Showing posts with label #ambushed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #ambushed. Show all posts

Monday, August 19, 2019

Hillsborough County GOP Pulls A Fast One

At a Workshop where the public was not allowed to comment, the County rammed through a growth plan that includes "Sector Planning," which can result in tens of thousands of homes paving over our rural lands.
This "Sector Plan" was not on the agenda, and was not included in the backup materials for the meeting, so neither the Commissioners nor the public had a chance to review it, and the public had no opportunity for input prior to the vote. The County Administrator, Mike Merrill, handed it out to the Commissioners when we were seated at the meeting. Soon after, Commissioner Stacy White made a motion for us to adopt the document.
Voting YES: Stacy White, Sandy Murman,
Les Miller & Ken Hagan.
Voter Registration in Hillsborough County;
 Democrats334,070; Republicans269,899; Others255,409