Showing posts with label Jon Rector. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jon Rector. Show all posts

Monday, December 22, 2014

Jon Rector: Put Christ back in Christian

The GOP (Government of the People) 
is anything but "...of the People." 
And, this so-called Christian nation of ours that the right-wingers thump their holy book of fables about is anything but Christian. Now there is some serious hypocrisy for you.
Now, a little holiday cheer. I saw this on-line the other day: Instead of putting Christ back in Christmas, how about putting Christ back in Christian?

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Trouncing of the limp-dick Democrats

 The Republicans have The Power
This is what happens when you don't VOTE. 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Republican Party of Oligarchs

It is vital that every conscientious, true patriotic American get out and vote on November 4. If you have a clue, you know what the Republicans are trying to do all across this nation. They want a single party state controlling our country. here

Vote Florida

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Jon Rector Speaks Out

And, for the incessant Republican robocallers: We voted for Charlie Crist. Florida has suffered enough at the hands of the Chief 
Executive Orifice Prick Scott. 
After Scott and his minions threw their support to Nan Rich, she was no longer a viable candidate. A vote for Rich would be the same as a vote for Scott.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

What Stogie Had For Lunch

Ybor City Steak Sandwich
With Pasta Salad and Martinis. Great stuff at Bernini in Ybor City
I was in this building when I was a boy, it was a bank.
My friend Jon at The SOG Oracle was there recently.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Farm To Table In Seminole Heights

Rooster and the Till
Our local food expert Jon Rector of SOG
With The Belle of Ballast Point and Under Dog and Sweet Polly visited a local restaurant that we are hearing good things about.
Read what he has to say here, Sweet Polly's version
Eat Local - Stay Local