Showing posts with label Sue Carlton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sue Carlton. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

In downtown Tampa park, the benches are still missing years later

Advocates suspected a deliberate move to keep the homeless away. As downtown evolves, benches aren’t expected to return 
anytime soon. more

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Words From Asher Edelson

"We have two more opportunities to advocate for term limits and police body cameras in the City of Tampa. I appreciate Charter Commissioners Michael Stephens and Bill Carlson motioning for bias training to ensure accountability among city officials." Asher Edelson
The Tampa Charter Review Commission meets again from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. April 11 and April 25 in City Council chambers at 
315 E Kennedy Blvd. here

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Bob's Barricades

"Is there a road in this town that's not under construction?" Sue Carlton

Ken Hagan thinks we are suffering from construction fatigue.
Pic: 7th ave and 22nd st Ybor City. Thank you Kevin O'Neill

Friday, May 22, 2015

Local Treasure Pat Collier Frank

"If you think one person 
(Helen Gordon Davis) 
doesn't make a difference, you're wrong. She made a difference. She got a lot of things passed because of her perseverance." Pat Frank

Thursday, August 14, 2014

April Griffin - Hillsborough School Board Rock Star

If, within the stodgy confines of a school board it is possible to be a 
rock star, for a minute there it was 
April Griffin. 
Sue Carlton

"in politics, being outspoken is not understood,"
She once told reporters that Elia was "full of shit, 
We need to keep her. 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Hillsborough County Beware

Once upon a time, an antigay, anti-Muslim, 
"pro-Christian" platform could do wonders for getting you elected in the conservative corners of Hillsborough County. But the world keeps turning. Sue Carlton

Monday, June 10, 2013


What ever The Times is paying Sue Carlton it is not enough.
One day down the road, the silver-haired grandmas and grandpas of Hillsborough County may gather the children close to tell the tale of Ronda Storms and all she once wrought. How she had a heart of fire and brimstone and also the hearts of not a few like-minded voters. And how one day in 2005, in less than two minutes at a Hillsborough County Commission meeting, she used her powers to sway, or maybe in some cases to cow, the board into voting to send a message across the land.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Hispanic Commission District

From one of my favorite local writers, Sue Carlton,
That's right. The very same commission that could not muster the goodwill to pass a domestic partner registry, the one that thought an applicant opposed to Muslims and gays would be great for a diversity board, agreed to explore giving a Hispanic representative a better shot. Interestingly, in the past when this came up, Republicans on the GOP-dominated board helped kill it, presumably not willing to weaken the stranglehold they enjoy. One of the best things about Tampa and the county around it is who built it. In Miami where I come from, relationships between ethnic groups can be fractious. So it was interesting to settle in a place where Cuban, Spanish and Italian roots have long been part of the fabric.
She asked Charlie Miranda, a longtime Hispanic leader in these parts: If this new district thing happens — and that's a big if — might he run? (What fun: outspoken, no-nonsense Miranda, a Democrat by the way, in that political mix.) "No," he says at first, and then, "Possibly."
Charlie Miranda For Hillsborough County Commissioner?

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Tampa's City Council To Exploit The Cuban People

 According to Alberto de la Cruz of the Uber right-wing anti-cuban blog Babalu.
Whose hatred of the cuban  revolution is so strong they rather see their countrymen suffer then to give an inch on this ridiculous outdated embargo.
"Nearly half of Tampa's City Council will be following in Castor's footsteps in May, embarking on a visit to Cuba to meet with officials of the vile and murderous Castro dictatorship so they can "learn" how to exploit opportunities on the island. As if having the Castro regime exploit them was not enough, now the Cuban people have council members from American cities seeking advice from their slave masters on how they can exploit them."
here About the trip Sue Carlton 
"I think that, clearly, the approach we've taken for the last half-century has not gotten us anywhere. It's time to do something different.".....Harry Cohen 
"Tampa is where the future of the relationship between the United States and Cuba will unfold. I truly believe that."..... Yvonne Yolie Capin
The flight is expected to be out of Tampa, not Miami.
Good luck ladies and gentlemen.We are proud of you.

Friday, May 17, 2013

A Fired-Up Kevin Beckner

Sue Carlton: Duking it out in the name of diversity
 If you are forming a panel to empower minorities, should a racist get a seat at the table? Does tolerance mean tolerating bigots — who are, by definition, intolerant? And does Terry Kemple — conservative Christian activist and Hillsborough School Board candidate who speaks out against gay rights — belong on a board that's supposed to be about diversity?
Kevin Beckner, the openly gay commissioner who proposed the panel, put it this way:
 "Why would you want to serve on a board you don't believe should be in existence?"
Which led to one fired-up discussion between Beckner and
Victor Crist, who with three other Republicans voted for Kemple.
Commissioner Les Miller voted to table it indefinitely!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Standing-Up-For-Squirrels Crist

Hillsborough County government can be progressive, at least when it comes to cats. This week commissioners approved a smart plan to reduce the terrible number of animals killed at the county shelter yearly. Well, except Commissioner Standing-Up-For-Squirrels Crist who said he was "leading the cause for the squirrels and the birds … who will lose their lives as a result of this decision." Crist apparently did not buy the argument that feral cats are already out there. And by the way, what do you think of "Leading the Cause for Squirrels" as a campaign slogan?

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Stacy White: A Self-Described Conservative Christian

Currently A Hillsborough County School Board member  with plans to run for the Hillsborough County Commission.  He is a strong supporter of local bigots Terry Kemple, David Caton  and former Republican state Sen. Ronda Storms. He spoke at the 9/11 anniversary protest in downtown Tampa which also included Terry Kemple, He has also said he would have voted against a domestic partner registry to give unmarried couples, gay or straight, certain rights when it comes to their partners. Sue Carlton of the Tampa Bay Times has called him "A dimpled David Caton, he of the extreme causes, a less stormy Ronda Storms." One other Republican "Rick Cochran, a senior detective for the Tampa Police Department" is also running for this District 4 seat. He is also a self-described conservative Christian who was part of a Sept. 11 protest against allowing Council on American-Islamic Relations speakers in schools, headed up by activist Terry Kemple. Have Democrats ceded this eastern Hillsborough district?

Friday, March 8, 2013

Tampa's Wise Man

Fred Karl RIP
May 14, 1924 - March 7, 2013
remembering Tampa's wise man...Daniel Ruth
With the voice of reason gone, who do you call?...Sue Carlton
"Fred Karl was a role model for excellent public service. His lifelong legacy as a public servant draws the conclusion: 'Well done, thy good and faithful servant.' "...Bill Nelson
"Fred Karl was born to be a public servant. He tackled issues with a sense of fairness, respect and honesty, always reflecting his personal and professional high standards. His values and character were shaped in large part by his generation that viewed duty, sacrifice and civic engagement as necessary components of a full and meaningful life."...Pam Iorio
"Fred Karl was a war hero, dutiful public servant and statesman. No matter his role, Fred was always a calming influence on those around him. He believed that fairness should always carry the day, and his love for our community and the people who shaped it, regardless of their color or creed, superseded anything else."...Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn
"He wore many hats. He loved public service. And he made a positive impact on our community. We are a better place because Fred Karl lived and served here."...Jan Platt

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Around The Bay

Jeffrey S. Bush
Seffner sinkhole swallows man. How sad is this? Rest in Peace Mr. Bush.
We might be getting the Neighborhood University Mayor Bob  promised us when running for office.
Tampa's Super  Squirrel. St. Pete  Mayor Bill Foster says his city has a better class of squirrel.
And don't forget the Florida Brewers Guild Beer Fest @ Centennial Park today  
in Ybor City.  2:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sue Carlton: Tampa is not such a bad city after all

At last, someone who gets us.
Like me, maybe you found yourself a little irked at how Tampa was portrayed nationally as the Bayshore backdrop to a scandal that took down a CIA director. If you too were a tad offended by jokes of us being Jacksonville south, and also hotter and uglier than the surface of the moon, take heart.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Melissa PersoniusTampa's Honey Trapper

Just before lawyer Campbell got popped midtrial for DUI, turns out this pretty woman showed up at Malio's, bought him drinks and ultimately asked him to drive her car, the allegations went. And the cutie turns out to be a legal assistant with opposing counsel Diaco's firm. And the head DUI cop (Ray Fernandez) is big pals with a lawyer in opposing counsel's firm.
Tampa Police Department says Sergeant was 'manipulated.
Only In Tampa!

Friday, August 19, 2011

The Swiftboating of Kevin Beckner

If the accusations on are to be believed, Beckner has spent his time in office filling his pockets and hiding public records from you. The blog post by
Nadia Naffe, a conservative activist
who was once a field director for the Bush-Cheney campaign, claims the commission job
"has been a financial boon for Beckner."
That does sound bad! (Outright Lies) Until you look a little closer.
Great job Sue Carlton
About Nadia: Blogger. Conservative Activist. Lover of Jesus, unborn babies and American exceptionalism. Tampa Editor at
Never trust an African-American conservative.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Helping Elect Bike-Friendly Politicians

Son of a Florida governor, a husband, father and grandfather of eight, (LeRoy) Collins served in the Navy, retired as a two-star rear admiral and headed the state Department of Veterans Affairs. But in the end, the man they called the Admiral could not survive riding a bike on the streets of Tampa.

Allan West: Liberty Taken Away Beacuse of 'Bike Paths'
"Bike paths are not a sign of tyranny. West has no idea what the hell he is talking about.".....Michael Hussey