Showing posts with label John Morgan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label John Morgan. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

PotDaddy says Florida is ready for legal weed

Orlando trial lawyer John Morgan – who sometimes uses the Twitter hashtag #PotDaddy – says he is throwing his considerable expertise and possibly financial resources behind the effort to put a state constitutional amendment on the November 2020 ballot to legalize recreational marijuana. HERE

Sunday, May 12, 2019

John Morgan Rips Andrew Gillum

He took shots at Gillum for leaving millions of dollars in the bank ahead of his narrow loss last November to eventual winner Ron DeSantis.
Morgan tweeted that Gillum should take his unspent campaign money “and use it ALL to pay the financial restitution now owed by freed felons to vote. This poll tax is unconscionable. They paid a price & are now being asked 
to pay again.” HERE

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Florida Canna Warriors Unite!

You won in 2016. Lets do it again. John Morgan has got your back. He wants the full legalization of marijuana on the Florida ballot in 2020.
A referendum to legalize recreational marijuana in Florida “would pass overwhelmingly.” here
Mayor Gillum is also for full legalization.
He has been from the start. 
We need him in 2018 to help lead 
the Cannabis movement forward.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Rick Scott: Bald-headed Eveready bunny

"I think Senator Nelson is in for a dog fight. I think he’s got to get busy. You cannot underestimate this Rick Scott. He is a methodical, Eveready bunny; a bald-headed Eveready bunny who just never stops. He’s focused, and he’s got the money. And he’s got the message. And if I was Bill Nelson, I’d be worried.” 
John Morgan

Sunday, November 26, 2017

#DemExit: John Morgan

Morgan said, while he would support some Democratic candidates he likes, he would not raise a dime for national groups like the Democratic National Committee. “Fuck no,” he said when asked if he would help national organizations. “That’s like pissing money down a rat hole. Read
Donna Brazile's book” here

Monday, November 14, 2016

John Morgan For Florida Governor

I don't care whether he runs as a Democrat, Republican, Communist or Klingon, I want John Morgan to be Florida's next Governor. I want John Morgan to be MY next Governor. Do you?
Tell John: We need you in Tallahassee. We need a Governor who is truly, 
For The People.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Mel “The Moocher” Sembler

Friend, Two things you KNOW about me: First, I’m for the people. Second, I put my money where my mouth is. I made a commitment to see compassion come to Florida in the form of medical marijuana and I’ve put over $7 million of my own money towards fulfilling that commitment.

Mel “the Moocher” Sembler isn’t either of those things. Last Friday, Mel the Moocher announced he was going to raise $10 million to defeat medical marijuana in Florida. He raised $7.5 million last time. Guess how much Mel the Moocher put in of his own money in 2014? Only 1.3% of the $7.5 million he raised. $100,000.

It’s easy to talk a big game when you’re spending your rich Uncle Shelly’s money, I guess. Mel's all hat, no cattle. If there is one thing in the world I can’t stand, it’s bullies. I’ve made my living beating up bullies.
 Mel the Moocher is a bully.
I am not going to let this man bully the sick and suffering people of Florida in 2016.


Sunday, April 24, 2016

John Morgan: Bring It On

We knew it was going to happen at some point. Mel Sembler - Sheldon Adelson's BFF and the leader of the "No on 2" campaign in 2014 announced today that he plans to spend $10 million to defeat medical marijuana this fall.
I've got a message for Mel Sembler: BRING. IT. ON.
No amount of money and lies are going to stop us from winning this time.
I need your help TODAY. Make a donation to the campaign now
and send Mel Sembler and all those who would seek to stand in the way of compassion a message:

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Tallahassee's Skunky Weed Bill

Once again, Tallahassee politicians are putting their own campaigns before medical science and the rights of doctors. They passed HB307, a bill that perpetuates the status quo except for a very small number of terminally ill patients. This law would do nothing for people like my brother, a quadriplegic, or any other person who has intractable pain. It does nothing to help cancer patients who need marijuana to counter the affects of chemo. It does nothing for our soldiers with PTSD or patients with MS. The bill is typical Tallahassee window dressing, designed more to help with campaigns than serve as a true means of access for those that need it. lt also adds a new class of eligibility to a universe of 
ZERO eligible patients.
While there are a few up there worth supporting, I lost faith in the legislature a long time ago. The ONLY thing they've done with this legislation is acknowledge that medical marijuana works, but then they specifically voted against access for hundreds of thousands of patients who need it.
This is why we took matters into our own hands, and why so many of us opened up our wallets to support getting Amendment 2 on the 2016 ballot. Tallahassee's failure points again to the need for Amendment 2, and the need for your continued support.  Doctors—not Tallahassee politicians—should decide who they should recommend use marijuana.  People shouldn't have to be terminal to be allowed this access.
- John Morgan, Chairman, United for Care

