Showing posts with label Rick A. Lott. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rick A. Lott. Show all posts

Friday, June 24, 2016

Tampa's Unforgiven

 Cindy Stuart
Harry Cohen
 Ken Hagan
 Sandra Murman
Stacy White
Frank Chillura
Rick A. Lott
The Hillsborough County Metropolitan Planning Organization approved the Florida Dept. of Transportation’s controversial Tampa Bay Express project on Thursday morning, adding it to its annual Transportation Improvement Plan for the next five years, despite intense passionate opposition. here
USF Professor Doug Jesseph warned the lawmakers on the MPO that they were putting their political futures in doubt if they supported the TBX. “If you have political ambitions, you should take note,” he said. “Support TBX and literally hundreds of people will work 
tirelessly for your electoral downfall.