Showing posts with label Florida Wetlands. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Florida Wetlands. Show all posts

Saturday, June 2, 2018

New Yorkers Trying To Take Our Waterways!

A firm out of New York is trying to fill in a Manatee Protection Zone near Tampa's Rocky Point Island for development.  They want to turn this waterway into a residential development. 

The developer is dependent upon approval from Tampa City Council on June 28.  

We need your help to engage a land-use attorney who can help stop this. here

Monday, February 5, 2018

Trump And Scott's Scheme To Destroy Florida's Wetlands

Trump and Rick Scott have been working on a play to make it easier and faster for developers to wipe out our natural wetlands. here

Monday, March 28, 2016

Florida Fish Kill Voters Fault

The massive, horrendous, shocking and sad fish kills happening in and around the Indian River Lagoon represent the political corruption infecting the state of Florida. Blame the Florida legislature, its leaders like Agriculture Secretary Adam Putnam, Florida Representative Matt Caldwell, House Speaker Steve Crisafulli, Senator Joe Negron, to start. Blame the most clueless, radical governor in Florida history — the anti-people governor Rick Scott. here
We know exactly what is wrong: voters who don’t care, don’t vote, or vote for candidates and incumbents who represent institutionalized corruption.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Floridians for Clean Water & Amendment 1 Rally

We Want clean Water Rally in Tally 2015 
Feb. 18th 11:30am-1:30pm
On the steps of the Old Capitol

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Florida Dem Alcee Hastings, Joins Republicans

The U.S. House passed Rep. Steve Southerland's bill that would block new federal oversight of waterways and wetlands in lieu of local control The measure passed 262-152, with 35 Democrats, including Florida's Alcee Hastings, joining Republicans. The bill, which face resitence in the Democratic-controlled Senate, lets states decide which wetlands should be protected, a move supported by 
developers, farmers and the sugar industry. here
Go ahead and polute our water. 
In Rick Scott's Florida the tax payer picks up the tab of cleaning it up!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Florida Panther: Yes On 1

Did you know 
that there fewer than 200 panthers left in Florida?
The Everglades
 is key habitat for them, and its existence is also threatened.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Tourist Beware, Flesh-Eating Bacteria in Florida Waters

Health officials in Florida 
issued new warnings about high levels of a flesh-eating bacterium in the ocean and other recreational waters in the state. here

Florida doesn't typically require beach shutdowns for bacteria infestations; in fact, 59 percent of its beaches aren't tested for bacteria levels; the others rely on federal funding to carry out periodic tests. But hey, only the strong survive in
 Rick Scott's Florida!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Florida Needs a Plan to Fight Climate Change

The climate crisis 
has already reached Florida
and we must meet it with a bold response. 
Demand a plan from Scott 
that lays out how he will make 
The Sunshine State 
 A leader in the fight against climate change.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Florida Pass A Clean Springs Bill!

Please call your Senator and urge them to support SB 1576, and then call your Representative to urge them to take up the Springs bill (which will be amended onto a bill that is moving in the House) and pass it without any amendments.  This link will give you the contact information for your 

  Remember, phone calls are more effective than emails which can easily be deleted.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Everglades Victory

Last week the Sierra Club
and its allies scored a major victory when state water managers decided to move forward on a plan to restore water flow across
Florida’s state-owned Everglades.......more>

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Free Boat Ride And Refreshments At Lake Frances Nature Preserve

We are invited to the Lake Frances Nature Preserve
10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday (April 11)
 to commemorate more than 25 years of successful preservation
of environmentally sensitive lands. 
Hillsborough County voters elected to conserve and protect lands that have irreplaceable and valued ecological resources in the late 1980s.
The Parks, Recreation and Conservation Department
now manages 61 properties with more than 61,500 acres of environmentally sensitive wildlife habitat and lands. We Rock!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: Jimmy Patronis

 Rep. Jimmy Patronis GOP Panama City
 Every year during the legislative session in Tallahassee, he pushes a bill to destroy Florida's environmental regulations, 
Last Year
 Bill to block local governments from protecting thousands of acres of wetlands. Which passed
This Year
 He has  introduced a destructive bill that will prevent local governments from being able to protect their own water supply. 
HB 703 not only prohibits local governments from enforcing wetlands, springs or storm water protections – it takes the decision-making powers out of their hands and gives it to Tallahassee politicians.
Frank Matthews, who lobbies on behalf of developers, phosphate miners, boat manufacturers, sugar growers, power companies and a garbage company said 
"I can't say enough good things about him He couldn't be more accommodating. That's the appealing thing to me."
Wake Up Panhandle


Saturday, January 18, 2014

Florida's Water And Land Legacy Amendment

It will be on the November 2014 ballot!
If you haven't already, be sure to
 "like" the campaign on Facebook and
The campaign collected more than 685,000 valid signatures from
around the state.
 This amendment to Florida's Constitution, if passed by voters in November, would ensure the allocation of a portion of our state budget to fund conservation that forever protects Florida’s remaining natural treasures. We're one big step closer to making that happen.
Thanks for all you do to move Florida forward, and ensure that the state we love is preserved for future generations of Floridians. For Florida's environment.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Whales Stranded In Florida Waters

Rescuers worked feverishly Friday to save some of the pilot whales who stranded themselves in shallow waters near the Florida Keys. At least 21 pilot whales were found in an area about 20 miles north of Key West, 13 whales are dead and the count might climb.......more>

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Florida Regulators Doing The Bidding Of Polluters

2013 has become the deadliest year ever for
Florida’s endangered manatees.
So far this year, 769 manatees have died (Jan. 1 through Oct. 29), the largest annual manatee die-off in Florida since record-keeping began.
Boat collisions are usually the main killer of these mellow sea cows, who float and graze in Florida’s sea grass beds. But this year, boat collisions are down. This year, the biggest manatee die-offs on Florida’s east and west coasts are linked to algae outbreaks, which are worsened by sewage, manure and fertilizer runoff.
Florida regulators are doing the bidding of polluter-lobbyists, and environmental disasters like the record manatee deaths are the sad result. Instead of stepping in to enforce the Clean Water Act, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has backed off......more

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fouling Florida's Environment

Here on the southeast coast, the Indian River Lagoon, the St. Lucie River and its estuary are being polluted like never before — perhaps irreversibly — by an algae slime that proliferates from excess manure, sewage and fertilizer released by municipalities and, of course, from Lake Okeechobee. Research clearly shows that most of the nutrients flowing into Lake Okeechobee come from tributaries in the northern Everglades. This is Big Sugar country, the Everglades Agricultural Area, where most of the nation's sugarcane is grown........more
Elected officials and others have known for more than 30 years about our nutrient-rich water problems, but they consistently have put business interests ahead of eliminating the sources of the pollution.