The Tampa Bay Action Group (TBAG), a decentralized collective of anarchists strewn throughout the urban and swampy reaches of Florida, is committed to making 2012 and the RNC in Tampa a truly catastrophic celebration of liberty and joy. here
After speaking with several attendees, I realized that although this would be a protest against the Republican National Committee, most of the organizers in this room would be just as happy protesting the Democratic National Committee. This was most unexpected! But as the website for Resist the RNC states, "Both parties are intricately tied to corporate rule, war, economic injustice, and profess freedom and democracy but crack down on dissent." The desire to claim power for the 99% permeated the room. The following question was put to the group: if you could change just one thing about the world, what would you change? Each attendee answered in their own way. The answers were full of hope and idealism.
The 2001 Odyssey strip club in Tampa, Florida has revamped its online marketing strategy in hopes of attracting some of the nearly 50,000 people expected to attend the 2012 Republican National Convention. here
Here we go again. They did it for George W. Bush in 2000, and now the Republicans are working to steal the 2012 Presidential election for Mitt Romney in Florida.
It's straight out of Katherine Harris' playbook. Florida Governor Rick Scott is currently deploying a massive and systematic effort to purge up to 182,000 Floridians who are likely Democratic voters from the state's voting rolls. more
"A crowd of hotel managers gathered in the ballroom of the Wyndam Tampa Westshore on Wednesday expecting a routine update on plans for the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa." Instead, a new convention contractor delivered a shock: Hotels are expected to throw out year-old room contracts with the convention's Republican organizers and sign new agreements with lower room rates.
At the St. Pete Times Forum, is expected to draw nearly 50,000 delegates, volunteers, journalists, convention staffers and visitors. More than 4,000 security personnel from various law enforcement agencies will be deployed each day to keep crowds under control including protestors, which could number as high as 300,000.