Showing posts with label Les Miller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Les Miller. Show all posts

Monday, September 16, 2019

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Hillsborough County, Florida Corruption

Even here women get less

Amount is for yes vote on rezoning only, 
other projects are negotiable. 

Hillsborough GOP Attack Wimauma

We are getting a huge new subdivision in Wimauma. 
1,188 houses will add 10,920 more car trips per day on South County roads through Sun City Center, Wimauma, Balm, Riverview, Ruskin, and Apollo Beach. Thousands of cars will pour out of this development every day onto Hwy 301, Big Bend Rd., 19th Av., 674, US 41, I-75 and other roads; clogging them with more congestion.

Commissioners Les Miller, Stacy White, Sandy Murman, and Ken Hagan voted FOR approval of this project while Commissioners Pat Kemp, Kimberly Overman and Mariella Smith fought hard against it and voted NO. HERE
Remember he is running for Clerk of Circuit Court

Thursday, August 22, 2019


In a move initiated by Commissioner Mariella Smith, the board walked back a vote at a workshop last Thursday approving a guiding document for creating “a balanced approach to community building.”
The vote to rescind the approval fell along the same lines as the initial workshop vote with Smith and Pat Kemp voting to overturn the vote and Commissioners Kimberly Overman, Ken HaganStacy WhiteSandy Murman and Les Miller voting against. HERE

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Fight GOP Corruption In Tampa

Tomorrow 9AM 
Hillsborough County Center
Downtown Tampa INFO
Let the humiliation begin!

Monday, August 19, 2019

Hillsborough County GOP Pulls A Fast One

At a Workshop where the public was not allowed to comment, the County rammed through a growth plan that includes "Sector Planning," which can result in tens of thousands of homes paving over our rural lands.
This "Sector Plan" was not on the agenda, and was not included in the backup materials for the meeting, so neither the Commissioners nor the public had a chance to review it, and the public had no opportunity for input prior to the vote. The County Administrator, Mike Merrill, handed it out to the Commissioners when we were seated at the meeting. Soon after, Commissioner Stacy White made a motion for us to adopt the document.
Voting YES: Stacy White, Sandy Murman,
Les Miller & Ken Hagan.
Voter Registration in Hillsborough County;
 Democrats334,070; Republicans269,899; Others255,409

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Untainted Hillsborough County Commissioners

The Hillsborough MPO voted 11-5 to keep TBNext (TBX) on the Transportation Improvement Program. This move will keep TBNext in line to one day receive state funding and get built.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Florida Dem AHole of the month

A ferry company made him an offer 
he couldn't refuse, and he did. HERE

Monday, May 20, 2019

Tampa's Fabulous 4

Voted to move the 
Ferry project forward. 
A remarkable point to be included in the agreement is the extraordinary commitment by HMS Ferry to pay for all the operating, maintenance and repair costs — a $100 million commitment — making the Cross-Bay Ferry the only transit service in Florida not requiring ongoing operating subsidies. HERE
The power shift is starting to show.

The GOP voted no

Monday, December 10, 2018

Thanks Commissioner Pat Kemp

Words of Pat Kemp:
Thank you all for standing up and emailing & calling to bring back the ferry study/plan. We are back on track again! The BOCC had voted 5-1 to restart the ferry study/plan that we had already paid $500,000 to finally get done.(Only Comm. Les Miller voted no this time.) (Special thanks to Jae Passmore, Gwen Meyers, Cleo L. Townsend for making it 
to the meeting.
In Sept, just 2 months ago, the BOCC approved the ferry study/plan by 7-0, then suddenly for no apparent reason put the ferry on the agenda on the lame-duck session and killed the study/plan 2 months into a 4 month plan by a 6-1 vote with only me supporting finishing the study/plan we had already mostly paid for.

Learn more about Mr. Miller here

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Tampa DINO Les Miller

To Board of County Commissioner Les Miller.

