Thank you all for standing up and emailing & calling to bring back the ferry study/plan. We are back on track again! The BOCC had voted 5-1 to restart the ferry study/plan that we had already paid $500,000 to finally get done.(Only Comm. Les Miller voted no this time.) (Special thanks to Jae Passmore, Gwen Meyers, Cleo L. Townsend for making it
to the meeting.
In Sept, just 2 months ago, the BOCC approved the ferry study/plan by 7-0, then suddenly for no apparent reason put the ferry on the agenda on the lame-duck session and killed the study/plan 2 months into a 4 month plan by a 6-1 vote with only me supporting finishing the study/plan we had already mostly paid for.
Learn more about Mr. Miller here