Showing posts with label Florida DOT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Florida DOT. Show all posts

Saturday, September 16, 2017

FDOT Citizens Transportation Academy: Not A Joke

No joke, for real. They are so desperate they are now trying to cram their corporate vision of transportation down our throats at taxpayers expense. They want to feed us their corporate propaganda and they want us to like it. here
They want to spend billions on something we don't WANT but can't pay for a decent image of our city's skyline. Or is this their way of showing us what our future looks like after they get done with us.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

TBX: New Name Same Shit

Florida DOI is trying to Re-Brand TBX. They unveiled the brand "Tampa Bay Next" on Monday to replace the controversial TBX.  Nothing new, just a new name and cute logo. here
 "It feels like just a sales job. If toll roads remain a significant part of the new plan, it won't matter what DOT calls it." Rick Fernandez
"I don't see that much that has changed, If they have some plan they can show me where they're not going to devastate the heart of this city and roll everything over us, I'd be interested in seeing that." Michelle Cookson

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Tampa Going To War With FDOT

Grassroots advocates in Tampa are going up against Florida DOT in a standoff with huge implications for the future of the city. here

Friday, September 30, 2016

Howard Frankland Bridge Under Attack By The Florida DOT

The Florida Department of Transportation plans to give one of four lanes (Which we all have paid for with our tax dollars) in each direction on the Howard Frankland Bridge to the rich folks who can 
afford to use it. 
At a recent candidate forum in Temple Terrace, transit champion Pat Kemp who was allotted only a couple minutes to speak said this:

" They're taking away a lane you now use, and they're turning it into a congestion, high-priced toll lane, a lane that we pay for with our general revenue, all the rest of us who can't afford to pay that will be stuck in even more 
congestive traffic."

The guy she is running against was not at that forum but he told the Times he thought DOT's plan for the bridge was just one option and that community concerns would have pushed the agency to reconsider. 

Tim Schock is a transportation consultant and previously worked as an executive for TransCore, the company that developed the toll collection device called SunPass used on Florida's toll roads. 
He supports TBX.

This Novenber, VOTE wisely!
Whoever wins the commission seat on Nov. 8 
could have an opportunity to sway the debate.

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Florida DOT Threatening Tampa

The district transportation secretary 
Paul Steinman has indicated more than once recently that unless the state’s plan for express toll lanes moves forward, Hillsborough County can kiss most interstate improvements goodbye, at least for the next 20 years or more. here
State government officials STILL don't get it. If all FDOT can build is TBX with our money, then we don't want them here in our community, wasting our money screwing it up with their deadly boondoggle lanes, like the disaster they built in Miami. The state can direct the highway money to other FDOT districts dumb enough to build such disastrous lanes, and FDOT D7 can be shut down for lack of work. It will save taxpayers millions, and save thousands of taxpayers from undue misery and harm at the hand of their own corrupt government. here
Please go away and leave us alone!

For all you GOP voters who voted for these people.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Florida DOT Propaganda In Tampa

Full House

Michelle Cookson

Sunshine Citizens

Seminole Heights Library

Shared responbilty in the destruction of our city!

Stop TBX - Join Sunshine Citizens
No more negotiations necessary. Protect Tampa at all cost!

Monday, January 25, 2016