WHY ON GOD'S EARTH WOULD YOU BE SUPPORTING Republican TOM LEE when we have Democrat KATHY LEWIS running for this seat?" Beth Eriksen Shoup
Learn more about Mr. Miller's 
GOP tainted past here

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Corporate Welfare: Hillsborough County Pays $350,000 For 30 New Jobs

The exemption for NewSouth Window Solutions would save the company nearly $50,000 a year in ad valorem taxes and cost the county nearly $350,000 in lost revenue over the seven-year proposal. In return, NewSouth would have to create at least 30 new jobs in Hillsborough County. here
The Hillsborough County Commission
unanimously approved 
this giveaway!
“This is a great story of a manufacturer expanding in our community,” said Hillsborough County Commissioner Sandra Murman.
Murman said criticism to past incentives stemmed from a lack of accountability. The NewSouth deal would require the company to create at least 30 jobs or the deal is off.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Did Kimberly Overman Scare Les Miller Into Doing The Right Thing?

A week after Seminole Heights resident Kimberly Overman said she would be taking on Miller in the Hillsborough County Commission District 3 race, she drops out. Miller voted no on TBX. here 
USF Professor Doug Jesseph warned lawmakers on the MPO that they were putting their political futures in doubt if they supported the TBX. “If you have political ambitions, you should take note,” he said. “Support TBX and literally hundreds of
people will work 
tirelessly for your electoral downfall.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Mayor And Two Commissioners Booted From Office Because Of Toll Lanes

Huntersville Mayor and two town commissioners were booted from office because of residents’ anger about the state’s plans to widen Interstate 77 with toll lanes. here
"The citizens wanted to have their voice heard, and they did it through the ballot box. The incumbents who lost got complacent and weren’t really listening to the citizens.” Danny Phillips, a toll opponent and the top vote-geter in the board race.
Looking good Guido! here
Don't forget Mayor Bob likes this idea too. Should we re-post this once a month to remind voters? Plant City and Temple Yerrace pay attention.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Attend MPO Board Meeting Today: Stop TBX

6 PM
Tell the MPO Board, especially Les Miller, Sandy Murman,Lisa Montelione and Harry Cohen, that:
  • We don’t appreciate our concerns being ignored and voted against at the Aug. 4 MPO board meeting!
  • We want TBX stopped and removed from the TIP.
  • They should be vigorously fighting for and defending their constituents, who are being asked to give up so much for zero benefit.
  • Tell them how you feel- be there, and bring 5 friends with you!
Frederick B. Karl County Center
601 E. Kennedy Blvd., Second Floor, Tampa

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Beckner, Montelione, Miller And Cohen Vote For TBX

Yes on TBX
Kevin Beckner
Lisa Montelione
Les Miller
Harry Cohen

Florida GOP
Ken Hagan,  Sandra Murman, Josh Burgin and  Stacy White.
Also voted yes.

Update: I wrote Mr. Beckner to express my disappointment with his yes vote. He thanked me for my feedback and said "This issue is far from over. If FDOT does not take considerable action to work with the citizens and neighborhoods, I will not hesitate pulling my support."

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Hillsborough County Commissioner's Lack Of Vision

To their great credit, Commissioners Stacy White and Les Miller did their best to persuade fellow commissioners last week to spend much of the $23 million the county will receive in oil spill damages from BP on the Jan K. Platt Environmental Lands Acquisition and Protection Program, which is virtually out of money. But their colleagues refused. 

Ken Hagan said there should be no urgency in spending the money — despite renewed development now taking place.
Sandra Murman suggested spending the nonrecurring funds on transportation. That’s clearly a need, but the county has other revenue sources for roads and is considering a half-cent sales tax increase for transportation needs. ELAPP, in contrast, is being neglected.
Kevin Beckner similarly argued that since the settlement was compensation for the loss of tourism and other economic activity, it should go toward the economy, including ecotourism. here
Thank you Mr. White (We might have been wrong about you) and Mr. Miller.

Monday, April 15, 2013

It's Miller Time

Hillsborough Commissioner Les Miller’s Redistricting Plan 
could result in the county’s first Latino representative. The plan will call for substituting one at-large commission seat, which is voted on by everyone in the county, with a new single-member district, which would be chosen only by residents of a specific area. That new district would be designed so that a Hispanic could run in it and win.
“The key to provide for equitable representation is to move away from county-wide districts and have seven single-member districts, where each neighborhood is represented by a commissioner, rather than these million-dollar races that put in so much special interest money that it really becomes prohibitive for someone from a socio-economic area to be able to win countywide,” says Chris Cano, vice chair for the Hillsborough County Democratic Hispanic Caucus and treasurer for the Hillsborough Hispanic Coalition.
Great Job Mr. Miller