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NCAP was founded by nationally syndicated writer and longtime political activist, Catherine Durkin Robinson, to encourage a national discussion about the importance of effective parenting and empower the public to hold parents accountable. Join NCAP
October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month I am donating 100% of my profits from the sales of Olivia's Kiss ($3.99 on Kindle) to The Spring, a local Domestic Violence Prevention and Emergency Shelter Agency. If you own a Mac, iPad, iPhone, or Kindle, (or even if you don't!) you can buy this book and help survivors of domestic violence at the same time. info
Well, well, well. Looks like someone has decided to play dirty, using their blog to solicit votes for Creative Loafing's Best Of The Bay 2010 Reader's Poll, which is something I thought of first and now that other people are doing it, I don't like it, which makes it a dirty trick. Who would stoop so low? None other than Catherine Durkin Robinson, that's
When I taught high school, I hung in my classroom a rather large piece of white cardboard that stated: Celebrate Freedom – Read a Banned Book. Underneath that caption, I listed 20 titles and authors, explaining to students that these were books banned somewhere in America
How else would you explain this rant, rated “Pants on Fire” by PolitiFact, for so obscuring what is, at heart, a positive message from the President of the United States to schoolchildren about the importance of getting a good education?
Inept Secretary at Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration, said in a radio interview Wednesday being poor or unemployed is no excuse to be unhealthy. “It means,” Benson said, “you have a lot more time to go running.” The radio host laughed in
Charlie Miranda has come up with a plan to turn hundreds of millions of gallons of wastewater into drinking water. All in the name of self-sufficiency. Yes, we are in the middle of a drought. But we aren’t desperate........more
Administrators at Sickles High School got into a bit of trouble with this year’s t-shirt when a few parents called to say that the shirt was “obscene” and “inappropriate.”
If you squint your eyes, dim the lights, and drink a glass of wine - that castle still doesn’t look like a cock.
Speaking of friends and enemies, the following day I was in the car and turned on the radio to catch True Talk on WMNF. Host Ahmed Bedier uses this forum to discuss Muslim issues and events...........more
Creative Loafing has a new website and I’m one of their contributing writers. They invited me to their launch party and I thought it’d be fun. That’s what I get for thinking. I put on my hot mama jeans, did my hair, and even applied some goddamn makeup. One of my favorite Republicans, Jim Johnson, said he’d meet me there so I stuck the boys with my mom for the evening and took off for South Tampa..........more
Catherine Durkin Robinson puts words in people's mouths. For a price. The 38-year-old speechwriter charges 50 cents a word for toasts and wedding vows. Her rate for politicking Democrats is $1 a word. No such deal for the GOP. "Five dollars for Republicans,"