party. While the Florida Democratic Party fights to elect any candidate with a "D" next to their name, including moderate candidates in swing seats, Alliance donors want to focus their efforts on helping elect candidates focused on causes championed by progressives, including climate change, voting rights and immigration reform. here

There is hope people!
Join the Susan Smith Wing Of The Florida Democratic Party

Monday, April 18, 2016

2016 Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida Annual Conference in Tampa

Saturday, April 30, 2016 9:00 AM 
Hillsborough Classroom Teachers Association
3102 North Habana Avenue, Tampa info

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Florida New Democrats

Gwen Graham
 Patrick Murphy 
Debbie Wasserman Schultz

"Ugh. Just what we DON'T need in Congress
--more centrist Dems." Susan Smith

We like these Dems better. 
Join them 

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Yuge thanks to Susan Smith and the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida

"Yuge thanks to Susan Smith and the Democratic Progressive Caucus of Florida for stepping up for fairness in our elections!!! Access to the voting list should be available to all Democratic candidates."

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Susan Smith Wing Of The Florida Democratic Party

"It's depressing how little the Florida Legislature (controlled by Republicans) cares about issues that impact the lives of working people. They only want to protect the interests of big business while coddling right wing religious nuts."

Susan Smith

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Susan Smith Wing Of The Florida Democratic Party

"Moderates are not needed. We shouldn't have to spend all of our time getting Democrats to do the right thing." Susan Smith