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

John Morgan On Tallahassee Window Dressing

The Florida Senate passed HB 307 on a bipartisan 28-11 vote. HB 307 is meant to expand current medical marijuana laws to allow terminally ill patients the use medical marijuana.
Attorney John Morgan, United for Care's Chairman, said, "Once again, Tallahassee politicians are putting their own campaigns before medical science and the rights of doctors. This law would do nothing for people like my brother, a quadriplegic, or any other person who has intractable pain. It does nothing to help cancer patients who need marijuana to counter the affects of chemo. It does nothing for our solders with PTSD or patients with MS. The bill is typical Tallahassee window dressing, designed more to help with campaigns than serve as a true means of access for those that need it. Hospice centers have another drug. It's called morphine."

Friday, October 9, 2015


John Morgan, the Chairman of United for Care, has announced he will be matching all donations 9 to 1 in order to support the petition gathering process and to support patient's right to medical marijuana in FL.  Morgan is already the leading donor to the campaign and largely funded it's 2014 effort. John Morgan stated, 
“I started doing this because of my brother and father. During his last days, my father was able to find relief with medical marijuana. My brother, Tim, is a hardworking family man who should not have to suffer or live like a criminal. Like the majority of voters in Florida, I want sick and suffering patients like my brother to have the option to legally use medical marijuana. Over the past 2 years I’ve met so many people across our state that also NEED safe, legal access to medical marijuana. We are going to make sure that happens.
The Tallahassee politicians quit on us early. I will not quit until the people of Florida have a comprehensive medical marijuana law. To show my commitment, I am going to match all online donations 9 to 1 from now until the end of December.”
United for Care needs to collect about 500,000 more petitions before Dec 31st in order to meet the deadline to make the 2016 ballot.
United for Care’s Campaign Manager, Ben Pollara, stated, “We are honored to have the backing of a man who is so compassionate and tenacious. If someone donates $10, he’s going to put $90 on it- that’s phenomenal. It’s going to be tough, but I still think we can make the ballot before the end of the year” here

For press inquiries please contact Bianca Garza at

Saturday, April 11, 2015

John Morgan Is Serious

Ben Pollara is serious!
Bianca A Garza is serious!
Carlos Hermida is serious!
Kush Liberty  is serious!
Central Florida NORML is serious!
Robert Mronetime Valdez Jr is serious!
We are serious!

“We have a list of 200,000 supporters who are still committed to this and 12,000 volunteers and 6,000 donors to the campaign, just because we got 58 percent and not 60 percent in the election we’re not going to pack up and go home. There are people banging on our door to fire it (the campaign) back up.” Ben Pollara

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

John Morgan ready to kick some ass

As legislature sits on their ass, 
I'm ready to kick some ass.
If it wasn't for medical marijuana, my brother Tim wouldn't be here today.  The legislature can solve this problem for patients throughout the state right now - but they're not.

So we are going to gear up and get ready to do what we did in 2014 - put medical marijuana back on the ballot.

Will you help us?  We have to raise even more money than before to make sure we are ready for any kind of opposition. Even one funded by an out of state billionaire.

In the meantime... BELIEVE!

I do want to thank the few, brave Republican legislators who tried and failed to bring compassion to Florida. Unfortunately, the power of the pharmaceutical industry is proving more powerful than the people.

- John Morgan

Monday, March 30, 2015

Tallahassee making "disastrous choice"

The editorial board of Florida's largest newspaper, the Tampa Bay Times, just said what we already know: 
"The Florida Legislature is making a serious mistake by refusing to take up legislation that 
would legalize medical marijuana."
Tallahassee politicians are "conveniently forgetting" the 58% of Floridians for medical marijuana and instead "dodging the issue", ultimately coming to the same conclusion we have "no recourse" but to go back in the ballot.
But we can't do it without you. 

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Florida GOP running out the clock

I wouldn't trust a politician to be in control of my medical decisions - but that's exactly what's happening in Tallahassee.

Instead of giving physicians the right to do what they think is best for their patients, they're obstructing access to medical marijuana, making it impossible for doctors to truly fulfill their oath.

This obstruction, right now, is coming in the form of running out the clock.  And in 36 days, should legislature end without a bill, it means an automatic 2 year delay (minimum) before we can pass it at the ballot box and get legislature to implement. 
Over 3.4 million Florida voters said they wanted medical marijuana - and that 
will should not be denied by a couple of hundred legislators in Tallahassee.
I'm going to do what I can to get this done sooner, and if not,
I'm going to help get it passed in 2016.

In the meantime, can you make a small donation to United for Care, make this campaign stronger, and help us keep the pressure on Tallahassee?

We can, and will, get this done.  But so many people would benefit if it gets done sooner.
John Morgan