Showing posts with label Rick Cochran. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rick Cochran. Show all posts

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Hillsborough County GOP

Hillsborough County
Rick Cochran -  Stacy White
Janet Lee Dougherty - Ken Hagan
Al Higginbotham - Don Kruse
Robin A. Lester - Terry Kemple

As of 12/30/2013 there are
Democratic: 309,348
Republican: 245,522
Lets keep these people out of office.
Join The Party
Please consider Mary Mulhern, Donna Lee Fore

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Stacy White: A Self-Described Conservative Christian

Currently A Hillsborough County School Board member  with plans to run for the Hillsborough County Commission.  He is a strong supporter of local bigots Terry Kemple, David Caton  and former Republican state Sen. Ronda Storms. He spoke at the 9/11 anniversary protest in downtown Tampa which also included Terry Kemple, He has also said he would have voted against a domestic partner registry to give unmarried couples, gay or straight, certain rights when it comes to their partners. Sue Carlton of the Tampa Bay Times has called him "A dimpled David Caton, he of the extreme causes, a less stormy Ronda Storms." One other Republican "Rick Cochran, a senior detective for the Tampa Police Department" is also running for this District 4 seat. He is also a self-described conservative Christian who was part of a Sept. 11 protest against allowing Council on American-Islamic Relations speakers in schools, headed up by activist Terry Kemple. Have Democrats ceded this eastern Hillsborough district?