Showing posts with label Scott Shoup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scott Shoup. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Sky U. White Fan

Socially-distanced sign waving this 
Saturday from 11-1!
Corner of Hillsborough and 40th Street.

Saturday, July 6, 2019

Tampa Berner goes on the offensive

"Bernie needs to go on the offensive at the next debate. He needs to call out the rest of the Democratic Candidates, excluding Warren, for what they really are: Corporate Tools. Railing against the neoliberal system won't do it. Biden, Booker, Harris, Buttlegrieg's Wall Street genuflecting, etc., all have well documented voting records that Bernie must expose during the corporate controlled debates. He must separate himself from these corporate controlled candidates and from the slanderous neoliberal rag, the NYTimes." Scott Douglas

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

2018 Tampa Activist Of The Year: Scott Shoup's Picks

Selecting an activist of the year is no easy task. There are so many socially conscious people doing good works that it's hard to choose. Here are my choices: I want to mention Allen Bray, Austin Willis, Sydney Eastwin, Torrie Grogan, Jen Derlis, Dezeray Lyn.  These individuals recognized the immorality and plain evil of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement's policy of separating children from their parents. These individuals  actually chained themselves to an I.C.E Facility and were arrested. By doing this courageous act of civil disobedience they put their lives on the line and should be recognized along with other important individuals acts of civil disobedience in this Nation's long history like the Freedom Riders, the Keystone Pipeline, and John Brown's raid on the Federal Armory to mention a few.  

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Team Shoup in Panama City

On Thanksgiving Day I was in Panama City helping to distribute food along with members of The Poor People's Campaign, The Party for Socialism and Liberation, and Tallahassee Chapter of DSA. Among the devastation from Hurricane Michael, what I didn't see was FEMA.  Welcome to The United States  disaster relief in 2018. Though Hurricane Michael, a Category 4 storm, hit Panama City only a few weeks ago, the presence of the Federal Government was minimal and the plight of the residents trying to recover their homes and lives has fallen out of the news cycle. Sadly, this is predictable in the neoliberal era when the Wealthy have effectively stop paying their taxes and the Federal Government devotes more and more of the budget to bloated military spending.  Of course , one reason for the lack of press coverage of the aftermath of Hurricane Michael is the condition in California where, like in Panama Beach, man made Global Warming is fueling massive wildfires.

Scott Shoup
Images by Reem Zaitoon

Monday, September 17, 2018

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Monday, August 13, 2018

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Words Of Scott Shoup

"Tired of seeing uber-wealthy Democratic Gubernatorial candidates buying their field organizers and making a mockery of what real grassroots activism is about. Come join us this Saturday for a Andrew Gillum sign waving event. Bring your sign or be creative and make your own ( I'll have extras). Let's amp this real grassroots campaign up." Scott Shoup
Andrew Gillum Sign Waving
Dale Mabry Hwy & Kennedy Blvd - Tampa
June 2 at 2 PM info

Monday, April 16, 2018

A Progressive Democrat Reflects on Bill Nelson

While campaigning recently in Tallahassee Senator Bill Nelson expressed his support for the U.S. Military’s missile attack in Syria  for alleged chemical attacks by the Assad regime.This before international inspectors could determine the Western Media’s supposed claims of authenticity. This should not really surprise anyone, as Senator Nelson recently voted against a resolution that would have pulled the United States support for the Saudi-led humanitarian catastrophe in Yemen.
I can only deduce that Senator Nelson likes to see human suffering and making our country less safe. He  voted for the Iraq War and the results of that egregious blunder, we’re still paying for: the destruction of the country of Iraq, the hundreds-of-thousands of Iraqi citizens dead or displaced,the rise of ISIS, all at a cost of a trillion dollars according to Nobel Prize laureate Joseph Stiglitz and Harvard Professor Linda Bilmes.
So, as a Progressive Democrat, when I look at his voting record, say, his committee vote against a Public Option during the ACA debate or his recent vote to dismantle the Dodd-Frank Act-returning the Big Banks to their  pre-recession actions or refusal to insist on DACA protections before ending the government shutdown , leaving up to 1.8 million Dreamers vulnerable to deportations, there’s not much to get excited about with Bill Nelson. What’s a Progressive Democrat to do?  One thing I won’t do is go out and tell other registered democrats what a wonderful voting record Bill Nelson has in terms
war and peace and finance.
Scott Shoup
Finally, a Progressive with the courage to speak up.