Showing posts with label Wayne Garcia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wayne Garcia. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

See You Later PoHo

After nearly five years of documenting the inside story of Tampa Bay and Florida politics,
my time here is coming to a

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Michelle Obama’s Shorts

If we weren’t eating it, they wouldn’t be feeding it to us.
So I’m damned if I write about this nothingness (because by doing so I am just perpetuating the media echo chamber on this particular non-news item) but if I sit by and let this phenomenon continue to go unchallenged I look either a) out of touch or b) like I condone such

22News could not find anyone opposed to Obama's shorts, but many online bloggers think otherwise.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tampa Before The Electric Car

So much for energy-efficiency and reducing our carbon footprints.
“Before these kinds of vehicles came about, our guests would have to wait 45 mintues for a cab,”

.......Ferrell Bonnemort of Cafe Dufrain on Harbour Island

Friday, June 26, 2009

Fabulous Phil Draws A Crowd

Call it Phyllis Math: a gathering of Phyllis Busansky’s “five closest friends” numbered nearly 1,000 at her funeral at Temple Schaarai Zedek in Tampa on this dark, rainy Friday

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Charlie Crist Bends Over For Special Interests

And Floridians Get Screwed
No ceremonial photo-op for this signing, probably because nobody wants to see the Governor bending over for special interests but in my opinion that is exactly what he did by signing SB 360. This bill guts Florida’s growth management laws (yes, we had some) and everyone but special interests and their politicians are against

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Political Whore Wayne Garcia, Wins Top SPJ Award

Because Creative Loafing Political Editor Wayne Garcia would be far too modest to tell you himself, I’m reporting that this here blog, “The Political Whore,” won first place in the category of Blog-Affiliated last night in the Sunshine State

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Wengay Newton’s Summer Vacation

It was eight of us with a single mom, so there wasn’t a lot of vacationing. We’d go to Busch Gardens … one or two of us, then we would come back and tell the rest how it was.”......... Wengay Newton

Monday, May 11, 2009

Pam Iorio: Not Running For US Senate

Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio, who a few months ago expressed interest in Mel Martinez’s seat in the Senate, said today she will not run for statewide or national office in

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Offshore Oil Drilling In Gulf Off Florida Being Horse-Traded

Sen. Dan Gelber, a candidate for the U.S. Senate and a Democrat, warns of a rumor to that

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Hillsborough Commissioners Vote On Light-Rail

Pam Iorio’s top priority for her second and final term appears to be close to getting a shot at the voting public. On Wednesday, Hillsborough County Commissioners unanimously asked their county attorney to start drafting ballot language for a 1-cent light-rail transit tax, which would go to a referendum in 2010..........more

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Tampa Is A Finalist For 2009 All America City Award

Yes, my droogies, there was a time when having civic pride in Tampa Bay meant a whole lot. When we were innocent enough to care that Tampa was awarded the “All America City” designation. When the meaning of civic involvement was broader than just whining on a blog about local government.........more

Sunday, March 22, 2009

4,000 God-Fearing Patriots In Orlando

More than 4,000 people attended the Orlando Tea Party, a conservative rally aimed at expressing discontent with

Saturday, March 21, 2009

The Year Of The Developer In Florida

This is a year for developers and their high-paid legal lackeys to make end-runs on state and local environmental regulations, all in the name of re-starting our economy by letting development and growth run rampant — which is pretty much what tanked Florida’s economy in the first place...........more

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Douchebag Tom DeLay rips Charlie Crist

Strong words from one of the greatest congressional douchebags of the last decade, but Tom DeLay blames Charlie Crist for Florida’s fiscal tanking...........more