Is developing a ground game for the 2014 election cycle. Brian Swanson, the political director for the Republican Party of Florida who identified himself as the biggest Libertarian in the world said Scott has done a phenomenal job.
"That's what a conservative governor can do with a phenomenal conservative legislature." What we have to do is look at what we can control and what we can do, and what we can do is organize. Organize early, get involved in your communities, bring new folks into the RNC, strengthen the party from inside. Our grassroots organization is very poor. We want to bring more minority groups into our party."
Good luck with that. Then he blames us. We are the ones making them look like fools all over the country.
"The left right now is declaring us as something we are completely not, they are saying the Republican party is made up of racists and evil people and that we hate minorities, and they're trying to brand us with that. We can't let them do that."
Swanson summed up his talk with the HCRP by insisting on the importance of the Tampa Bay region in the upcoming election........more>