Showing posts with label Florida Panther. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Florida Panther. Show all posts

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Rare Florida panther sighting at Duette Preserve

It’s a quick 4-second video, but a Florida Panther was spotted on a trail camera at Duette Preserve in Manatee County.

Thursday, December 14, 2023

Sprawling new developments obliterate the revival of Florida panthers

One development is an entire new city called “Kingston,” whose owner wants to build 10,000 homes, a hotel, and other businesses in a section of Lee County that’s supposed to be kept at a low density for groundwater recharge. Hey, it’s just our source of clean drinking water — it’s not like it’s something people really NEED.

The other, known as Bellmar, is one part of a new city, a village that will plop 8,600 new residents on land that’s virtually next door to the Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commissioner Wants To Kill Our Panthers

FWC Commissioner Liesa Priddy and other business landowners are asking for what’s called an “incidental take permit.” The permit would protect them from civil or criminal penalties under the Endangered Species Act. That involves killing, hunting, shooting or trapping any threatened or endangered species. It also accounts for altering an animal’s natural habitat to the point it would not be able to reproduce or nest there. here

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Florida Panther: Yes On 1

Did you know 
that there fewer than 200 panthers left in Florida?
The Everglades
 is key habitat for them, and its existence is also threatened.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Ban Fracking In Florida

Recently, the Dan A. Hughes Co. of Texas was given a minor slap on the wrist by Gov. Scott's Department of Environmental Protection for secretly and illegally fracking on endangered Florida panther habitat in the heart of the western Everglades.
Now more than ever we must act to protect the Florida we love. 
Add your voice to the voices of Floridians saying it's time to end fracking by signing the petition. here

Friday, July 11, 2014

The Awesome Collier County Commissioners

Collier County Commissioners 
decided Tuesday, June 10th, 
to stay the course and uphold their decision to file a petition against the consent order between the 
 Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the 
Dan A. Hughes Company.
Dan A. Hughes is the applicant for exploratory drilling in Golden Gate Estates - 1,000 feet from residences and less than one mile from the
  Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge
They are also the company involved in using
illegal fracking techniques
at the Collier-Hogan well
within the
Big Cypress Swamp Watershed. here
There's only one Everglades   

Check out Florida Fracker Ray Rodrigues

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Protect Florida Panthers from Big Oil

Florida panthers number barely over 100 
In the wild and can't afford unnecessary, new threats. 
Yet, the state of Florida 
has issued a permit for the construction of a new oil 
and gas waste disposal well in prime habitat for the 
endangered Florida panther. This well would be place 
less than a mile from the 
Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge.