This is not Gaza, this is Jenin moments ago as the Israeli army continues its offensive on the West Bank dubbing it "Operation Wall."
Dozens of civilians are killed, including children (as young as 2 years and 9 years old).
This situation is terrifying. Even those killed in Jenin are not allowed to be buried, they've been in the refrigerators for more than a week as the army closes off the cemetery.
“In our profession as war journalists we are required to wear bullet-proof vests with the PRESS insignia on them, and our cars are all also marked with 'PRESS/TV.'
It’s to be visible to armed groups, whether it’s the Israeli military or Palestinian resistance groups, that we are PRESS. With that, they’re all supposed to ensure our safety & not target us.
But in Palestine, being press means being a target. The gear which is meant to protect us has become a marker to attack us.
When the Israeli army is not around -even if I’m around Palestinian fighters- I actually don’t need my gear at all.
In fact, fighters are eager to speak with us- often commending our “bravery” to dare go by them because the Israeli military does not want their stories out.
It is only when Israeli army jets, drones, & soldiers are in the skies/ground do I find us- local and internationals- wearing our gear.
The flack jacket can’t protect me from a drone strike, a bullet to the neck, to the thigh, to the shoulder.”
American-born Palestinian writer, journalist, blogger, researcher, and commentator.