Showing posts with label Frank Reddick. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frank Reddick. Show all posts

Monday, August 17, 2020

Chronicles of Reddick: Tampa DINOS

Frank Reddick, a Democrat, endorsed Tampa Republican state Rep. Shawn Harrison in his re-election bid against Democrat Fentrice Driskell. HERE
He also supported him against 
Lisa Montelione in 2016

He backed a Trump supporter
 for Tampa mayor

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Hillsborough County District 3 Down To A 2 Man/Woman Race

In the first campaign forum of the cycle, only two of the six candidates in the race bothered to show up. 
Democrats Gwen Myers, Thomas Scott, and Frank Reddick were not in attendance. Nor was the lone Republican in the race, 
Maura Cruz Lanz.
Myers told Spectrum Bay News 9 that the forum conflicted with a prior 
campaign commitment. 
Only the 2 grassroots canidates showed up, Sky U. White and Rick Fernandez. 
“This is the first forum we’ve had and we’re 90 days out from the election,” White said after the debate. “People want to hear what we’re about. What we plan on doing. 
What’s our vision?”
“They made a statement to the community,” Fernandez said afterward, refusing to say what that statement was. “I’m just glad Sky was here. I think a service was done by the folks who put this together.”

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Tampa DINO Frank Reddick

Tampa City Council Chairman Frank Reddick, a Democrat, has endorsed Tampa Republican state Rep. Shawn Harrison in his re-election bid against Democrat Fentrice Driskell. here

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Asher Edelson Speaks At City Hall

 Speaking to Tampa City Council demanding Audit 
to Investigate “Biking While Black."
Another gentleman also spoke directing his anger towards 
Frank Reddick. He was stopped and told to direct 
his comments towards the whole body. He mentioned that Reddick had done nothing for Tampa's 
African American community. 
Joe Citro was there and a few other people. 
Where was everybody?
This is your government at work. I know it's hard for working people to be at City Hall on a weekday morning but what about retirees? Don't you you care about your children and grand children's future? What about students that don't have class?

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

David Straz's Self-Serving Operatives

The sweet smell of money is an aphrodesiac to political operatives whose main focus is to sell hope to a hopeless candidate, not trying to elect the poor schmuck.
I talked to Straz at his open to the public spaghetti dinner Sunday at the Italian Club in Tampa.  Outside of a couple of media people, it was south Tampa socialites mixing with longtime political grifters. 
But there’s a ton of money at stake for these operatives who have to do nothing more than stroke the ego of a 75-year-old elitist who supported Donald Trump and propagandize to the gullible.  
Three city council members have sold their political futures in backing the farcical Straz candidacy: Yolie Capin, Frank Reddick, and Guido Maniscalco.
By Jim Bleyer - Tampa Bay Beat

Sunday, December 3, 2017

Bootleg Images Of Trump Supporter David Straz Shindig In West Tampa

Know any of these people?

Any South Tampa Republicans read this blog?

Is that Democrat Yoli Capin?

David Straz for mayor Spaghetti Feast
Co-Chaired by Democrats
Yoli Capin, Frank Reddick and Guido Maniscalco

Saturday, December 2, 2017

Monday, November 20, 2017

Shame On Guido Maniscalco

Democrats Yvonne Yolie Capin, Guido Maniscalco, and Frank Reddick are co-chairs of a movement to make a Trump supporter Mayor of Tampa.
We would expect this from Capin and Reddick. But Guido? We are very disappointed! We always thought he would be remembered for being the only dissenter on the 13-1 vote by the MPO on TBX back in 2015. 
We were wrong. 

He is no longer in our Circle of Trust!

Monday, October 5, 2015

Bob Buckhorn's Fringe Groups

Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn 
upset civic groups including the NAACP and American Civil Liberties Union when he dismissed critics of his new police review board as “fringe groups” who want to “tear down our community. ” Buckhorn said he sees no need to meet with those groups as called for by City Council Chairman Frank Reddick. here
“Mayor, there is a cloud of distrust over police-community relations in this town, and this country, we are merely responding to their demands for justice.” Frank Reddick

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Join fellow air-breathers and planet-dwellers in Tampa

Tuesday, August 18 at 10:00am

The BIGGEST step to combat climate change by any president, ever! That's what President Barack Obama did when he unveiled his Clean Power Plan, the first limit on carbon pollution from our power plants, the number 1 contributor to climate change.

We just wanted to say thank you!
Join our guest speakers: Tampa City Council Chair Frank Reddick, Rev. Russell Meyer, Fmr Insurance Consumer Advocate Sean Shaw, Small Business owner Ken Conklin, moderated by Tampa Bay Sierra Club 
Chair Kent Bailey.

Join fellow air-breathers and planet-dwellers as 
we thank the President for taking the steps 
to reverse climate change.
Tampa City Council, E Kennedy Blvd, Tampa

Pic: At the Cuban Club in Ybor city, Sunday, April 15, 2007

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Citizen Review Board for the Tampa Police Department

Join us Thursday for the Public Comment Period at Tampa City Council as we voice support for Councilman Reddick's proposal of a Citizen Review Board for the 
Tampa Police Department.
Thursday at 9:00am

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Bob Buckhorn Let’s Be Real Here

“Let’s be real here — the mayor did not support Charlie Crist. Everybody knows that, and that decision was made based on his political position…those in the political arena know that. He made it known that he wasn’t supporting Charlie Crist….and for a city employee, a city administrator, someone who invested that many years with the city, and that person is denied that investment by a few months. What kind of city is this?” Frank Reddick