Showing posts with label Duke Energy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Duke Energy. Show all posts

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Florida Stop the Ppower Shutoffs

Even though the pandemic continues, Florida utilities are set to resume power shutoffs — which they paused at the beginning of the pandemic — threatening the health of one million Floridians. Earthjustice responded by filing an emergency petition to the Florida Public Service Commission (PSC), which regulates the state’s utilities, requesting action to stop the disconnections and protect Florida families during the pandemic. Shutting power off for people who have lost income because of COVID-19 does not serve the public interest. We might be able to stop this ill-advised decision — but we’ll need your help. 

The PSC is taking public comment on our petition, and we need to show overwhelming opposition to continued utility disconnections. HERE

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Florida Utility Companies Pour $1.9 Million Into Anti-Solar Group

Utility companies operating in Florida have donated more than $1.9 million to the misleadingly named 
Consumers for Smart Solar
 a political action committee set up to oppose a ballot initiative that would allow for third-party sales of rooftop 
solar energy.
Florida Power and Light  $595,000
 Tampa Electric Company $556,000
 Duke Energy $355,000
Gulf Power Company $380,000
PowerSouth Energy Cooperative $30,000

Friday, July 3, 2015

Tell Duke Energy: Stop Killing Birds and the Laws That Protect Them

Duke Energy has launched an all-out attack on the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA). The company is seeking to cripple America’s oldest and most important bird protection law at the very moment we need to be increasing protections for migratory birds. Please join us in requesting that Duke Energy stand down from this misguided effort. here

Friday, April 10, 2015

Florida's Culture Of Corruption: In-group and Out-group

Anyone who has attempted to expand the rooftop solar industry has been ostracized. The reason, Florida’s largest utilities have invested heavily in state political campaigns to fend off competition. 

Campaign records show utility companies have sunk $12 million into the campaigns of state lawmakers since 2010.
That money comes from the bills paid by customers of the state’s four largest utilities — Duke Energy, Gulf Power, Florida Power & Light and Tampa Electric.
The recipient of the most utility money since 2010 is Gov. Rick Scott’s 2014 reelection campaign, which took in more than$1.1 million. here

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Florida Bans Clean Energy

Bought and paid for Commissioners Ronald A. Brisé, Art Graham and 
Eduardo E. Balbis.

Florida's Corporate Service Commission
on Tuesday approved proposals to gut Florida's energy-efficiency goals by more than 90 percent and to terminate solar rebate programs by the end of 2015, giving Duke Energy Florida, Tampa Electric and Florida Power & Light virtually everything they wanted. here

The two dissenters, Commissioners Lisa Edgar and 
Julie Brown. 
Great job ladies.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Florida used to be the No. 1 producer of solar energy in the nation

Currently we're 18th
Over the years utilities have grossly influenced the 
Public Service Commission. Florida's largest utilities — 
Florida Power & Light, 
Duke Energy Florida 
and Tampa Electric
want to reduce conservation goals by more than 90 percent and have attacked solar as unreliable and costly. A new coalition will push for increased use of renewable energy in Florida. here

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Florida Power Utilities Fear Return Of ‘Green Governor' Crist

Florida's three largest utilities have poured money into the re-election campaign of Republican incumbent Governor Rick Scott. here 

Thursday, April 3, 2014

TOOL: I Am GOP Ritch Workman Of Melbourne

Florida Senate committee on Tuesday approved a constitutional amendment for the November ballot that would give tax breaks to businesses that install

Solar panels,
but it is unlikely to come before voters:
The chairman of a powerful House committee believes
the solar industry isn't ready for it.
 Mr. Workman's attitude is more proof of the clout of Florida's electric utilities, which view rooftop solar as the beginning of the end of their
monopoly control over Florida's energy market.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Duke Energy Rips Off Citrus County

Duke paid only $41 million of its $96 million
In county property taxes over the past two years.
As part of a settlement, Duke will pay Citrus $7.5 million.
Duke saves over $50 million
Check out what they are doing to the people in North Carolina.