Showing posts with label Beth Eriksen Shoup. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beth Eriksen Shoup. Show all posts

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Tampa Dems Devoid of Ideology

Seeking Sanctuary?
Our Revolution is a ideological group,
not a political party group.
Political parties shift,
they do not. Join them HERE

Monday, July 13, 2020

Know Your Candidates: Gary Dolgin For Hillsborough County Circuit Court Judge

Gary Dolgin candidate for Judge in Circuit Court 13th Division (Tampa) is an experienced trial attorney, and is board certified in marital and family law. I find Gary to be judicious and he will be a well qualified Judge. I will Vote for Gary Dolgin.
By-the-by you should now that Gary's opponent has been endorsed by Hillsborough County Commissioner Stacy White. Enough Said.


Wednesday, June 10, 2020


June 20, 2020 marks the 14th anniversary of the black business bus tour tampa. Please help me HONOR, CELEBRATE, and SHOW SUPPORT to Miss CANDY LOWE, an East Tampa Hometown Hero, a Tampa Treasure, and a Blessing to our Entire Community.
Candy is a longtime organizer, activist, and community leader who founded the BLACK BUSINESS BUS TOUR to showcase Black-Owned Businesses throughout Tampa Bay. She hosts twice-monthly community conversations at her TEA & CONVERSATION which grew out of the BBBT and led the formation of Tampa's Independant Black Chamber. For years she has been fighting for economic justice, mentoring and empowering Black Entreprenuers and Small Business Owners.
The Covid-19 Pandemic has laid bare the many injustices our Black and Brown brothers and sisters have suffered in all areas including healthcare, environmental, educational, justice systems, and which affect economics. Black Businesses have always struggled to survive, even during good times. Because there are so few of them, it is more important than ever to seek out and support those in our community.
Lowe's business enterprise, The Black Business Bus Tour has suffered a negative financial impact because the buses can't run due to the coronavirus. We can change that.
I AM CALLING ON THE COMMUNITY to celebrate the 14 YEARS of the Black Business Bus Tour by bestowing our LOVE & BLE$$ING$ to our sister. HERE

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Vote Blue No Matter What?

Orlando Gudes
 Joseph Citro
 Bill Carlson
 Guido Maniscalco
 John Dingfelder
 Luis Viera
 Charlie Miranda
 Patricia Kemp
All endorsed SUSAN VALDES, a candidate who voted against HOME RULE and protecting 
our tree canopy!!
Florida House District 62 Representative SUSAN VALDES (DINO) joined the Republicans in the legislature voted YES on HB 1159 which takes all local control away from the citizens of Tampa who want to preserve our beautiful 
tree canopy.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Susan Valdes All-Stars

"Many of the names on this list of elected officials who support Valdez don't surprise me. However, there are a plethora of names that do surprise me.
Bill Carlson STRIKE #1
Joe Citro 
John Dingfelder 
Charlie Miranda
Guido Maniscalco
 Mike Suarez 
Harry Cohen
 Janet Cruz 
 Darryl Rouson 
 Fentrice Driskell 
Dianne Hart
 Adam Hattersley
Wengay Newton
Chad Chronister
Bob Henriquez
 Julianne Holt 
Cindy Stuart
 April Griffin
For so many people who demand party loyalty, it's incredibly surprising to see support for a candidate who has REPEATEDLY voted against the Democratic platform and done so often. So much in fact, that she openly jokes about not being partyless". Jessica Vaughn HERE

Pat, Luis and Orlando WTF
Susan Valdes continues to show support for charters, breaking from her party this year as the only House Democrat to vote in favor of expanding the Schools of Hope program critics said would lead to a flood of new charter schools." Beth Eriksen Shoup

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Candy Lowe's 2019 Black Business Bus Tour Reunion in Tampa

Lunch. Gumbo
Memories of Lafayette, La

From this place, their menu looks Delicious.

Jackson Heights, East Tampa

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Poll Watching With Candy Lowe

Lunch at Ruben's Cubans

My, thank you Candy!

Where were all the voters?

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Biking While Black In Tampa

Between Jan. 1, 2014 and Aug. 30, 2015, Tampa police documented 9,121 bicycle stops. Though black people make up about a quarter of the city's population, they accounted for 7 out of every 10 bike stops. Among those stopped, black bicyclists were more likely to get a ticket than white bicyclists. 

**This disparity disappeared after the Times investigation, researchers said, when Tampa police mandated that all bike stops be documented as "street checks."** According to a report by the Department of Justice's Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, the Tampa Police Department policy of writing tickets to black bicyclists didn't reduce crime, stop bicycle crashes, or curb bicycle theft. All it did was "burden" black bicyclists. "Though these stops were intended to reduce problems in areas with high crime rates, which were mostly black, the disproportionate citing of African-American bicyclists was unfair and, even if not intended as harassment, often perceived as such," COPS office director Ronald Davis wrote in the 72-page report. HERE