Showing posts with label Nadine Smith. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nadine Smith. Show all posts

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Neil Cosentino Is Headhunting

    Interested in being a 2016 candidate 
    NPA or Dem 
     Give us a call 
    NPA Florida 

    The Stogie RECOMMENDS
    Linda Saul-Sena, Pat Kemp, Mariella Smith, Susan Smith
    Jadell Kerr, Gabrielle Perham,Connie Burton 
    Nadine Smith, Marisol Márquez, Bianca.A.Garza
     Joe Redner, Kelly Benjamin, Ben Kirby, Tom Tito, Chris Canto, 
    Ray Seaman, Carrie West, Alex Pickett, Alan Snel, Neil Cosentino, 
    Wanna be on this list???

Monday, August 25, 2014

Congratulations Nadine Smith

She is being honored with the Robert Pope Distinguished Leadership Award by Metro Wellness and Community Centers at their 2nd Annual Metro Tampa Bay Gala on September 13th for the work she's done for equality in Florida! here  

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Florida Judge Denies Motion By Extremists

"Judge Zabel reached the proper conclusion in denying the attempt to intervene in this case by extremists seeking a platform for their anti-gay rhetoric. This case is about fundamental constitutionally protected rights that are violated by a measure that does real harm to our families. We believe Florida will join the 19 other states where judges have come to the conclusion that the ban is indefensible." - Nadine Smith, Equality Florida CEO

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Higginbotham, Hagan, Murman, and Crist

The goal, is for Hillsborough County to “stop embarrassing us, and embarrassing itself.
“To stop a bully is really easy. But silence to a bully is encouragement. And right now there are too many people who feel the way we do, who are very silently shaking their head at the County Commission.
And we need them to be vocal and visible.”
Those were the words of Nadine Smith, executive director of Equality Florida, speaking at a town hall meeting in Ybor on Tuesday night. The meeting was a response to the controversial 4-3 vote last month by the Hillsborough County Commission, rejecting creation of a domestic partner registry.