Showing posts with label Farid Khavari. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Farid Khavari. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

DR. FARID KHAVARI for Miami-Dade County Mayor 2016

No time for “politics as usual” when we face life-threatening problems.
We have had too many years of corrupt crony politics and stupid, wealth-transferring projects in Miami-Dade County.  Meanwhile, long-term problems were ignored, and now are growing into life-threatening emergencies.
Saltwater is rushing into our aquifer. Instead of fixing that, Mayor Gimenez wants to sell our water system so a private company like FPL can suck money out of us forever!
If we don’t get real plans and new leadership in Miami-Dade County, we should flee South Florida while we still can!
What will our homes be worth when there’s saltwater coming out of our faucets? When the ocean is in our streets? When there’s Fukushima event at the Turkey Point nuclear plant? And sewage all over the place? 
What good will new stadiums and fancy condos and nice slogans do us then?
Every day the people are gouged by tolls, red light cameras, even pet fees, to fund stupid projects that make a few people richer at our expense.  Every day more saltwater flows into our aquifer. 
People struggle to make a living, and now we face more FP&L rate hikes? Next we’ll be paying FPL for two new nuclear plants, even though they have problems cooling Turkey Point and are even taking water from the Everglades!
The good news is that solving these problems is the biggest economic opportunity in the history of Miami-Dade County!
But politics as usual won’t get the job done. 
Visit him here. He is running a grassroots campaign, help him out here

Only one candidate for Miami-Dade Mayor has solutions: Farid Khavari. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Farid A. Khavari: Save Florida From Sea Level Rise

Towards a Zero-Cost Economy 
A Blueprint to Create General Economic Security in a Carefree Economy. here

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Farid Khavari - Florida 2014

Maybe Is Time To Look Somewhere Else 
Since 2010, Florida’s voter rolls have expanded by 546,985. Of that increase, 78 percent registered with parties other than the Republicans or Democrats. Check out Farid Khavari 

It’s official! Papers filed and fees paid, I am on the 2014 ballot as an independent (no party affiliation) candidate for Florida governor. I am running for you and your family 
and 99% of Floridians. 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Khavari for Governor, Florida 2014

Florida can lead the nation, 
and feed the nation
with non-GMO and organic foods and livestock and poultry grown by Floridians 
earning a living wage. 
We can process this food and sell it all over America, and even export to other countries.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Hundreds March Against Monsanto In Miami

 About 400 people gathered
as part of a global day of action to 
"March Against Monsanto.” 
Activists and concerned families, young and old, met outside of the 
Adrienne Arsht Center Metro Mover 
with signs and banners, chanting, 
"Save our farmers, save our seeds, 
listen to the people's needs!".......more>
Speech by Farid A. Khavari 

Friday, March 7, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Khavari Economic Plan For Florida

Farid Khavari
He s the only gubernatorial candidate in the state
of Florida with a solid economic plan.
He is not a politician, but an Economist (PhD) and also an accomplished author with internationally distributed books on economic, political, environmental and energy topics.
He is NPA, Check him out here