Showing posts with label Florida DINOS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Florida DINOS. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Tampa Berner Under Attack

By her own party!

 Jessica Vaughn is running for 

Hillsborough County School Board

Tampa Dem Alan Clendenin donated 

to her GOP opponent. HERE

Her opponent in the primary 

Alexandra Gilmore is endorsing 

her GOP opponent. HERE

Her other opponent in the primary 
Jennifer Hill is also endorsing him



Thursday, September 10, 2020

Another Tampa DINO

First they got a big shot with the party donating to him, now they have a looser in the primary endorsing him.

Those wild and crazy Dems

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Tampa Dem Alan Clendenin

Donated to local Berner 
Jessica Vaughn's 
GOP opponent! 
Remember when he hinted that he would use his super delegate status to prevent Bernie from getting the nomination. HERE
When he attacked the party’s only black gubernatorial candidate, Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum and the PAC of black business people that support him.
Clendenin called The Collective Super PAC as a “Republican front.” HERE


Republican candidate for Broward Sheriff has Democratic support

Monday, August 17, 2020

Chronicles of Reddick: Tampa DINOS

Frank Reddick, a Democrat, endorsed Tampa Republican state Rep. Shawn Harrison in his re-election bid against Democrat Fentrice Driskell. HERE
He also supported him against 
Lisa Montelione in 2016

He backed a Trump supporter
 for Tampa mayor

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Helena L Green on Thomas Scott

He can be a public servant, he just needs to do it from the sidelines. He has had his time. No more business as usual, electing people because of titles and friendships. Sky is young and vibrant and should be looked upon as the future. All these old and played out politicians really need to fade to the back! They have had their times and turns! Need to go sit down somewhere. They should be trying to nurture and mentor Sky! As I always say, it's time for fresh faces and new ideas! Let's go SKY WHITE!


Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Surprise Wasserman Schultz endorses Biden

She also  published an op-ed supporting the former vice president in the South Florida Sun Sentinel. She is the fifth representative of Congress to endorse Biden from Florida. HERE 

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Anti Berner At The Florida DNC

"I notice that at least one Florida DNC member is hinting that he'll use his super delegate status to prevent Bernie from getting the nomination. I guess #BlueNoMatterWho is meaningless to the party establishment if their power is threatened." 
Susan Smith
"Let's be clear who that person who posted and then deleted his post about the DNC's plan to use Super Delegates to stop Bernie Sanders.
It was Tampa Resident and Democratic National Committee Executive Board member Alan Clendenin."

Beth Eriksen Shoup

Rigged Democratic primary
Must Read

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Let the Nikki Fried primary begin

As Florida’s only statewide Democrat, the Agriculture Commissioner’s in high demand. Need proof? Just look at her calendar in recent weeks. She had dinner with Mike Bloomberg, and has had calls with Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, and Jill Biden. She will also be in Las Vegas Wednesday for the next Democratic debate. There, she will have an in-person meeting with Amy Klobuchar. One candidate she has not talked to: Bernie Sanders. HERE

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Miami Democratic Consultant Evan Ross

Comparing Bernie to KKK 
Grand Wizard David Duke.
Politico  published a piece saying establishment Democrats are scared shitless, that Sanders, a democratic socialist, might really win. HERE

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Open’ primary measure too complicated for Florida voters

Florida’s Republican and Democratic parties joined Attorney General Ashley Moody Tuesday in arguing before the Supreme Court that a proposed “open” primary constitutional amendment is too complicated for voters and should be removed from the 2020 ballot. HERE

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Florida Right Wing Propagandist Bill Nelson

Loser to Rick Scott Is telling his flock on FOX news
 "Trump will win Florida if Warren or Sanders becomes Dem nominee." HERE

He also said Hillary Clinton would  win Florida in 2016. HERE

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Susan Valdes Protest in Tampa

Nina Tatlock

Susan Lee

Beth Eriksen Shoup

Dave Cutler

Bill Person & Jim Shirk


Joe Citro

Orlando Guides

Maikel's Kitchen - Tampa
Please don't blame the new restaurant, I plan on trying his food. He needs our support. Orlando and Joe thanks for coming out.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Florida DINO Darryl Rouson

Three Democrats
Randolph Bracy of Ocoee, 
Annette Taddeo of Miami 
and our very own
Darryl Rouson of St. Pete
voted with GOP to remove 
Broward Sheriff Scott Israel. HERE

Monday, September 16, 2019

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Florida DNC Exposed

"Guess who got a full list of how every DNC member voted regarding the resolution to hold a climate
 change debate?
Only two Florida DNC members voted in favor of holding the vote. Thank you 
Ken Evans and John Ramos.

So disappointed to see our own chair Terrie Rizzo voted against 
the debate." HERE
And of course Hillsborough's State Committeewoman Alma Gonzalez voted not to hold the debate. Even though people of color and marginalized communities are the most "at risk" communities.
Please note that a "no" vote is in favor of a climate debate and passing the resolution, while a "yes" vote is opposed to the climate debate and killing the resolution.